
Where to get a certificate of no criminal record - features and recommendations

Table of contents:

Where to get a certificate of no criminal record - features and recommendations
Where to get a certificate of no criminal record - features and recommendations



Vital activities in Russia are associated with many bureaucratic actions. Despite the fact that the state apparatus intends in the next 10 years to refuse to receive various certificates in person, many people still do not know where to get a certificate of criminal record. The answer to this question is below in the article.


Who may need a criminal record

Where to get a certificate of no criminal record? A question that almost anyone can face. Current legislation establishes that the relevant certificate must be in place for employment in certain types of work and services.


They can be conditionally divided into the following activities:

  • pedagogical and educational (the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires that persons working as educators in preschool institutions, as well as teachers, teachers, teachers of secondary schools, have no criminal record);
  • law enforcement (prosecutors, bailiffs, FSB officers must have an unquestioned reputation and not be involved in crimes);
  • serving the public in especially critical areas (pilots of aircraft, clearing services, customs officers, security services of fuel companies).

These requirements are justified by the increased social responsibility of these activities. They require a particularly clean reputation and a complete lack of communication with the criminal world. How and where to get a certificate of no criminal record? We will deal with this issue together.


Documents for help

Where is it faster to get a criminal record certificate? To do this, you need to provide a list of some documents.

The modern legislator requires a citizen to provide the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • A copy of an identity document, whether it is a citizen’s passport or residence permit.

More the law does not require anything, but you need to remember that the officials with whom you have to meet can expand this list in order to delay the process. Remember that it is illegal. This service is provided completely free of charge if you require payment or any additional documents - this is a cause for complaint to a higher authority.


What difficulties can you face?

The first and main difficulty is that they require a copy of your military ID, a certificate of income, a letter of recommendation, and more. This is a violation of regulations and the law.

The second difficulty is the requirement to pay the fee. It is also illegal due to the requirement of the law on the free nature of the service provided.

Among other things, many face difficulties in completing the application. It indicates the following data:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the applicant;
  • permanent residence address, place of registration;
  • all addresses at which the applicant previously resided;
  • details of an identity document;
  • date and signature.

Without indicating the date and signature, the state body will consider the application invalid, and the certificate will not be provided.

What time is the certificate issued?

Current legislation establishes a period of 30 calendar days. The omission of the date of issuance of a document by a state body may be the basis for filing a complaint about the actions of an official.


Where can I get a certificate of no criminal record

In the era of ubiquitous digitalization of public services, obtaining any kind of document is becoming increasingly simpler.

The average citizen is more concerned with the question of a certificate of no criminal record - where to get it. Moscow is famous for its large number of branches where you can file an application.

  • Firstly, this can be done in the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.
  • Secondly, in the internal affairs bodies at the place of permanent residence or registration.
  • Thirdly, in the information-analytical center of the Ministry of the Interior.

We looked at more traditional places where they received certificates of no criminal record. Addresses of these institutions can be clarified on the official portal of the department.

But there are more convenient and modern ways:

  • Getting help using the gosuslugi portal.
  • An application may be submitted by e-mail of the territorial branch of the internal affairs bodies. The address can be clarified on the website of a particular department.
  • Contacting the multifunctional center "My Documents".

This order is valid in all regional centers, despite the fact that we examined the situation with the capital. In other cities, there is a similar list of authorities to obtain a certificate of no criminal record. In Novosibirsk, where this document is also issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the regional offices of the MDC at the place of registration of the citizen, in “My Documents” or “State Services”, for example.

It is important to remember that a citizen chooses where to get a certificate of the absence of a criminal record. The law does not establish binding to the place of registration, residence and so on.


Document Duration

Having figured out where to get a certificate of no criminal record, the citizen will receive a document in his hand, which will reflect the necessary information.

But the question of relevance of the reference in time remains open.

The law does not establish mandatory requirements for the duration of the document and allows various authorities to independently determine the time at which it is considered valid.

  • To provide a certificate to the guardianship authorities, it will be valid for 1 year.
  • As a general rule, regional bar associations are satisfied with a certificate issued no earlier than three months.
  • Qualification collegiums of judges or competition commissions of customs authorities require a certificate of at least a month ago.

If such a document requires a potential employer, then their validity period is determined. The internal affairs bodies keep a certificate for no more than 2 months, so this period can be taken as a rule in determining the total duration of the action.

Is it possible to certify a copy

Like any other document, a criminal record certificate can be certified in the manner prescribed by law. But it is worth remembering that even a notarized copy may not be accepted by the relevant authority. Therefore, if you are especially careful about the originals of your documents, then specify at the place of delivery the opportunity to bring not the original, but a copy.

How to speed up the process

As we have already found out, the legal period is 30 calendar days. Therefore, many people are concerned about the question of how and where to get a certificate of criminal record faster.

Today, there are two options for speeding up the process.

  • Motivate the urgency of the service in a statement to the government body. Someone may lose a job or an urgent business trip. In this case, it is recommended to write down everything in the application in detail and indicate the period by which you ask for the certificate. If the arguments are sufficient and you manage to convince the official of the urgent nature of the request, a certificate will be issued faster.
  • Contact a commercial service. Modern lawyers have access to completely different databases. Among other things, professional legal services have the right amount of connections and experience. In this case, the procedure for obtaining a certificate of no criminal record is simplified. Where to get it, in Moscow or another city, is absolutely not important. Currently, it is proposed to receive a document for a certain fee within a period of 1-2 calendar days.

No one has canceled the human factor, with adequate argumentation and a polite attitude, you can position an official to his specific problem and speed up the process of issuing the necessary documents.
