
State of Uruguay: president without a palace

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State of Uruguay: president without a palace
State of Uruguay: president without a palace

Video: World's 'poorest president' Uruguay's Jose Mujica & his $1m VW 2024, July

Video: World's 'poorest president' Uruguay's Jose Mujica & his $1m VW 2024, July

There is probably no more boring country in the world than Uruguay. Even its center, the city of Montevideo, is like a "sleeping kingdom." The state’s dullness can be compared with a fan: it seems solid, smart, kind, but for some reason it does not turn on. On the map, Uruguay is represented by a modest triangle located between emotional Brazil and passionate Argentina. It seems that he appeared due to the fact that the neighbors could not divide these lands among themselves. The cities of Uruguay in terms of sophistication do not reach Argentina, and the beauty of the landscapes does not match the Brazilian one.

But despite the state’s boringness, neighbors often cross the border to relax on the luxurious beaches without fear of crowding and theft of things. But the article will not discuss the country, but why the former president of Uruguay, Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano, is considered one of the poorest heads of state on the planet and what changes occurred in the country during his reign.

Hero of our time

Heidi Spekona - Swiss by birth, but working in the film industry in Germany, began to release the second part of the tape about the life and political activities of Jose Alberto. The workflow on the first part was completed in 1997, it talked about childhood, the years spent in prison and the return to life without incident.


The new film talks about the current life of Jose Alberto.

Heads of state serving as president until Cordano

Julio Maria Sanguinetti Coirolo (January 6, 1936, Montevideo, Uruguay) - President from 1985 to 1990 and from 1995 to 2000. Born in a middle-class family, an Italian by birth. The main profession is a lawyer, later he combined the legal sphere with the career of a journalist.

Battle Ibáñez, Jorge (October 25, 1927, Montevideo, Uruguay) - President from 2000 to 2005. Founder of the Colorado faction. In domestic politics he adhered to the idea of ​​problems with the settlement of the victims of military dictatorship. In foreign policy, he tried to find ways of rapprochement with the United States.

Tabare Ramon Vazquez Rosas (January 17, 1940, Montevideo, Uruguay) - President from 2005 to 2010. He is Galician in origin and an oncologist by profession. Father of four children, one of whom is adopted. The second time he took office as president last March.

Legalization of "weed"

Did you know that this very country was the first to legalize drug use? If you think that Holland was ahead of them, then you are deeply mistaken. In the Netherlands, drugs are prohibited. The government of the country allows the use of marijuana only and strictly in certain places, for people over 18 years of age and not more than 5 g per day.


The idea of ​​legalizing drugs was proposed by the 40th official president of Uruguay, Jose Alberto Mujica. In his opinion, they should not be fought, but their sale should be allowed. There is nothing good in legalization, but the worst thing is to put your people in the hands of drug trafficking. Now the Institute for Control and Regulation of Cannabis is engaged in this. Marijuana smokers receive special cards that help to fix the violation of the monthly dose (40 g). Also, people registered in the smokers registry are allowed to grow no more than 6 marijuana plants, and private companies will be engaged in industrial scale production. An important point: the president of Uruguay himself banned the sale of drugs to foreigners.

The poorest in the world

Jose Alberto Mujica (born May 20, 1935, Montevideo, Uruguay) - President from March 2010 to 2015. Initially, he was against the establishment of a military dictatorship in the country. Even the years spent in prison did not prevent him from taking the post of head of Uruguay for 5 years.


He is called one of the poor heads of state because he gave 90% of his salary to aid funds and other non-governmental organizations.

Expecting Socialism

Having organized with their friends in 1965 a movement against the Tupamaros dictatorship, they fought like Robin Hoods - robbed trucks carrying food, and then gave them to the poor. Over time, their organization during the attacks begins to use weapons. Later, becoming president, he will say in one interview: "We thought it was easy to build a new society, and we are on the verge of socialism, but it turned out we were deeply mistaken." Soon, a gang of Robin Hoods was caught. Many times, José Alberto arranged a jailbreak, and his fiancé helped him, but every attempt was unsuccessful. In total, he spent 14 years behind bars, 2 years of them in solitary confinement.