
Ekaterina Odintsova: height, weight, biography, family, photo

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Ekaterina Odintsova: height, weight, biography, family, photo
Ekaterina Odintsova: height, weight, biography, family, photo

Video: Pooja Gandhi lifestyle,photo,Height, Weight, Age, Family, Wife, Biography & More 2024, June

Video: Pooja Gandhi lifestyle,photo,Height, Weight, Age, Family, Wife, Biography & More 2024, June

Ekaterina Odintsova is a charming and creatively gifted woman. At one time it was called "Nizhny Novgorod Marilyn Monroe." Want to know what Ekaterina Odintsova is famous for? Are you also interested in height, weight and marital status? The article contains the most truthful information about this socialite.


Ekaterina Odintsova: biography

Our heroine was born on July 13, 1972 in one of the hospitals of Nizhny Novgorod. Father and mother Catherine have nothing to do with the world of fashion and secular society. Both of them worked as engineers. Katie still has a younger sister.

From an early age, girls dreamed of a medical career. They even attended a school where they studied nursing. And on vacation, the girls had practice at the burn center, located in their hometown. But in the end, Ekaterina Odintsova did not become a doctor. Growth in her career was ensured. However, the girl at some point got cold in medicine. And the sister, on the contrary, has achieved a lot in this area, having fulfilled her childhood dream.


What profession did Ekaterina Odintsova choose? The height, weight and parameters of the figure opened the way for her in the model. But this did not appeal to our heroine at all. She became seriously interested in chemistry. Having received a certificate of secondary education, the girl applied to the Nizhny Novgorod State University for a chemical faculty. Katya passed the entrance tests without any problems. After 5 years, she was awarded a diploma of graduation. From now on, she could call herself a professional research chemist.

Carier start

Many young girls try to find a wealthy groom, so as not to work. But not Ekaterina Odintsova. The girl’s height and weight allowed her to make a brilliant modeling career. And, as you know, fashion models have the most chances to win the hearts of any oligarch. Katya has long decided for herself that she will achieve everything in life.

We now know that in front of us is a successful and purposeful Ekaterina Odintsova. Biography, photo stars regularly appear in the print media. And 10-15 years ago, this blonde beauty was popular only in her native Nizhny Novgorod. There she took her first steps on television. At the end of the institute, our heroine did not work in her specialty, but got a job as an assistant director on one of the music channels. Soon, the girl was able to try herself in the role of correspondent and TV presenter. All this brought incredible pleasure to herself.


In just a couple of years, Catherine managed to build a brilliant career. She became the face of the channel, his calling card. The girl, who did not have a journalistic education, was trusted by the most top programs, interviews with the stars of the Russian showbiz and live broadcasts from the streets of Nizhny Novgorod. Locals began to recognize the blonde "from the TV." Katya never suffered from a star fever. Therefore, she willingly signed autographs and took pictures with people.

Moving to the capital

Ekaterina Odintsova, whose height, weight and parameters were like those of a model, was increasingly thinking about life in Moscow. At 165 cm, she weighed 52-53 kg. Katya understood that in her native city she would not be able to develop creatively. The girl has achieved everything she could here.


Katya went to the capital, where she entered the Advanced Training School. Representatives of regional media studied there. The institution was headed by Vladimir Pozner. Odintsova managed to do only the second attempt. In the eyes of the admissions committee, she looked like a dumb blonde from the province. But Katya was able to prove to these people that she was a real professional.

Work on TV

At the end of the courses, Odintsova got a job on the NTV channel. The blonde became the host of news broadcasting at night. This format seemed uncomfortable to her. Therefore, Katya soon announced her resignation. They met her by asking to write a statement of their own free will.

Ekaterina Odintsova, whose biography is interesting to many today, realized that without a journalist education she had nothing to do on television. Purposeful young lady went to study at Moscow State University. In 2003, she was issued with a diploma of graduation.


Katya was right. With the crusts of a professional journalist, her television career went uphill. Odintsova was invited to Channel One. At first, she worked as a correspondent. But soon she was promoted to the leading news broadcasts. Subsequently, Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna became the chief editor. Since 2005, she has been creating copyright programs. Such programs as “Health Day”, “Life Line”, “Mother’s Kitchen” and others were aired from her light hand. All these projects were very popular with the audience. After all, health is the most important thing for every person.

New Horizons

Work on television made our heroine famous. But she did not want to stop there. In 2008, Catherine was offered the position of editor-in-chief of the Shopping Guide magazine. The girl agreed. Despite the financial crisis that swept the whole world that year, the publication entered the top ten best-selling books. Such a success Odintsova noted her colleagues and closest competitors.


In 2012, Katya was expecting an even more tempting offer - to head the fashion channel “World Fashion”. This was the limit of her dreams. The blonde gave a positive answer. In parallel, she was engaged in the promotion of her event agency “PR TREND”.

Ekaterina Odintsova: biography, family

Our heroine from an early age was distinguished by a beautiful appearance. The guys ran in droves after her. But the girl was impregnable. She was waiting for a big and bright love. And soon fate gave her a good man. Her chosen one was the young scientist Gregory. Despite the 9-year age difference, they understood each other perfectly. Soon their wedding took place. At that time, Katya was only 17 years old. A few years later, the couple officially divorced.


Acquaintance with Boris Nemtsov

Katya broke up with her first husband and was not going to have a serious relationship. In 1994, she met politician Boris Nemtsov, who came to Nizhny Novgorod on business. They started a passionate romance. The girl went crazy with surging feelings, but realized that the politician was married. When Nemtsov left for Moscow, Odintsova followed him. They say that he rented an apartment for her. In these apartments their secret meetings took place.

In 1995, Catherine gave birth to a son. The boy was named Anton. Boris Nemtsov was very pleased with the appearance of the heir, but could not leave the family. Indeed, for any politician, reputation is in the first place.

Our heroine relied only on herself. She was engaged in raising her son and developing her television career. Her secret meetings with Boris Yefimovich continued. In 2002, their second common child was born - daughter Dina. Nemtsov always provided financial assistance to his children and Catherine. But they were never one family. Soon, the politician has another lover. He forgot about our heroine, less and less saw his son and daughter. Because of all this, Ekaterina Odintsova was very worried. The girl’s weight increased slightly due to nervous breakdown. After all, she “stuck” her problems.

Double holiday

July 14, 2014 Catherine staged a grand celebration. Among her friends and colleagues, she celebrated her birthday and the next date from the date of opening of the PR TREND agency. At the La Provincia restaurant, tables were crammed with delicacies, salads and fine drinks. Boris Nemtsov came to congratulate his former lover on a double holiday. He handed Katya a bouquet of flowers and uttered a bunch of compliments.


On the night of February 27-28, 2015, Boris Nemtsov was killed in the center of Moscow. This news was a blow to Katya and her children. Despite the fact that their meetings had long ceased, the TV presenter still considered him a native person. Dina, Anton and Ekaterina attended the funeral of Nemtsov. Many of those present looked askance at them. But Odintsova was all the same. She came to say goodbye to the once beloved man, who became a part of her life.