
What is a village, and how to escape from this phenomenon?

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What is a village, and how to escape from this phenomenon?
What is a village, and how to escape from this phenomenon?

Video: POKEMON - LAVENDER TOWN SYNDROME (Explained) 2024, June

Video: POKEMON - LAVENDER TOWN SYNDROME (Explained) 2024, June

Do you know what sel is? This is an avalanche of impending soil, having a destructive force. It can occur suddenly, its speed reaches 10 meters per second, and the height of a five-story building. The main danger of mudflows


consists in direct impact on obstacles, such as buildings, structures, life support systems, including people.

What is a village, and where does it come from?

Mudflow is the flow of a mixture of a large number of pieces of rock and water that has arisen for a while. Debris can take the form of clay particles, large boulders and stones. Suddenly occurring mudflows are observed in hollows and riverbeds located in the mountains. Often, avalanches from the soil descend in some areas of the Far East and Siberia, the Urals, and the North Caucasus.

The mudflow is generated due to heavy and prolonged rains, breakthroughs of water bodies, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, intense melting of glaciers or snow. The nature of the occurrence of an avalanche of soil is sudden, its speed is large. Most often, the mudflow passes not by one wave, but by several over a period of time from 10 minutes to 10 hours.

In a disaster, a large number of people can be left as a result of a large amount of soil. After all, what is a village? This is a stream, the roar and roar of which is heard at large distances and can cause panic even for those whom it does not touch.

The consequences of a natural disaster

What dangerous consequences can a landslide (mudflow) bring? Due to a descending avalanche of soil, the following factors are always expected:

- A large number of human casualties and injuries;


- destruction of hazardous facilities, as well as bridges, roads, structures and buildings;

- grand rubble mass of stones and dirt;

- destruction of forest tracts;

- significant losses in agriculture.

The mudflow threat: actions of the population

When there is information that an avalanche may converge in the near future, you should behave as follows:

1. Listen carefully to the information offered by the radio and television channels regarding the situation. Remember recommendations about necessary actions.

2. Keep calm, warn neighbors, provide the necessary assistance to children, the elderly and the disabled.

3. Explain to those who do not understand what the village is, that escape from it is possible only by flight. If there is time for preparation, plan ways to evacuate the population.

Thus, you can help people who are nearby.

Individual preparatory activities

If you are facing landslides, landslides, mudflows, you need to do this:

1. Prepare clothes, cash, collect valuable and necessary


things, the minimum supply of water and food for several days, a flashlight, a receiver, a supply of batteries, medicines.

2. Turn off the gas, electricity, water in the home.

3. Close windows, ventilation holes, doors tightly.

4. Remove toxic substances and flammable substances from the premises. If possible, they must be hidden in the cellar or basement.

5. Independently go to a height in a safe place during emergency evacuation. Her route should be known to you in advance.

Actions in case of sudden convergence of soil flow

When the mud begins to descend spontaneously, you should first of all not give in to panic, keep calm. As soon as you hear the noise of an approaching stream, you must immediately rise from the lowland (from the bottom of the hollow) up along the movement of the avalanche to a height of at least 50 meters. Starting the ascent process, it should be remembered that large stones threatening life can be thrown over long distances from lightning fast moving masses of soil.

What to do after a mudflow?

After the movement of the avalanche of mud and stones has stopped, try to provide assistance to the victims and provide assistance to bodies and units that will deal with the analysis of blockages and drifts. If you yourself became a victim of the elements during the mudflow, try to provide yourself first aid yourself. Be sure to consult a doctor later.

Sel: disaster striking examples


In describing the convergence of mud flows, one cannot but mention the recent tragedies. One of them occurred in Afghanistan on October 5, 2011. As a result of the descent of the mudflow from the mountains in the city of Charikar (Parvan province), 2 people were killed and 12 were injured. The disaster happened when people were already sleeping. More than 1000 houses in which the population of the city lived were destroyed.

As an example of the action of the elements, one can also cite the incident that occurred in Azerbaijan on June 22, 2011. Not one village that day was flooded with mudflows in the Ismayilli district. The cause of the disaster was long rains, the flows of which, mixed with the soil, washed away the roads and bridges, disconnected four villages.