
Where is the birthplace of avocado and how to grow it at home?

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Where is the birthplace of avocado and how to grow it at home?
Where is the birthplace of avocado and how to grow it at home?

Video: ★ How to: Grow Avocado from Seed (A Complete Step by Step Guide) 2024, May

Video: ★ How to: Grow Avocado from Seed (A Complete Step by Step Guide) 2024, May

Exotic fruits are especially popular today. Pomelo and lime, bananas and avocados have long ceased to be something special for Russians. The hobby for growing these plants at home has also become popular. And the avocado, whose homeland is Mexico, is no exception. He may not give fruit, but he is able to decorate a house. In the article we will tell about the fruits of the avocado tree, about the homeland of the plant, about the methods of growing it at home and in the open ground.

Persea american (Persea americana)

This is what the tree of avocado is called, the homeland of which is the tropics and subtropics of South America. Other names, which previously called the fruits of avocado - alligator pear, agakat.

The avocado tree (photo below) belongs to the genus Perseus and the family Laurel (Lauraceae). This genus includes 150 species, but only in Perseus American fruits are edible. At the same time, there are about 600 varieties of avocados, whose homeland is the tropics and subtropics of America, East and South Asia, Africa, Oceania.


Different avocados

There are three main races of this fruit tree:

  • Mexican avocado (where the birthplace of the plant, as the name implies). This is the most cold-resistant race, plants can tolerate a drop in temperature to -6 ° C. The most common varieties: Mexico, Norton, Caliente, Puebla. Only the leaves of this race, when rubbed, emit the aroma of anise.
  • To the south of Mexico (in Guatemala) another avocado race grows, for which a temperature of -4 ° C is fatal. Varieties: Rita, Nitmeg and Dickinson. The fruits are large (up to 1 kilogram), with a thick woody peel.
  • The third race - the West Indian - does not tolerate even the weakest frosts. The tropical climate and very high humidity, as in the birthplace of the avocado of this race are the main growing conditions. Varieties: Trapp, Purple, Green. The skin of the fetus is smooth and dense, and its weight is 200-800 grams.

Botanical Description

Regardless of where the tree grows, an avocado is an evergreen plant whose height can reach 20 meters and a trunk diameter of 0.6 meters. The tree is erect with a branching stem.

Leaves wide lanceolate, leathery and shiny. The upper side of the leaf has a bright green color, and the bottom is whitish. It is worth noting that the leaves contain essential oils and toxins, which are dangerous for humans and pets.

Avocado flowers are inconspicuous and small, collected in a panicle inflorescence. Avocado blooms in nature for 3-4 years of life, and the tree lives up to 20 years.


Alligator Pear

Avocado fruits - drupe berry. At the same time, the avocado, whose homeland is Mexico, has the smallest fruits.

Avocados are pear-shaped or oval weigh from 0.05 to 1.8 kilograms. The color of the fruit is different - yellow-green, dark green, reddish, purple. Under the skin of the fruit is an edible pulp of yellow color and an oily consistency. It is rich in vitamins (A, E, D) and trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus iron). In addition, 30% of the pulp is polyunsaturated fatty acids of omega 3 and 6. The energy value of 100 grams of pulp is 218 kcal.

In the middle of the fetus is a bone with a hard brown shell. The bone itself also contains toxic substances and can cause poisoning.

Cases have been recorded when parrots died, which left an avocado bone to grind their beaks.

The fruit ripens from 6 to 17 months. In this case, the final ripening occurs after the collection of berries for 2 weeks at room temperature.

Why is the avocado on the windowsill not bear fruit?

The answer lies in the complex process of pollination of flowers. Although flowers are bisexual, self-pollination is not possible with avocados. The fact is that the avocado flower in the flowering process opens twice. First, the pestle ripens in the flowers - and the flower opens, so that the pollen of another plant can get on it. Then the flower closes. The second time the flower opens a little later - on average, in a day, when stamens ripen in it to pollinate other flowers.

That is why during the cultivation of avocados, plants are planted en masse. And even in an avocado grove, fruits are tied in only 2-4% of the flowers.

Green beauty

From the foregoing, it is clear that an avocado plant in a pot on the windowsill is a beautiful evergreen plant, which, when pruned correctly, will become a bright decoration.

