
Dodolev Evgeny Yuryevich, journalist: biography, personal life, books

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Dodolev Evgeny Yuryevich, journalist: biography, personal life, books
Dodolev Evgeny Yuryevich, journalist: biography, personal life, books

Yevgeny Yuryevich Dodolev was born on June 11, 1957 in the city of Moscow, and from school age he was in the staff of the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, in which his father, the famous writer Yuri Dodolev, worked at that time. The mother of the future journalist taught mathematics at the Moscow Aviation Institute. It was at this university that Dodolev entered after graduation, choosing a mathematical specialty. After receiving the diploma, Eugene realized that this was not his life path, and decided to devote himself completely to journalism.

The first steps

Evgeny Dodolev, whose biography cannot fail to attract the attention of people interested in journalism, carried out even the most responsible tasks on behalf of the leading column “Scarlet Sail” Yuri Shchekochikhin. By the way, even after leaving the newspaper, Eugene, together with his former colleague, published a journalistic book called “Processes”.


In 1985, the most active part of the biography of Yevgeny Dodolev begins, when he tries himself as a correspondent in the famous newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets. A distinctive feature of Eugene’s work was that he was never dependent on his superiors and performed only what he liked. The only time that his process was led by senior editors, was the work on the top secret newsletter, which was released in 1989. He did this work together with the popular journalist Alexander Pleshkov, who, some time after the publication of the publication, was poisoned by unknown people.


Evgeny Dodolev, like his colleagues in journalistic innovation, was interested in everything related to modern society. Even the famous TV critic Natalya Vlashchenko noted that Dodolev’s publications in the 80s of the last century made it possible to experience a new surge in film science and theater studies. Dodolev, according to the admissions of many people, refers to this type of journalist who is characterized by subtle humor and the administrative-bureaucratic speech style that became popular in the 1990s.

The famous Russian writer Dmitry Bykov noted that even the youngest generation, in the circle of which Eugene was a member, already originates in something new and unusual for Russian journalism. Bykov said that all the people who were on the same wavelength as Dodolev began to “do the weather” on television channels and bring some kind of “zest” to the press of the same type.

The journalist Yevgeny Dodolev was the very first, and so far the only journalist whose materials and articles about girls with low social responsibility were accepted by the Central Committee of the CPSU. It was this party that introduced new changes to the Administrative Code of the Soviet Union. Articles about prostitutes from Evgeny Dodolev were the very first in Russia to be published in newspapers. Publications under the names “Night Hunters” and “White Dance” brought the newspaper to a new level of all-Union citation and popularized access to a new, record level.


Thanks to these articles, Yevgeny Dodolev received the “Best Journalist of the Year” award in 1986 and repeated his result two years later. More recently, Dodolev was compared with the great Russian writers and noted that the satire and sarcasm of Dodolev did not compare with what Gogol and Shchedrin wrote.

A television

In addition to working in the newspaper, Yevgeny Dodolev conducted the television program “Vzglyad” under the leadership of the youth editorial board of the state television and radio broadcasting of the Soviet Union. During the reports, Dodolev talked about people who in those years had enough information and competence to act as a source in various programs on central television. Almost the whole country heard about these people, but because of some prohibitions on TV screens, they fell. Such newsmakers included KGB officer Oleg Kalugin and well-known reporter from St. Petersburg Alexander Nevzorov.

Only the best words spoke about Evgeny Dodolev modern blogger Timothy Shevyakov. He noted that the program “Sight” at that time left only the best memories, and Dodolev was a cult of that time.


10 years after the closure of this program, well-known throughout the country, the program “Spark” spoke about all the participants of that time as folk heroes. The presenters of Ogonyok noted that Yevgeny Dodolev and the company at one time became folk heroes who inspired people to change in the country, as if Gorbachev personified perestroika.

In 1991, Dodolev became even more popular in the vast expanses of the country, when the well-known television company VID placed an order for Channel One by filming a documentary called “Press of the USSR”, the plot of which was a story about promising and young journalists. The director who shot this picture was a long-time friend of Dodolev, a member of the DBB television company, Ivan Demidov.

Partnership with the BBC

Evgeny Dodolev at one time represented the Soviet Union in many projects on the world famous Air Force channel. The topic of girls of easy virtue, which at one time brought him popularity in Russia, also became very popular abroad. The English producer and director, together with Dodolev, made an English-language film called Prostitutki, which was released in 1990. By the way, this work received good reviews from all English critics of the time.


Private weekly work

Evgeny Dodolev was the creator of one of the first private magazines, which was called “New Look”. It was this weekly that became the main one for creating a publishing center with the same name. In 1994, a major conflict occurred between the Information Dispute Judicial Chamber under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation and the newspaper’s editors. The services carefully examined the publication about Chechnya, and, having discovered a number of violations there that completely violate the law, opened a criminal case. The author of the article, Yaroslav Mogutin, had to hide from law enforcement agencies, and then completely hide in the United States of America. But this did not stop him from further publishing articles and at the same time working in other projects.

Travel Magazines

In 2005, a crucial moment occurred in the career of Evgeny Dodolev, when the SK-Press editorial staff invited him to collaborate in the travel column. This topic became new for Eugene, and therefore he invested in it with all his might. That is why the share of licensed materials in the magazine decreased, the advertising department was reformed, and the circulation of the newspaper increased noticeably compared to when Dodolev was not yet in the editorial office. Eugene was also able to attract famous authors to work in the person of Cyril Razlogov and Dmitry Bykov. Also, according to Dodolev, the editorial staff also agreed to work at that time, popular photographers.


In addition to working in a travel magazine, he headed a center that produced business newspapers such as, for example, Kompaniya, Career, and the Russian-language version of BusinessWeek magazine. In addition, men's magazines appeared on the shelves. And the only glossy political publication called Moulin Rouge.

Contribution to Journalism

Yevgeny Dodolev was the first journalist to use the phrase “fourth power” in practice, which defined both the press itself and its influence in society. Dodolev also introduced to the masses other important concepts, such as “glamorization”, which meant the process of processing segments of the information field, and “mythologization” - the process of combining historical, scientific and historical-religious constructions.



Also, Yevgeny Dodolev became the first person to conduct experiments with the Latin language, inserting them into Russian-language article titles, which gave the material a new, previously unknown appearance. Dodolev also introduced to the masses the concept of such a phenomenon of the culture of social life and human behavior, which is based mainly on sexual instincts and drives. Eugene’s colleagues reacted negatively to this procedure, but psychologists and psychiatrists took his direction as a basis. Besides this, Evgeny Dodolev published books. And they are still relevant.

The journalist also opened up many new topics, such as corruption in state parties and criminal kidnapping. The popular Russian sociologist Igor Kon very positively assessed these areas and noted that he did not recall such articles that were published before Dodolev.