
Jesse Jackson: biography and photos

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Jesse Jackson: biography and photos
Jesse Jackson: biography and photos

Video: Jesse Jackson - 1984 Presidential Campaign | Biography 2024, June

Video: Jesse Jackson - 1984 Presidential Campaign | Biography 2024, June

Rev. Jesse Jackson, a well-known American public figure, religious leader of the US African American population, was born in October 1941 in South Carolina. The famous human rights activist did not come out of him by accident. He was fortunate enough to grow up in the family of a member of the US House of Representatives, whom he greatly respected. And his son, who later also became a politician, was called Jesse Jackson.


Biography: The Beginning

His real father was a famous professional boxer, in the black community the figure is also iconic - N. L. Robinson. But at the time of the birth of his glorious son, he was married to another, he did not raise his son. From the age of two, Jesse Jackson fell into the hands of his stepfather - Charles Henry, but he was adopted only at the age of sixteen.

Until 1966, the young man studied at the seminary and, although he did not graduate, was ordained a priest of the Baptist denomination, which gave him the opportunity to fully surrender to human rights activities. In 1965, Jesse Jackson joined the Selma to Montgomery marches - a march organized by leaders of the civil rights movement in Alabama, among which Martin Luther King deserves a special word. Jesse worked very closely with him until the tragic death of Martin.



In 1984, Jesse Jackson created the left-liberal coalition Rainbow, which in 1996 was merged with the PUSH organization. Thus, a variety of small social movements and groups of oppressed blacks who suffered from US politics and President Reagan, in particular: labor unions, racial minorities, unemployed, working mothers, small farmers, and even gay and lesbian people, came together.

Jesse Jackson was also very active in international activities: he flew to Syria to free an American pilot shot down over Lebanon, visited Cuba, where Fidel Castro, at his request, freed twenty-four US citizens. He flew to almost all countries with which the United States had conflicts or strained relations. Jesse Louis Jackson met with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez right after US calls came out to kill him as a threat to America. After that, the human rights activist denied: there is no threat to America from Venezuela.

In the presidency

In the presidential election, Jesse Louis Jackson Sr. participated twice. In 1984 - from the Democratic Party. This was the second time in US history when an African-American became a presidential candidate nationwide. This campaign ended for him in third place after Senator G. Hart and Vice President W. Mondale. In 1988, the attempt was repeated, the result of the previous one was doubled by the number of votes, but Jesse Louis Jackson Sr., whose biography is rich in various political victories, lost to M. Durakis.

The program at his election was very progressive, provided for Keynesy's economic policy, which completely contradicted “reaganomics”: it meant preserving social benefits instead of cutting taxes on the rich, free health care, isolating South Africa with its apartheid regime, cutting and ending completely an arms race, a 15% reduction in defense spending, and much more that the American people liked. In fourteen states, he still managed to defeat Jesse Jackson. The photo shows the triumphal procession of his election campaign in the country.


Personal life

Stormy social activity did not allow the black leader to devote much time to the family and raising his son - Jesse Jackson Jr. talked much more with his mother, but his father was an example to follow. When his idol at the end of his career suddenly began to fall into all kinds of ugly and even curious situations, his son was extremely worried not even about his and his father's political career - his filial feelings greatly upset his father's behavior.

At first he was caught in an extramarital affair with a career assistant who forced him to adopt his child. Then followed the exposure of the other scandalous misconduct of the saint. Elder Jesse Jackson spent his youth in hard work and getting an education in order to reach the heights that he finally submitted to.



The younger one continued the struggle for equality, which his father began, but he no longer represented just a black, but a black middle class with views more liberal than democratic. The younger one kept himself, did not depend on his father's entourage, so the loss of the latter's good reputation did not significantly affect his son.

Father was even accused of anti-Semitism and unfair relations with corporations from which he extorted money. This son, of course, was unpleasant to find out, since he, too, Jackson Jesse. Children do not answer for the father, but the apple, as they say, is from the apple tree … Father even managed to accuse Obama of arrogant attitude to blacks. Perhaps it was a PR move, but the remark is too sharp even for the broadcast of the famous Fox News television company.


Citizen of the world

With great respect, Jesse Jackson treats Julian Assange, is well acquainted with his work and even met with him in prison. That is why many of his articles and interviews are devoted to the facts of the violation by the US country of freedom of speech and personal integrity. He directly accuses the Obama government of provoking an influx of Southeast Asian immigrants into Europe, arguing that the enrichment of Europe and the United States has largely come from exploiting the resources of poor countries.

Even in the 50s of the twentieth century, African Americans did not have the right to vote, just like Hispanics, and all of Latin America was literally occupied by the United States. Africa is a completely and completely occupied continent - a colony of gigantic proportions. That is why now, after the restoration of this population in rights, it is possible to start dialogues - with the same Cuba. However, human rights in the United States Jesse Jackson Sr. considers to this day trampled, citing the percentage of the population and prisoners in evidence. With five percent of the world's population, the United States has twenty-five percent of the world's prisoners.


For peace and communication

Jesse Jackson, whose education and profession obliges us to strive for peace between peoples, is sure that the United States should establish a dialogue not only with Cuba, but also with Iran, and not for "supervision" or patronage, but for establishing good neighborly relations on the globe. Violations of human rights must always be discussed, not hiding anything, and all contradictions should be resolved diplomatically.

Why Venezuela or Cuba can be subjected to sanctions and isolation, but China, where human rights are violated in the same way - from the point of view of the US administration - is both a partner and a diplomatic ally. Is it because the United States is not yet in a position to quarrel with China, asks Jesse Jackson. Germany was divided by a wall for a long time, many countries at the call of the United States ignored the Olympics in Russia, and it did not bring anything good to the world. A politician always advocates communication and cooperation.


They apologized to Jesse Jackson in the 154th episode of South Park. Naturally, this was included in the script, the theme of which was devoted to the problems of tolerance and racial abuse. On the use of the word nigger in the US there is a ban, though symbolic.

The series is a quiz show hero, confusing the word nigger (Negro) with the word nagger (boring), insulted all spectators (on the scoreboard was: N_GGERS - missed one letter). The whole family of the protagonist suffers from such a sensation, covered in shame. Stan’s school is also in trouble. Then Randy decides to apologize to Jesse Jackson, as he is considered the most famous black fighter for the rights of the black population.