It should be borne in mind that the plant is absolutely unpretentious regarding the soil, but the root system does not tolerate excessive moisture. Therefore, good drainage is a prerequisite for growing avocados.

The plant is resistant to the causative agents of most diseases, but this, as well as how to care for the avocado tree, will be discussed a little later.

Propagate the plant with fruits and cuttings. Avocado cuttings are poorly rooted - only 10% of the plants give roots. Therefore, for reproduction, seeds are used.


Bone Avocado

To germinate the plants from the seed, ripe fruits are needed. There are two ways to germinate a seed:

  • You can grow an avocado tree just by sticking a stone with the wide side into the soil to a shallow depth (up to 2 centimeters). The plant can germinate from 1 to 3 months.
  • A more complex, but also more beautiful way to germinate the bones is open. For this, the seed is germinated in water in limbo. To do this, you can use 4 toothpicks and a transparent glass (to observe the beauty of what is happening). Toothpicks serve as a support, so that only the lower part of the bone is constantly in the water. With this method of germination, the first root will appear on 20-30 days. When the root reaches a length of 4 centimeters, the plant can be planted in the ground.

Modern means, for example, hydrogel, can be used for seed germination. It is better to use settled water, and its temperature should be + 23 … + 25 ° С.

You can add coal (wood or activated) to the water. But even without additional additives, the bone will certainly grow if the fruit was ripe.


Conditions for successful plant development

When planting in the soil, the avocado seed should be two-thirds on the surface. For starters, a small flower pot is suitable. But do not forget about drainage, and the soil should be quite loose.

This is a photophilous and thermophilic plant. Therefore, the sunny side is suitable for him, but subject to the absence of direct sunlight. The plant does not like drafts, and the temperature should not drop below +12 ° C. In this case, the avocado can drop leaves and fall into a state of rest.

Moderate watering and humidity

Watering the plant is necessary taking into account the air temperature. It is worth remembering that excess moisture is harmful to the roots of avocados.

This is a subtropic plant, where the humidity is quite high. At home, this gap will fill the spray. But water should not fall on the leaves of the plant. A good way out is a pallet with wet expanded clay.

The plant practically does not need fertilizing with fertilizers. If its growth has slowed, then you can use bait for citrus fruits.

A plant is transplanted, on average, every three years.


Crown formation

At home, avocados can be trimmed. In addition, you can plant several sprouts in a pot and, while they are young, twist them.

The first pinching is carried out when at least 8 leaves have appeared on the plant. Having cut off the top, the side shoots will begin to form in the plant. After their growth, they can also remove the apical kidney.

It is advisable to do these procedures in the early spring, during the period of maximum vegetation.


Problematic issues

Avocado is a plant resistant to diseases and pests. But the scabbard and the spider mite can destroy the plant, especially the young one.

If the tips of a leaf plate begin to dry on an avocado, pay attention to watering. The reason for this phenomenon may be a lack of moisture in the air.

Leaves can fall at low temperatures and with constant drafts.

The leaf plate may become pale. In this case, the reason is insufficient lighting.


Deciduous decoration

For six months, an avocado at home can grow up to 50 centimeters. He does not need supports for the stem, but if you do not engage in the formation of the crown, then you will get a long trunk with a small amount of leaves at the top.

The leaves of a healthy plant are saturated green and when kneading they produce a pleasant anise aroma, which, by the way, helps in the fight against depressive states. But do not forget that they have toxins and the avocado should be hidden from pets. When eaten, cats and dogs may experience acute poisoning.

With proper care, in the 3rd year of life, an avocado can begin to bloom. And if you grow two plants, you can hope for the fruits. Although the likelihood that the fruits of home-made avocados ripen is very small.

Will avocados grow in open ground?

Today, avocados are successfully grown in Spain, Mexico (the world leader in the production of this fruit), Peru, Guatemala, the southern states of the United States, the Arab East, southern and eastern Asia, southern Africa, Australia, the Philippines and Malaysia.

In Russia, there are not sufficient conditions for the growth of this plant in open ground. The exception is the Black Sea coast. Only here you can grow a plant on open soil and only the Mexican race. It is important to plant at least two plants for their cross-pollination. This is the only way to get the fruits of this tropical fruit.
