
Mushrooms of Crimea. Edible mushrooms of the Crimea: description, photo

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Mushrooms of Crimea. Edible mushrooms of the Crimea: description, photo
Mushrooms of Crimea. Edible mushrooms of the Crimea: description, photo

Video: Body Painting Mushrooms on Sawyer Croft 2024, June

Video: Body Painting Mushrooms on Sawyer Croft 2024, June

Mushrooms are eukaryotic organisms lacking chlorophyll. They differ from the lower plant and animal species anatomically, biologically and morphologically. The article presents the edible and poisonous mushrooms of the Crimea. We invite the reader to familiarize themselves with their description and see photos. There are many mushrooms on this peninsula, and they grow in various places: from the steppe to forests and plateaus.

Mushroom history of Crimea

The season usually begins after the Indian summer, but in general, you can collect them all year, at any time. Although there are a lot of mushrooms on the peninsula, they were never considered the main food. Therefore, only lovers collected them. This attitude continued until the 20th century. After it came into vogue Mediterranean cuisine, which includes various mushroom sauces. People have redefined their attitude to food. Thus, the mushrooms of the Crimea began to enjoy great success among the population of the peninsula.


What species grow on the peninsula

There are many different mushrooms in the Crimea, and the most common ones that the “silent hunters” love to collect are mushrooms, honey agarics, white, raincoats, butterfish and gray rowan. They are pretty unpredictable. Since it is not possible to develop a specific collection calendar for them.

Mushrooms of Crimea: photo, description, places of growth

Each year, the season for specific species begins and ends in different ways. "Where to pick mushrooms?" - There is no definite answer to this question, since there are a huge number of them on the peninsula. Many of them are considered edible. Not without poisonous species. But mainly mushrooms, which are familiar and familiar to everyone, are growing in demand, and they grow in other regions.


The saffron season is Indian summer

Redheads grow almost until the end of October. They love shady places under firs and pines, ravines, longitudinal grooves and pits. The hat is on average up to 15 cm, almost always flat, but sometimes has a slightly indented shape in the middle. Its edges are wrapped down. After growing, the hat straightens, becoming funnel-shaped. In color, these Crimean mushrooms are light orange, red or bluish-green.


They can be collected on the peninsula with buckets, and not only in forests, but also in vegetable gardens and gardens. Season is wet and warm autumn. The diameter of the hat is from 3 to 10 cm. The leg is long and can even reach 20 cm. The hat is grayish-yellow on top and white, plate-like on the bottom. These mushrooms grow in groups, right on the stumps, from where their name came from. They love fallen trees.

White mountain

Do these mushrooms grow in Crimea, where to collect them? You can find them in the mountainous part of the peninsula, among shrubs and glades. The hat has a convex shape, it is wrinkled or smooth. In dry weather, it cracks a little, and in wet it becomes mucous. The pulp of these mushrooms is white and dense, has a pleasant smell and does not change color when broken.



These Crimean mushrooms are akin to champignons. They are located in deciduous forests and come in three species: pear-shaped, prickly, and giants. The latter often reach a height of 34 cm.


They are preferred to be collected on the Ai-Petri plateau. For connoisseurs of butter, this is a real Mecca. The mushroom cap is up to 14 cm in diameter. It is hemispherical initially, subsequently it takes on a rounded shape. The color is brown, but can be of different shades. The leg sometimes reaches 11 cm. These mushrooms love bright places, clearings and edges. Mostly grow in forests, but you can find them under a tree in the meadow. In Crimea, they are often found even near stones.

The rowing is gray

These are the most popular mushrooms of Crimea. Otherwise, they are called mice. Their hats are up to 12 cm, gray, round-conical. The legs are quite long - reach 12 cm. But basically they are immersed in moss. Mushrooms are usually small, although among them you can find just giants. Collect them from September to November. They grow in mixed and coniferous forests. Mice are found mainly in old pines, in moss, under needles and fallen leaves and on sandy soil.

