
A girl who, since childhood, dreamed of a house in which the roof does not flow, transforms the homes of the poor for free

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A girl who, since childhood, dreamed of a house in which the roof does not flow, transforms the homes of the poor for free
A girl who, since childhood, dreamed of a house in which the roof does not flow, transforms the homes of the poor for free

Video: Jean Im (임여진)_Floor Life in Contestation_201030 2024, July

Video: Jean Im (임여진)_Floor Life in Contestation_201030 2024, July

Do you know how much their living conditions change people? Most strive to make their life better, more comfortable. However, there are those who simply give up and do not want to do anything else. Young Fernanda is not one of those. Her life story motivates many to do good.

The story of a little girl

Fernanda lived in a small house with her family. Her parents were not rich: a maid and a baker. Together with the girl in the house were 5 of her little brothers. The house had only 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a hygiene room. The whole family could hardly fit in this small house.


The dilapidated roof constantly leaked during the rain. Because of this, puddles formed on the walls, cabinets and floor. The house had a heavy smell of damp, mold and plaster. Water flowed down the pipes to the back yard. The family did not have funds for repairs, so I had to live in such conditions.


At school, no one wanted to be friends with Fernanda. Everyone knew that she was from a poor family and lived in a dilapidated house. Yes, and a specific smell impregnated the clothes of the child. Such a life tempered the character of a teenager, she definitely decided that she did not want to live like that permanently.

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Volunteer project "Kindness"

That is precisely what Fernanda’s idea of ​​helping families like her was born. At the age of 21, she graduated from college for the reconstruction of buildings. Once, walking along the streets of France with her friends, she saw a dilapidated building. The family lived in it. Fernanda decided that she should help them. However, people were even afraid to open the door for conversation. No one is used to kindness.


Young volunteers had to convince the neighbors to give contacts to this family. On the phone, the girl managed to convince the hostess that they want to help for free. The woman told Fernanda that she received $ 200, which is barely enough for food and medicine, so she can not repair the house. The hostess’s husband was completely unemployed.

A team of teenagers bought everything needed for repairs and got to work. When it was all over, the hosts were immensely grateful to the young people.


Fernanda and her friends posted photos of the house on social networks before and after the reconstruction. She described everything they did, but not to boast. The girl wanted to find people like her.

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The landlord rented the house for six months: after the expiration of the term he did not recognize him (photo)

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Volunteer project

That is how the good deed began. Currently, Fernanda’s team has helped over 5 poor families, a nursing home and a shelter. They are joined by sponsors and caring people. Young people search for dilapidated houses on their own and accept applications by email. Volunteers are ready to accept any help and support (tools, paint, boards, glass and just physical help). Good exists!

Other projects

Currently, a team of volunteers is working on 5 houses. Volunteers not only repair poor people's homes, they also entertain children in hospitals and shelters on weekends. Dressing up in masks and bright dresses, young people arrange shows for children. It brings joy to everyone. Doing good deeds is so easy!
