
What is a humidification coefficient and how is it determined?

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What is a humidification coefficient and how is it determined?
What is a humidification coefficient and how is it determined?

Video: Humidity - 3 Types and its Measurement 2024, June

Video: Humidity - 3 Types and its Measurement 2024, June

The water cycle in nature is one of the most important processes in the geographical envelope. It is based on two interconnected processes: moistening the earth's surface with precipitation and evaporation of moisture from it into the atmosphere. Both of these processes determine the coefficient of humidification for a particular territory. What is the moisture coefficient and how is it determined? This is what will be discussed in this information article.


Humidification coefficient: determination

Humidification of the territory and evaporation of moisture from its surface all over the world occur in exactly the same way. However, the question of what is the coefficient of hydration, in different countries of the planet answer completely differently. And the very concept in such a formulation is not accepted in all countries. For example, in the USA it is a “precipitation-evaporation ratio”, which can be literally translated as “index (ratio) of moisture and evaporation”.

But still, what is the coefficient of moisture? This is a certain ratio between the amount of precipitation and the level of evaporation in a given territory over a specific period of time. The formula for calculating this coefficient is very simple:

K = O / I

where O is the amount of precipitation (in millimeters);

and And - the value of evaporation (also in millimeters).

Different approaches to determining the coefficient

How to determine the coefficient of moisture? Today, about 20 different methods are known.

In our country (as well as in the post-Soviet space), the determination method proposed by Georgy Nikolayevich Vysotsky is most often used. This is an outstanding Ukrainian scientist, geobotanist and soil scientist, the founder of forest science. During his life, he has written over 200 scientific papers.

It is worth noting that in Europe, as well as in the USA, the Tortwait coefficient is used. However, the methodology for calculating it is much more complicated and has its drawbacks.

Coefficient determination

To determine this indicator for a specific territory is not at all difficult. Consider this technique in the following example.

Given the territory for which you want to calculate the coefficient of moisture. It is also known that over the year this territory receives 900 mm of atmospheric precipitation, and 600 mm evaporates from it over the same period of time. To calculate the coefficient, the precipitation should be divided by evaporation, i.e. 900/600 mm. As a result, we get a value of 1.5. This will be the coefficient of humidification for this territory.


The Ivanov-Vysotsky wetting coefficient can be equal to one, lower or higher than 1. Moreover, if:

  • K = 0, then humidification for this territory is considered sufficient;

  • K is greater than 1, then humidification is excessive;

  • To less than 1, then humidification is insufficient.

The value of this indicator, of course, will directly depend on the temperature regime in a particular territory, as well as on the amount of precipitation that falls during the year.

What is the moisture coefficient used for?

The Ivanov-Vysotsky coefficient is an extremely important climatic indicator. After all, he is able to give a picture of the provision of the area with water resources. This coefficient is simply necessary for the development of agriculture, as well as for the overall economic planning of the territory.

It also determines the level of climate dryness: the larger it is, the wetter the climate. In areas with excess moisture, there is always an abundance of lakes and wetlands. The vegetation is dominated by meadow and forest vegetation.


The maximum values ​​of the coefficient are characteristic of high mountain regions (above 1000-1200 meters). Here, as a rule, there is an excess of moisture, which can reach 300-500 millimeters per year! The steppe zone receives the same amount of atmospheric moisture per year. The humidification coefficient in mountainous regions reaches maximum values: 1.8-2.4.

Excessive moisture is also observed in the natural zone of taiga, tundra, forest-tundra, as well as temperate broad-leaved forests. In these areas, the coefficient is not more than 1.5. In the forest-steppe zone, it ranges from 0.7 to 1.0, but in the steppe zone there is already insufficient moisture in the territory (K = 0.3-0.6).

Minimum humidification values ​​are characteristic for the semi-desert zone (only about 0.2-0.3), as well as for the desert zone (up to 0.1).
