
John Brzenk: biography of the American armresler

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John Brzenk: biography of the American armresler
John Brzenk: biography of the American armresler



John Brzenk (his nickname is Professor) is a professional arm wrestler from the United States of America, a 26-time world champion. He played in the UAL Championship (Ultimate Armwrestling League) in the heavyweight division on his right hand. His last triumph was at the 2015 World Heavyweight Championship. John Brzenk is the champion of the Guinness Book of Records, where he was awarded the title "The Greatest Arm Wrestler of All Time." For the knowledge of a large number of fighting and control techniques, he received the nickname Professor. His physical abilities strike the human mind. It defies logic! After all, how can a medium-sized person be stronger than two-meter 150-kilogram athletes? Armwrestler himself claims that his strength is a genetic influence.


Physical Characteristics of John Brzenko

  • Height and weight: 185 centimeters, 95-105 kilograms.

  • Biceps and forearm: 43 and 41 centimeters, respectively.


Born July 15, 1964 in the city of Sandy (Utah, United States of America). His father was an armwrestling referee, so John himself was familiar with this sport from childhood. He was larger and stronger among his peers: at the age of five, he could calmly raise his school desk above himself and exercise with it. While in eighth grade, he accidentally broke his arm to a friend of his father when he hugged him at a meeting. At the age of 16, John Brzenk took part in his first tournament, which he subsequently won. During performances, the young guy was nicknamed the Giant Crusher for his ability to defeat opponents twice his size. Then young John completely struck the public. Everyone screamed and rejoiced when they saw how a 16-year-old guy “put on the shovels" of experienced heavyweight athletes.


The largest and heaviest opponent John faced and won weighed 660 pounds, which is almost 300 kilograms. In his career, Brzenk lost only twice - to Canadian Devon Larrat and Russian Alexei Voevoda. These defeats occurred only at the end of his career, when John had already reached athletic advanced age.

Sports achivments

He won his first international “world champion” title in sports arm wrestling (among juniors) in 1983, when he was 18 years old. Then the young American fought in the weight category up to 82 kilograms. He took first place in the Over the Top tournament in 1986. This tournament was funded by Warrener Brazzers. In view of this, the newly minted champion became the prototype of the Lincoln Hawke character in the movie called “With All My Strength” (original title Over The Top) with Sylvester Stallone. Warner Brazzers also awarded a prize for the winner - the Volvo Semi Track (the exact same story with the prize was presented in the film “With all my might”), which John Brzenk exchanged for the coveted Chevrolet Corvette.


John Brzenk won four world heavyweight championships until 1994 and earned the nickname Superman for the same ability as before - to defeat huge opponents. In 1995, he took part in the world middleweight championship. Naturally, such a tournament for John was the easiest training.

In addition to wrestling, John works as an engineer in an aircraft building company. According to him, he does not work physically here, so his hands are constantly resting.

Meetings with eminent armwrestlers

John Brzenk is an arm wrestling champion in the PAL League. The American athlete also participates in tournaments organized by Igor Mazurenko. In 2004, the Professor managed to win the fight against Taras Ivakin (total score 4-2), in 2005 he won 5-1 in the fight against Alexei Semerenko, in 2006 he “humiliated” Andrei Pushkar dry 6-0, in 2007 in the year "punished" Jonah Oncescu (5-1). In 2009, he uncompromisingly defeated Denis Tsyplenkov from Russia with a score of 5-1.


In 2008, John suffered the first defeat of his career. He lost to Canadian Devon Larrath with a shameful score of 6-0. The second defeat happened in 2010 in the fight against the Russian athlete Arsen Liliev - score 2-3.

The arm wrestlers from the above list were much larger than those of John Brzenko himself. For example, the biceps girth of Denis Tsyplenkov is 60 centimeters. Nevertheless, a modest 43 centimeters of John are able to win.

Age is not a hindrance

John Brzenk is the triumph of the series of tournaments “Nemiroff - World Gold Tour”, which is held in Poland under the auspices of the PAL Federation. In this championship John is the permanent winner from 2006 to 2009. The American fought in the weight category up to 95 kilograms (as well as in absolute weight). In 2010, at the same tournament, John performed in the category of over 95 kilograms and took third place, skipping ahead of such professionals as Russian Denis Tsyplenkov and Ukrainian Andrey Pushkar. Four years later, the “troika of the podium” was repeated again in the Moscow arm-wrestling tournament A1 Russian Open (July 2014). The American again took third place in the absolute weight category, losing only to Pushkar and Tsyplenkov. John was already fifty at the time of the tournament! A taken third place at this age is simply a phenomenal result.


In August of the same year, John Brzenk again reminded the whole world who Professor is here, when at the American tournament PAL became the champion in two hands at once. With this act, he proved that he is a professional in his field and that fifty years of age is not a hindrance to his goals.