Crimean steppe mushrooms: single barrel

This is another interesting representative of the mushroom world, which is often called the crane. Loves to grow among the grass in the steppe. Just finding a one-barrel is pretty hard. Local residents (near Simferopol) are used to calling it differently, each according to their own associations. For example, you can often hear the word "hoofed". This name was given to her because of a wooden leg. Many call her a duck because of the characteristics of growth. She stands as if “waddling”, like a tired bird. Sometimes you can stumble upon a whole "garden" of these mushrooms.

The one-barrel is very similar to an oblique funnel, which has wrapped edges of the hat. The plates are wide, white and rare. But the main feature of this fungus is that it grows in the grass, on a prickly tatarnik or a bluehead field. Usually the season starts in May and ends in November. But there were cases when she was found in January. It is used freshly prepared for food, many prefer to pickle.


Since the steppe zone of the peninsula occupies more than half of the territory, mushrooms of this area include honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus, boletus and mushrooms. These species are no different from their counterparts, except that they grow in the grass, and not under the trees. The most popular Crimean steppe mushrooms are oyster mushroom, one-barrel. They belong to the same family. But they have their own characteristics. Although many people take them for one look. A single barrel grows in a bare steppe, which is completely devoid of trees. But oyster mushroom lives on decaying trunks.

Other varieties

What other edible mushrooms of the Crimea exist? These are champignons, mushrooms, polypore, oaks, boletus, oyster mushrooms, russula. Together with raincoats after heavy rainfall, golovachi also appear. Many Crimea mushrooms, photos of which can be seen in this article, are very popular. For example, morels, preferring constancy. They are found in the usual places: wastelands, edges, and clearings. Homely, but for a special flavor they are appreciated by cooks.

Poisonous Crimean Mushrooms

There are approximately 45 species of them. Crimean poisonous mushrooms are divided into 5 groups according to their toxicity.


  • 5th group: gray entolome, tiger rowing, flat hat mushroom. Symptoms of mild poisoning begin between 30 minutes and 5 hours after ingestion. The malaise lasts up to a week.

  • 4th group: ink and shaggy dung beetles. Poisoning occurs when alcohol is consumed simultaneously with them. Therefore, it must not be drunk for three days after the mushrooms have been eaten.

  • 3rd group: talkers (pale, reddish, orange-red and waxy). All symptoms of poisoning begin 15 minutes after eating mushrooms. Sometimes they lead to the death of a person.

  • 2nd group: red and panther fly agaric. In case of poisoning, a fatal outcome is often possible.

  • Group 1 - the most poisonous mushrooms, deadly to humans. These include: pale grebe, spring white and green fly agaric and cherry brown silverfish. Symptoms begin to appear almost immediately after their use.


Although all these mushrooms are poisonous, they can also be useful for humans. Some of them are used by pharmacists for the preparation of various medicines and sometimes are part of herbal preparations for brewing. Of course, the dosage is the lowest.

Where to pick mushrooms

Many people prefer the Crimean mountains, where the famous porcini mushroom is most often found there. The Ai-Petrinskaya Yaila is very successful. There are also many of them on the flat tops of mountain ranges. And the forests near the Demerdzhi Mountain in Radiant are considered to be excellent places for a “quiet hunt”.

There are many good places near Sevastopol - where the forest stretches to Bakhchisarai. In the east of the peninsula, mushrooms are collected, starting from Feodosia and ending with Old Crimea. The steppe zone is also rich in them - among the estuaries Donuzlav and Sasyk. The largest number of mice can be found in the area of ​​Kolchugino and the Crimean Observatory. Redheads are near Rybachy, and the chanterelles are collected in Marble. Oilfishes most often come across in Stroganovka and Zelenogorsk district.

Mushroom ethics

Fans of "silent hunting" have their own ethics. You can’t kick the mushrooms with their feet, even if they are of no interest. They may be required by another. Ideally, the collection takes place in baskets woven from twigs. This is due to the fact that plastic buckets and bags do not allow air to pass through, and collected mushrooms can "not survive" to the house. They need to be cut with a knife, near the ground, so as not to damage the roots.


You can not pull them out of the mycelium and tear moss. It damages and destroys the roots. Under the bright sun, the mycelium dries and dies. The most favorable time for collection is after the last warm rain, especially if it was at night. In order to preserve the mycelium, the rotten specimen caught in the way is broken into small pieces and scattered around.