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How to use a stun gun? Description, rules, classes of stun guns

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How to use a stun gun? Description, rules, classes of stun guns
How to use a stun gun? Description, rules, classes of stun guns

Video: Stun Guns 101 - Stun Gun Myths 2024, July

Video: Stun Guns 101 - Stun Gun Myths 2024, July

Currently, many are thinking about their safety. In this connection, the question arises of using a stun gun for self-defense. Today, the market has a large number of models and several classes of such devices. How to use a stun gun, its types and classes will be discussed in this article.

Product Description

The stun gun is a weapon belonging to the category of civilian. The principle of its action is based on the effect of an electric discharge on the human body. It refers to the types of non-lethal weapons and is remote and contact. You need to know how to use a stun gun in order not to get an electric discharge yourself.


In addition to remote and contact differentiation, stun guns are divided into wired and wireless systems. In the former, the electric charge is transmitted by wire, while the latter transmit it through the so-called electric bullet. In fact, such a bullet is a miniature stun gun that shoots at a target, is fixed on it with horn-shaped needles, and then transfers the charge.

Effects on the body

Considering the question of how to use a stun gun, you should understand its effects on the body. The effect is caused by the electric current that passes through it. After this, a person experiences cramps, muscle cramps, as well as disorientation, in this regard, he loses the ability to move.

The strength of the impact of the stun gun depends on its power. Since the electric discharge affects the muscles, the stun gun is not recommended for use against the elderly, as well as those who have heart disease.

Places of application

Studying how to use a stun gun, you need to learn that when using it, first of all, you need to be decisive. In the event that you were attacked, you should point the stun gun in the direction of the attacker and press the button. When using a contact wireless shocker at its end, on the electrodes, an electric arc is formed, which, in fact, is a striking element.


It is necessary to ensure tight contact between the stun gun arc and the attacker. It is recommended to direct the arc to the area of ​​the arms or legs. The most susceptible parts of the body are the face, groin, neck and chest, however, it is undesirable to use the device on these parts of the body, as this can lead to very serious consequences.


When using a stun gun for self-defense, you must first read the instructions. When using a powerful stun gun belonging to the first class, it should be kept on the body of the attacker for about one second. During this period of time, the enemy will receive a sufficient electric shock, will be paralyzed and disoriented for some time.


You should also clarify whether the particular model of the shocker you are using will work in various weather conditions, for example, in rain or frost. The fact is that some devices are not intended for use in severe frost, as their battery is quickly discharged.

One of the most popular modifications of stun guns are remote shockers. They have proven their reliability and ease of use. When using these types of civilian weapons, there is no way to harm yourself, and in case of a miss on the attacker, you can quickly reload the shocker and use it again.

Classes of stun guns

As mentioned earlier, stun guns are divided into classes. There are four of them. The fourth, lowest class includes devices whose power is less than 1000 kilovolts. It should be noted that they are extremely inefficient and, in fact, are more psychological weapons than real ones. However, a device of this class will be able to protect you from the attack of stray dogs.


Stun guns of the third class have a power of 1000 to 5000 kilovolts. Such devices can deliver pain to the attacker, but are not able to deprive him of consciousness. You can send an opponent knocked out with such a shocker only if you use it for several seconds, directing it to the neck or chest area (which, as noted earlier, is not recommended).

Devices with a capacity of 5, 000 to 9, 000 kilovolts are considered to be already military. Such devices, regardless of their type (remote or contact), will cause significant damage to the enemy. An electric shock of such power can deprive him of consciousness for several minutes and cause severe muscle contractions and cramps. After exposure to the attacker an electric discharge on his feet, he will not be able to resist.