
Inoyatov Rustam Rasulovich: biography, professional activity

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Inoyatov Rustam Rasulovich: biography, professional activity
Inoyatov Rustam Rasulovich: biography, professional activity

Inoyatov Rustam Rasulovich, whose biography is one continuous dark spot, has been heading the National Security Service of Uzbekistan for more than twenty years. He is called the most “long-playing” senior official of the republic, attributed to him a lot of unpleasant acts, and also claim that this person has a huge influence on the President of Uzbekistan and even managed to build his own empire within the state. Inoyatov’s name repeatedly appeared in high-profile scandals of a republican scale.

Childhood and youth

Extremely little is known about the childhood and youth of the future head of the NSS, as, indeed, about other aspects of his personal life. The official skillfully hides from the public everything that can be hidden.

Inoyatov Rustam was born exactly three years after the start of World War II - on the twenty-second of June 1944. His birthplace is the city of Sherabad, Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan. By profession, he is an Iranian - received a diploma from TSU in 1968. He studied at the Faculty of Oriental Studies. She speaks Uzbek, Russian, Persian and English. But he did not connect his life with languages, choosing a completely different kind of activity.


The beginning of service in the KGB

After graduating from university, Inoyatov Rustam did not look for a job, but went to serve in the army. It was from this moment that his cooperation with the KGB began, in whose ranks he signed up, barely taking the oath.

In the late seventies and early eighties, Inoyatov got into foreign intelligence, served in Afghanistan, where he was provided with diplomatic cover.

Head of the SNB

What did Rustam Inoyatov do after serving in Afghanistan? The biography is silent about this - it is difficult to find any information. His figure "leaves the underground" only in 1995 and immediately appears at the very top - Uzbek President Islam Karimov appoints the former KGB officer as the head of the National Security Service of the republic.



Inoyatov Rustam spent the first decade in the chair of the head of the National Security Service (National Security Service), sharing power over security forces with Zakir Almatov, who headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The latter was represented by the Samarkand clan, and its colleague and competitor in one person - Tashkent. Between the rivals there was an unceasing "undercover" fight, which ended with the victory of Inoyatov. True, in fairness, it should be noted that circumstances helped him.

After the well-known Andijan events of 2005, when the riots were suppressed in the most severe ways, Almatov was blamed. And they "retired" him. All power was in the hands of Inoyatov. A strong competitor was eliminated, and those who could theoretically confront the main esenbeshnik danced to his tune.


President "under the hood"

Inoyatov Rustam Rasulovich, whose activity, in theory, should extend only to the sphere of state security, actually plays a much more important role in Uzbekistan. There is information that he keeps “under the hood” of the president himself, controlling and directing his every move. Allegedly, Karimov is surrounded on all sides by scammers who immediately merge any information into the NSS. And if the behavior of the head of state runs counter to Inoyatov’s plans, the president will immediately be removed from the arena.

Naturally, there were people who opposed usurpation of power in the hands of one person, but they were very quickly forced to keep quiet by intimidation and trumped-up charges. So, for example, Inoyatov “removed” Kuralov, who headed the Tax Committee - the official was publicly accused of excessive wastefulness and deprived of his seat. In fact, Rustam Rasulovich was behind all this.


The NSS is such a powerful structure in Uzbekistan that it even has at its disposal an "army" consisting of thousands of special forces, border troops, etc.

Personal Empire of Inoyatov

Why is one person so much power? Is it really all about ambition? No, this is far from the case! During his leadership of the SNB, Inoyatov Rustam Rasulovich built an entire empire within the state that brings fabulous income to him and his family. Moreover, it should be noted that the main esenbeshnik never differed in rude methods - he did not arrange raider seizures, he did not squeeze out business by force, but acted much more cunningly. Starting from the nineties, Inoyatov gradually expanded the sphere of influence of his department, “crushing” under him those industries that had never before been controlled by special services. We are mainly talking about the economy (internal and external) as the most profitable area.

Rustam Rasulovich quietly placed his people everywhere, gradually penetrating deeper and deeper into the places he needed. And, as a result, today the Inoyatov family and people close to it own the most tidbits in Uzbekistan. They control the cotton and construction industries, they own various large factories, the best beaches on the coast of Issyk-Kul and even the railway of Uzbekistan. There is evidence that drug smuggling also takes place “under the patronage” of the head of the National Security Service, and the president knows about this and is silent, since he is also in the stake.


Among other things, Inoyatov is accused of major financial fraud in the transfer of state assets to foreign banks.

Almost the entire path of a man named Inoyatov Rustam is a biography-compromising evidence. Wherever you look, you come across unpleasant things. But, nevertheless, he still continues to occupy his comfortable chair at the very “helm” and does not intend to leave it in the near future.

The scandal with the daughter of the president

One of the most high-profile scandals in the history of Uzbekistan flared up in December 2013. Its main defendants were the daughter of Islam Karimov and the head of the SNB. The "Uzbek Princess", as the people call Gulnara Karimova, published a resonant post on her social media page. Inoyatov Rustam was accused of trying to usurp power in it, and the incumbent president was actually exposed as a “sucker” and a potential victim of the conspirators. Ms. Karimova also charged Inoyatova and his close associates with financial impropriety.

At that time, the resignation of the "longest playing" was already spoken of as a resolved issue. But soon the scandal faltered, the daughter reconciled with her father, and Inoyatov remained at his post.
