
Marmoset is a small monkey with big eyes. Brief Description of the View

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Marmoset is a small monkey with big eyes. Brief Description of the View
Marmoset is a small monkey with big eyes. Brief Description of the View

Video: Monkey facts - The Smallest Monkey on the Planet 2024, June

Video: Monkey facts - The Smallest Monkey on the Planet 2024, June

Secular ladies who lived in the 19th century brought up marmosets or marmosets as pets. After reading this article, you will find out where these little monkeys with big eyes live and look like.


Exterior Features

These miniature primates have an extraordinary color. The abdomen and legs of animals are covered with dark yellow or orange hair. Above, their little body is hidden under a thick long fur of gray, golden or black shade. One of the distinguishing features that this monkey with large eyes possesses is the white lines on the muzzle and nose bridge. It can also be recognized by a tail decorated with black stripes. Visually, males practically do not differ from females.

The twenty-centimeter tail of the marmoset is slightly longer than the body itself. The forelimbs of these tiny animals are shorter than the hind limbs. On all fingers of the animal there are sharp claws.


Lifestyle & Habitat

Like lemur, a small monkey with big eyes inhabits the tropical forests of South and Central America. Many species are found in the Amazon. The valleys of rivers in which evergreen forests grow are considered to be favorite places for marmosets to live. In addition, they live on the outskirts of agricultural fields.

All marmosets lead a daily lifestyle. They live in trees, moving along them with horizontal running along branches and jumping. Due to its very light weight, this tiny monkey with big eyes is able to get to the very top of the crown. However, most often it climbs to a height not exceeding twenty meters above the ground. Marmosettes are very territorial animals. They live in isolated groups, guarding their borders with sound signals and smell.


How do marmosets breed?

Under natural conditions, all species of monkeys with large eyes are divided into small flocks of five to ten individuals. In each of the groups there is always a couple consisting of a male and a dominant female, as well as their cubs. Despite the unexpressed seasonality of reproduction, during one year one marmoset can give birth to no more than two litters. The only female producing baby is the dominant female.

The average duration of marmoset pregnancy is about 125 days. One miniature monkey with large eyes can give birth to no more than three cubs. Despite the fact that the female can feed all the babies, as a rule, only one survives. The offspring are not only the mother, but the whole group. Children spend the lion's share of time in the company of their father and other members of the pack. They protect babies from predators.


What does a miniature monkey with big eyes eat?

The basis of the diet of these animals is the juice of rubber and grape tree. They eat small holes in them. After about a day, enough resins accumulate there. The structure of the digestive tract of marmosets is slightly different from other primates. They have an elongated cecum. This feature allows you to better digest heavy foods.

About 20% of the diet of the marmoset is made up of bugs, butterflies, ants and grasshoppers. Miniature animals catch them in the crowns of trees at a height of ten meters above the surface of the earth. Also, marmosettes do not refuse such treats as flowers, small birds, fruits and nectar. They look for fresh water on foliage and shoots of plants.



Marmosetki love attention very much. They do not tolerate loneliness. To keep these animals, you need to purchase a spacious cage in advance. Despite their miniature size, the marmosets are very jumping, so it is advisable for them to choose the appropriate housing that would not limit their natural activity. In order to recreate natural conditions, strong branches need to be placed in the cage of the monkey. They are recommended to be placed at different heights.

In countries with warm climates, a cage with a pet can be placed outside. In this case, it is advisable to purchase two houses at once. In those months when the air does not warm up to 25 degrees, you need to additionally warm the cage with the help of special lamps.

In addition to the house, the monkey must have toys. Experts advise them to purchase plastic products that are safe for babies. Marmosetki are very curious, they like to explore the surrounding space. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that, having studied a new toy, the animal will lose all interest in it.

It is advisable to acquire not one, but several individuals at once. Marmosets, living with relatives, feel much better. In addition, the animal, living alone, requires much more attention.

Marmosettes need a well-balanced diet. Their menu should contain eggs, insects, vegetables and fruits. You can also feed them raw, peeled shrimp and sea cocktail.