
Do not take your eyes off! The most beautiful peoples of Russia

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Do not take your eyes off! The most beautiful peoples of Russia
Do not take your eyes off! The most beautiful peoples of Russia

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By 1917, more than a hundred different nations lived on the territory of the Russian Empire. In those days, beauty contests were not held, there were no ratings, which means that it’s simply impossible to say exactly which people were considered the most beautiful. But if you rely on fiction of those times, you will be able to see a mirror image of social preferences. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to imagine which peoples were considered the most beautiful in Russia.


Most of the empire was made up of Slavs. At that time, the Russian Slavs included Great Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Poles and representatives of some other South Slavic peoples. Most literary heroes were Russian. Writers such as Pushkin, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and others described beautiful women and men.

Among the Slavs there were those to whom the Russians had a special weakness - the Poles. Pans were considered the most beautiful, although this opinion is relevant today.

Among the women, Russian beauties were singled out. They had an unusual appearance: brown hair, fair skin, harmonious proportions of the face.



The second most beautiful nation is the Tatars. They are distinguished by more dark skin, which gives women attractiveness and sophistication.

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Women were considered one of the most beautiful. The annals even say that Ivan the Terrible married one Circassian woman, who later became the prototype of the Shamakhan Queen from Pushkin’s work.



From this country, women often become models. Among modern representatives, Laysan Utyasheva is singled out, who was included in the ranking of the top 100 most beautiful women in the world.



The fair sex of this nationality is not inferior in beauty to other nationalities. In Russia there are many singers, actresses belonging to the Jewish nation.


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Representatives of this nationality can rightfully be called legendary. Asians never gave rest to male hearts. They have a sincere look, an open soul.



Representatives of the Finno-Ugric group of peoples were considered attractive among women with white skin and bright eyes. They were often painted by artists, depicting muzzles in national costumes.



This is not just a separate nationality, but a group that includes a variety of representatives. Usually, the Baltic states mean Lithuanians and Latvians.

German women

There were many Germans in the Baltic states. They were attracted by their unusual appearance: tall, fair-haired, with fair skin, blue-eyed, with a beautiful physique.