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The history of the origin of the surname Mikheev

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The history of the origin of the surname Mikheev
The history of the origin of the surname Mikheev

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The origin of the surname Mikheev etymologists associate with the name Mikhey. Its roots go back to Hebrew. It is derivative on behalf of Michael. There are two more surnames formed from the short form of the latter - these are Mikhelev and Mikheikin. The origin and nationality of the surname Mikheev will be described in the article.

Equal to God

The origin of the surname Mikheev is based on the name Mikhey. It is formed from another that is part of the baptismal canon. This is the name Michael. Translated from Hebrew, it means "equal to God Yahweh" or "God-like." There are other forms of this name. These include:

  • English Michael;
  • Arabic Michael
  • German Michel
  • Spanish Miguel;
  • french michelle.

Studying the history of the name Mikheev, it should be said about the origin of the name, the full form of which gave it a start.

Head of the angelic army


Like so many others, the name Michael is closely associated with scripture. Under him was originally known the angel mentioned in the Book of the Prophet Daniel. In the Christian tradition, it means the archangel Michael, the main among the angelic troops, one of the most revered figures in the Bible.

In Orthodoxy, he, together with the holy army of angels, stands guard over the law of God. Believers turn to Michael for prayers for healing. This is due to the fact that he is revered as the conqueror of evil spirits, which are considered a source of disease in Christianity.

It is also believed among Christians that it was the archangel Michael who was the cherub who stood at the gates of heaven, armed with a sword. This is also reflected in iconography, where it is usually depicted with a spear in one hand and a mirror sphere in the other. The latter is a symbol of foresight transmitted to the archangel by God.

The Orthodox Church has established the feast of the Cathedral, that is, a collection of holy angels, headed by the archangel Michael. It falls on November 8th. According to one version, the founder of the Mikheev family could be born on that day, and as a result received his name.

Belonging to the genus


According to another version, the origin of the name Mikheev refers directly to the name Mikhey. In the ancient Slavs, the addition of the name of the father to the name of the son or daughter denoted his belonging to a particular family.

The reason for this was a small number of baptismal names in the holy calendar, so there were many people with the same names who needed to be distinguished. The solution to the problem of identification was precisely the addition of a generic personal name.

So, the children of people who bore the indicated name were called “Mikheev’s daughter” or son, hence the name in question appears. The suffix "ev" refers to the Russian patronymic particles that make up the names. He indicates that the origin of the patronymic of Mikheev dates back to the time that came not earlier than the 16th century.

The owners of the surname were on the most various steps of the social ladder. For many centuries, among them were peasants, merchants, nobles, Cossacks, representatives of the clergy, including the highest, the Old Believers.

Famous, for example, is the family founded by Peter Mikheev, granted noble dignity in 1810. Its representatives are listed in the tombstone of Russian noble families, which was established in 1797 by Emperor Pavel I. Among the famous namesakes is the poet and writer Mikhail Petrovich Mikheev (20 c.). He is the author of poems for children and science fiction stories.