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How to wash rights: tips

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How to wash rights: tips
How to wash rights: tips

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At birth, every person has fundamental rights. But there are those that can be used only when a certain age is reached. One of the long-awaited is the right to drive a car. And the attendant rights: to celebrate the driver’s Day, to have a new driver’s profession, to look down at pedestrians, to replace other identification documents with a driver’s license. Let us dwell on the latter in more detail. After all, before receiving it, serious preparation and exams are coming. And as an “exhale” - you can wash your rights!

Parents and spouses promise bad when washing, marking such an event. Friends freeloaders rejoice, prompt good signs, discuss the question of how to properly wash the rights. Read about it later in the article.

How to wash a document?


There are countless stories on the subject of “wash or not wash”, and the results are different. Often not being stamped means to incur failure in the form of an accident at the beginning of your “road” path, loss of identity or, worse, deprivation of rights. So if there will be a holiday of a new life stage, then what to catch on, where is that starting point?

It is convenient to combine a number with a sign in life. So, how many seconds the newlyweds hold out in a kiss - they have lived together for so many years; tapping three times with a dropped cutlery on the floor - do not wait for an unexpected guest; the option of term papers and tests is often assigned by the last digit in the set-off. Drivers adopted from students (or vice versa) the glorious tradition of determining the last digits of a driver’s license, which are indicated on the front and back in a modern document.


The ritual "in the last digits"

How to wash rights? Features of this event depend on the last digits in the document. Now we will examine the topic in more detail.

The last figure in the document is the number of bottles (or liters) of alcohol or mineral for external and internal washing. So, if the figure is zero - you have to fork out at least 10 units. From the first open bottle, fill the glass, lower the certificate and empty the container. Fortunately, in recent years, the driver’s document is plastic and the liquid does not threaten him. Previously, only sprayed from the first glass, as the “crusts” were paper.

The last digit in the document means how many days you need to carry your “long-awaited card” in your inner pocket. As a rule, such a ritual is a continuation of the first. But it can be regarded as a separate rite. It is believed that, having endured such a custom, you will be constantly "invisible" to the servants of the law, or if there is a violation of driving you can successfully hide.

The last figure in the document is to drive so many kilometers on a wet surface. In the literal sense, show your initial driving skills and immediately wash the received document. The road may be wet from rain, you can also carefully drive along the seashore (lake), touching the wheels with water.


Event Location

How to wash rights with like-minded people - with your classmates and instructors from a driving school, with people who, in addition to the educational institution, were practically engaged in driving and were mentors? I would like to say that perhaps the most significant people are those who paid for such an expensive pleasure as studying at a driving school. Someone, but they should be put down.

Where and how to wash rights? A good place to "cover the clearing" for supporters of this matter may be a garage. It is desirable, of course, without a car, so as not to test their professional suitability. Also directly located in a driving school. If the washing takes place in a fold, then for sure there will be a couple of hundred for the present to the director of the institution for excellent preparation. In modern times, motorists' clubs have replaced karting clubs. Perhaps the most successful place - there you can ride on racing counterparts, and even get fictional medals. Well, after that you can wash your rights.

Is it possible to wash?


Of course, there are concerns about whether rights can be washed when the actual document is not yet in hand. Superstitious drivers here give a clear negative answer. Still, the rights are washed off as a received form, and the acquired right to drive will still have to be proved on the roads.

So how to wash the rights? Such a celebration is recommended to be held away from your car. There is a chance to dare and at the end of the party to show their initial abilities. But the reaction is not the same, and there is no skill, and dexterity has dulled. And it would be nice not to budge at all than to damage your treasure.

An important factor is that a person who has abandoned the bad habit of drinking alcohol has gained another interest, for example, driving a car. And to encourage him to wash his rights can be a social crime. It is expected that willpower will not work and will literally “come”.

Where did this tradition come from?

We already know the answer to the exciting question: are rights washed out? Now consider where the similar rite came from. To wash rights, children, apartments - this tradition was adopted from the military, who honor their ranks and rinse stars and orders in a faceted glass with alcohol. But before the start of the action, the chief official speaks parting words and takes the oath of honor, dignity, and service to the motherland from the holder of the order. Thus, this event is equated to the front 100 grams. They were rare on the front line because of the difficulty in delivering food. But if they were - then everything is calm on the front line.
