
What is a worldview - films, books

What is a worldview - films, books
What is a worldview - films, books



What is a worldview and how does it affect a person’s life? Philosophy answers this question this way: it is a system of views, beliefs, values, ideals that determine the attitude to the surrounding reality and people's activities. Carriers can be an individual, professional or social groups. The surrounding reality affects the worldview


of people. In turn, a person, relying on his awareness of the world, changes it around him. This process depends on the activity and determination of both an individual individual and society as a whole.

Not only philosophy, but also psychology explains what a worldview is a person’s views on the world and the phenomena occurring in it, which are associated with a person’s awareness of his place in life. Psychology also distinguishes between individual and collective world-awareness. The second includes the clan, ethnic, social, and other types of collective consciousness.

It is important not only to find out what a worldview is, but to know how its change can affect the life of each individual person. Here is an example, we can say


anecdotal. If you instruct the Scandinavian worker that the nut must be tightened by turning the key eight times, then he will do it exactly today, tomorrow and in a year. And tell it to the Russian worker. For interest, he will do it once according to the instructions, maybe it will be enough for two or three times, but not more. And then he will do it his own way or simply take a hammer and hammer it. The reason for this difference in attitude to what is happening is precisely in a different worldview. Therefore, most likely, the answer to the question of why we cannot build our lives as in the West lies in this.

The formation of world views largely depends on the people around us, literature, cinema and the media. Books changing worldviews have probably existed since antiquity. Literature has always contributed to personality development.


Therefore, a good education is so valued in society, it provides an opportunity not only to form views and ideals, but also teaches people not to think in patterns, but to expand their horizons. A person who does not have his moral principles, is not able to analyze his actions and the actions of other people, does not resist disorganizing conditions. Add to this still stereotyped thinking. As a result, we get an individual who is not burdened with morality, who does not give a damn about others, thinking only of his own benefit, even with obvious harm to others. Doesn’t resemble anything? This can also serve as an answer to the question of what a worldview is and how it affects a person’s life.

For the current generation of Pepsi, another factor is of particular importance - these are films that change the worldview. Cinema belongs to a large stratum of modern culture. Our youth lives in an era of incredible freedom. But many people confuse freedom with permissiveness, not understanding the essential difference between them. If we add to those cliches that cinema instills, and in most cases these are Hollywood films, is it any wonder how fast globalization is occurring?