the culture

What is Moveton in the Western European culture of behavior

What is Moveton in the Western European culture of behavior
What is Moveton in the Western European culture of behavior

Video: Developing Indigenous Land 2024, July

Video: Developing Indigenous Land 2024, July

Twenty years after the USSR disappeared from the face of the world, the “Iron Curtain” collapsed, and the concept of “scoop” remained. And representatives of this “scoop” are often seen a mile away. Here comes such a couple along the ordinary street of an ordinary European city: he is in a suit from Voronin, shoes shine with gloss, she is in an evening dress from Gucci, ten-centimeter stilettos and a handbag from HERMES. Both are studded with diamonds, like serpentine Christmas trees. It seems to be fashionably dressed, neatly, richly, only passersby looking in surprise looking around speak of them - bad manners. The meaning of this word is translated from French as "bad manners" (mauvais ton). Not because these people do not have a taste for clothing, they simply do not have the culture and type of behavior accepted in this society.

If such a couple appears in full parade somewhere in their native expanses, then the reaction of society will be completely different. The compatriots respectfully parted, the women eagerly peer into individual wardrobe items (if I could save myself the same stunning boots with rhinestones!) Here, these two look bonton (from the words "good manners"). In fact, explaining what Moveton is is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. After all, men's costumes from Voronin, PRADA shoes, and even little things from sequins playing with Dolce and Gabbana (although some people call this company “Expensive and Silly”) are not signs of inability to behave. This is not kitsch, but in a certain situation and in a certain society it becomes one.

In our culture, it has always been customary to boast of one's wealth. So that the billionaire, God forbid, be confused with the millionaire, he flaunts all the signs of his success (a gold chain, like a chain dog, a Rolex the size of a coffee saucer and the like). In this way, a person wants to show his potential Western European partners that his financial situation is reliable and can be dealt with. The West European rich man looks at this radiant “outfit” in a completely different way. He was used to showing his compatriots that he had earned his money through overwork and was not in any way conceited. Therefore, in public, he most often appears in a pullover and jeans. Unless, of course, this is a dinner party, theater, board of directors or other similar event. In this sense, the answer to the question, what is bad manners, is most of all the Russian proverb “Out of place and out of time”.

In the vastness of our vast homeland, it is customary to judge a woman by her "presentation". Therefore, compatriots induce a marafet, even if they are going to run to the nearest store for bread. In Western Europe, bright makeup in the daytime is, to say the least, amazement. Unless, of course, you belong to a youth subculture (goths, punks, emo and others), eyeliner, eye shadow, bulky or false eyelashes with blush look strange. What is Moveton in women's clothing? This is when female forms are unnecessarily and loudly emphasized. So that people do not think that you make money by prostitution, just don’t dress like a lady of a certain profession who wants to “disrupt the client”.

But a bad tone is manifested not only in clothes. Sometimes a person can be seen by his behavior (even if he does not husk seeds). What is bad manners in manners? Westerners sacredly respect privacy and maintain a distance in relations with each other. Do not get too close to the interlocutor, clap him on the shoulder, take by the hand. Etiquette rules go far beyond handling a knife and fork. Our man is used to answering mobile phone calls if he is sitting in a company: he is happy to show how “cool” he is and how business he is. In other countries, this is not comme il faut, that is, it is not customary to do so there.

The standard of conduct for a resident of Western Europe is to show respect for others, even completely strangers. Therefore, they talk there as quietly as possible, smiling when they meet with their eyes. Do not brag about your position and attract attention with a loud voice and cheeky behavior. They will think it with us: “Everything is possible for this type”, and there they will say: “What an ill-bred type, probably from developing countries.”