
Nazran city: description, photo

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Nazran city: description, photo
Nazran city: description, photo



Despite the fact that the city of Nazran is not the capital of Ingushetia, it is the largest center in the republic. More than 100 thousand people live there. Previously, until 2000, it was in this city that the capital of the republic was located. Then she was transferred to a specially built settlement for this called Magas. It is located four kilometers from the former capital of Ingushetia.



The climate of the city does not differ in too severe austerity, but it cannot be called soft either. Nazran has a fair amount of rainfall. The general climate can vary from temperate to steppe. This glorious city has very few sunny days. There are only about 50 or 60 in a year. The rest of the time it either rains or the weather is cloudy. Summer is short. The hottest months are July and August. The end of spring and even the beginning of summer are more like early autumn with prolonged drizzling rains and cool weather.


The history of Nazran begins in 1781. But the first mention of this city dates back to 1810. It is known that in the middle of the XIX century the city fortress was rebuilt. Interestingly, the village of Nazran remained a village until World War II and several years after it. The status of the city was assigned to him during the Soviet era: in October 1967. In the late nineties, the territory of Nazran increased. The city began to include several districts. But in 2009 their number was reduced to 4. The city of Nazran is interesting in that it opened the first educational institution in Ingushetia. It was a Nazran highland school. And at the turn of the 20th century, regular communication with the city was established by rail.



The economy of the city is mainly based on production. There are several enterprises in Nazran. For example, light alloy plants and concrete, Metallotorg. Moreover, the latter organization is a branch of the largest enterprise in European Russia, which specializes in metal rolling.


Some streets of Nazran have historically important sites. The city has several major attractions, in addition to many small sculptures and monuments. Immediately at the entrance, residents and guests of Nazran meet the stele. The name of the city is written in large beautiful letters on it. Under it is the year of its foundation. Just above the inscription is a special sign symbolizing the fertility and hospitality of the surrounding lands.

In the city is the so-called Gamurzievsky fortification. It was discovered during excavations. The city of Nazran originated from the construction of the fortress of the same name, but various household items made it clear that in those parts people lived hundreds of years before the construction of the fortification there. Some finds date back to the 3rd century BC. This means that people lived here 700 years before the construction of the Nazran fortress!


Unique places

On the outskirts of the city there is a very interesting enterprise. Namely, a fish skin factory. They make a wide variety of subjects. Starting from items of clothing and accessories to paintings and other works of art. And all this is really made of fish skin! In fact, workers in this factory make things out of waste, which usually goes to landfill.

Naturally, any visitor must visit the very place where the city was born. Now there are only the ruins of a former fortress. But they still keep the centuries-old history of the city. In any settlement there should be a museum of local lore. And the city of Nazran is no exception to this rule. The local museum tells the history of the region and the whole republic. There you can find out how the territory of the city developed, what happened there and when. An interesting fact is that the museum did not stop working even for a day even during armed conflicts in Ingushetia.


The main buildings in the city

The population of Nazran loves to show off a landmark that is considered one of the main in the whole republic. This is a memorial dedicated to the victims of political repression. It is called the Nine Towers. The complex also has a museum. There you can find out how the repression affected the inhabitants of the republic. The complex was opened in the late nineties, namely in 1997. The appearance of the memorial is quite interesting. It represents exactly nine towers that are intertwined with barbed wire. They symbolize peoples deported during times of repression.

Another interesting attraction of the city is the Borg Kash Mausoleum. The uniqueness of the construction is expressed in the fact that it is the only Muslim tomb in Russia. Unfortunately, she was often robbed. The last major looting took place in the 19th century, after the locals started rumors about the last treasure there. Now the residents of the city are trying to maintain the tomb in good condition.

The main artery of the settlement is Bazorkin Avenue. It is there that the Nazran administration is located. Authorized people in certain positions regularly travel around the city, checking. In addition, activities related to the prevention of terrorist attacks are being actively pursued.
