
Delicate echinodorus - aquarium decoration

Delicate echinodorus - aquarium decoration
Delicate echinodorus - aquarium decoration

Video: SUNLIGHT: How to Use The Sun with Your Planted Aquarium 2024, June

Video: SUNLIGHT: How to Use The Sun with Your Planted Aquarium 2024, June

Echinodorus (all species) are among the most popular plants grown in aquariums. It is thanks to this grass that amazing aquarium compositions are created. There are a large number of varieties of this underwater plant. Perhaps the most popular echinodorus can be considered gentle. Love him for his appearance and unpretentiousness. When you see such a green carpet, then there is certainly a desire to touch it. If you have an aquarium, be sure to pay attention to this wonderful plant.


Echinodorus tender

This species is also known as the "dwarf Amazon." The birthplace of the plant is South America. A “dwarf Amazon" grows, you guessed it, in the basin of the river of the same name, forming a lush carpet near the shores of water bodies and under water. Echinodorus tender in height grows from 7 to 10 centimeters. The leaves of the grass are narrow, thin and very delicate to the touch. The color of the plant varies from green to light brown. Inflorescences are formed only on surface outlets. Peduncle in length reaches 13 centimeters. Flowers, up to 6 mm in diameter, form small clusters. The wetter the soil, the higher and denser the grass. In low-humid areas, low-level rosettes are formed. Propagated by layering and seeds, year-round, regardless of the season.


Cultivation and care

This grass is grown in aquariums, winter gardens with high humidity, terrariums. The latter use this plant because it is resistant to trampling. Echinodorus gentle is quite unpretentious in cultivation. Adhering to some recommendations, you can achieve excellent results. Gentle echinodorus loves light, it grows well with a 10-hour daylight, so it is necessary to organize artificial lighting of the aquarium. Also take care of the soil on which the grass will grow. The soil must be rich in nutrients. For good plant growth, it must be fed. You can use conventional fertilizers for indoor flowers.


Echinodorus Osiris

This type of plant among aquarists is considered one of the most beautiful. Spreading large leaves create a unique underwater landscape. Young shoots have a bright red color, and the old ones are dark green. With proper care, 2-3 new leaves are born per month. Growing this species of echinodorus is a rather troublesome business. The plant requires light 14 hours a day, the water temperature is 23-24 degrees. In addition, it (water) must be slightly alkaline or neutral. In an acidic environment, the grass will develop poorly and eventually die. Do not forget about plant nutrition. Echinodorus Osiris in the aquarium is propagated by layering. In conclusion, I want to note that there are a lot of varieties of echinodorus. They differ in form, color, conditions of detention. Every lover of aquariums or greenhouses will certainly appreciate this diversity. And he will surely find something that suits him. Let your aquariums be the most beautiful!