the culture

Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette
Business Etiquette

Video: Business Etiquette Basics 2024, July

Video: Business Etiquette Basics 2024, July

Business etiquette is a set of rules that govern a person’s behavior in public places, determine the level of his communication and culture in interaction with others, behavior, politeness, treatment, greetings and dressing skills.

Not a single company or firm can succeed if it does not have staffed personnel that will differ not only in a high level of professionalism, but also in good upbringing, as well as in the ability to behave themselves in an environment surrounded by clients and business partners. Kind-hearted human relationships are established on the basis of trust, delicacy, courtesy and respect. Business etiquette is very important.

Rudeness, tactlessness, demonstrative cordiality, outright disrespect for the personality of another person, which are observed in life, are determined by an insufficient level of education and culture. In a highly developed society, such personal qualities as modesty, tact, the ability to control your actions and attentive attitude to others are appreciated. Signs of bad manners are tactlessness, rudeness, vulgarity, hypocrisy, swagger, deceitfulness, lenient attitude towards others, neglect of the interests and opinions of others, imposing one’s will and desires, insults and many other negative emotions that are considered immoral in a sociocultural society.

A high level of human culture is determined by honesty, sincerity, justice, the ability to maintain a team spirit of support, partnership and mutual assistance.

An important part of business etiquette is greetings and appeals. In different countries, these forms of etiquette differ from each other, as they depend on cultural traditions, customs, rites and mores that are characteristic of a particular ethnic group. Features of international etiquette apply to business etiquette in Russia.

Despite ethnic principles, humanity is bound by universal categories, norms and ideas.

In each country, at a meeting, people wish each other benefits - success at work, health and prosperity. On the street and in public places, greetings should not be accompanied by speech exclamations. Noisy and unrestrained greetings are considered a sign of bad taste and lack of education. Respect and respectfulness is easiest to express with a slight smile, a friendly tilt of the head. A woman, like a man, sitting down in a taxi, the first thing to do is to greet the driver. When entering any room, whether it is a banking institution, office or hairdresser, at the entrance you should behave calmly and politely - greet others and shake hands with your friends. While in a restaurant, acquaintances are greeted with a nod of their heads. In Russia, the rules of etiquette are as follows: a man is supposed to be the first to greet a woman, the younger in age and the position of senior. If a woman greets a man first, such a gesture should be considered as a sign of respect and special attention to his person. In any case, when greeting, a man needs to remove the glove from his right hand. This is a sign of special respect and reverence. This should be the norm for women and older men. You can not say hello to a cigarette in your mouth and a hand in your pocket. When greeting women, they should smile kindly and tilt their heads slightly. Women do not have to take their hands out of their pockets. Men at a meeting should shake hands, and a woman - on occasion. In a situation where a man is introduced to a woman, the lady should be the first to give a hand. If married couples meet, the first thing women greet each other is greeting, and only then men greet each other. If a woman overtakes her husband, he is the first to greet the man. Also, a woman greets first when meeting with her boss and director. On the street, it’s not customary for a man to kiss a woman’s hand, this is done only indoors. In Russia, it is customary to kiss the hand of only married women. Men, greeting each other, may not take off their gloves, and if someone takes one off, he takes off the other. When shaking hands, do not squeeze your hand too tightly. Men should remember that it is not necessary to greet a woman, work colleague with a handshake, it is enough to say hello “Hello”, “Good afternoon”. It is necessary to smile and slightly tilt your head.

One of the most important elements of business etiquette is presentation. It is the performance that helps to establish the necessary and useful contacts. As a rule, the youngest in age is represented by the eldest, the man is represented by the woman, the younger by the position of senior. Of particular importance is the form of representation. Introducing oneself, it is necessary to use simple and uncomplicated phrases and not to allow liberties. For example, a man, introducing his spouse should say this: “Let me introduce my spouse Olga, ” or “My wife”; work colleague - “Introduce you to Olga” or “Meet Olga, our new colleague”. When a man is introduced to a woman, he should get up from the table and lean slightly, the woman should not get up. When a man descends the stairs, he must be ahead of the woman by two steps, in order to provide the necessary assistance if necessary. If a man drives a car, first of all he must escort the lady to her place, and only then get behind the wheel. In the wardrobe, a man should help a woman undress, take off her coat, coat, then undress himself.

At the entrance to the theater, cinema, a man must forward a woman to pass. At the entrance to the lobby, he is supposed to take off his hat and puts it on only at the exit. A woman may not wear a hat.

In a cafe or restaurant, a man first passes a woman (in the event that a table has been pre-booked). At the table, he must move the chair so that the woman crouches down. At the table, the man should be located to her left. Crouching at the table, the man must offer the woman a menu and make a choice.

Remember, business etiquette, a culture of business relations will allow you to succeed in all areas of life - in business, management, politics, art, relationships with the opposite sex.