
How to survive in the desert - features, practical tips and reviews

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How to survive in the desert - features, practical tips and reviews
How to survive in the desert - features, practical tips and reviews

Video: Bear Grylls - Bear Essentials - App Review 2024, July

Video: Bear Grylls - Bear Essentials - App Review 2024, July

Under the deserts on the planet, 1/5 of the entire surface is occupied. The most famous: Sahara, Gobi, Karakum, Arabian. However, the notion “desert” itself includes not only the territory that is covered with sand, it can be a solonchak steppe, rocky terrain. In any case, when a person falls into such a terrain, he has only one thought: "Survive at any cost in the desert." After all, this is a territory with extremely extreme conditions, where there are practically no people, rivers, vegetation and animals, it is very hot during the day, and at night the temperature can drop below zero degrees.

Among the sands, there’s nothing for a man’s eye to cling to, for there is nothing besides dunes. At such moments, the main thing is not to break down and not be nervous. There are no detailed maps of such areas, because the sand dunes change their shape throughout the month, they can increase in size up to 12 meters.



How to survive in the desert? For a person who finds himself in such cruel conditions, this question is not rhetorical. One of the main factors that will help you survive is orientation. First of all, you should try to find the caravan route, even if it is abandoned. This is a chance that a well will meet on the way. You can navigate by the stars or in the direction of the prevailing winds. They form the surrounding relief. The direction of the top of the dune will indicate the direction of the wind.

Moving through the desert is better at night, very early in the morning and in the evening. During the transition, you should not make sudden movements, the pace should be uniform, and the first halt is best done after 30 minutes. The next vacation you can already afford after 2 hours. Steps during transitions should be short.

Do not be afraid: mirages may appear in the desert. Such a phenomenon can most often be observed at noon and before sunrise, when the demarcations in the air layers and incomprehensible images are clearly visible.


If there is a chance that soon there will be a sandstorm, you should immediately find natural shelter. It can be a stone or ruins. It’s possible to understand that a storm will begin soon, by the ensuing silence, the air immediately stops, as it were, and everything around freezes. If there is clothing, then you should wrap it tightly, so the wind speed at such moments can reach 200 km / h. You can only breathe through a scarf or any other fabric.



How to survive in the desert? The next factor that dramatically affects survival is sun protection. It is best to take a halt between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. If there are no stones or caves around, then in the sand you can dig a depression, try to reach the wetter layers. From above, design something like an awning by pulling even an ordinary towel or shirt onto the sticks. Undressing in shelter is not recommended.

According to the reviews of people who have been in the desert, you can even dig in the sand, thus managing to reduce moisture loss and even relax a little.


How to survive in the desert? Another prerequisite is that in no case should you undress, each piece of the body must be protected from direct sunlight, especially the head. If there are dark glasses, they should be worn or try to craft from improvised means. At night, clothes will not freeze and protect against insects, which are mostly poisonous in the desert. In addition, if there is plenty to choose from, it is better to give preference to loose-fitting clothing that will not restrict movement. Remember that even reflecting sunlight can cause burns.



How to survive in the desert? There is one more rule that should be followed - no need to walk barefoot on the sand, especially in the daytime. Hot sand can cause alkaline burns.

If it happened that there were no boots or boots at hand, then you have to improvise. You can wrap the legs with cloth, and tie the remnants of the tires or planks to the bottom (on the sole).

At the halt, be sure to take off ordinary or improvised shoes. Only this should be done very carefully, as the legs swell strongly in the heat.



No matter how much food you have, water plays a dominant role in the desert. In such conditions, it is recommended to consume at least 3.5 liters. And here a logical question arises - how to survive in the desert without water, how to save it and prevent dehydration?

First of all, in no case do not undress, even if it will seem much cooler without clothes. Clothing does not allow sweat to evaporate, therefore, the body needs less water.

Do not wash or even wash yourself until you find a real source of water. If you find a source, then bathe without using soap, so as not to remove the greasy protective layer.

Remember that smoking causes thirst, especially when it comes to the scorching sun above your head. Therefore, once in the desert, you can get a real chance to get rid of a bad habit.

At the first sensation of thirst, you do not need to drink immediately - bear with it while you can. In no case do not drink water in one gulp, only in small sips. With a very small supply of fluid, you should only moisten your lips.

You can put a small smooth pebble in your mouth or chew grass. Such tricks will reduce your thirst.

Salt can be consumed only if there is a sufficient supply of water, although it inhibits dehydration, it also causes a strong feeling of thirst.

On the way, try to talk less, do not rush. Remember that in the desert you need to regulate sweating, not water consumption. In light of this, the distribution of doses of water for several days does not make any sense. Since one or two liters per day, in the conditions of sand, they will not save from dehydration.



In places where there is a lot of sand, it is difficult to find a natural source of food. In general, the question is interesting: "How do animals survive in the desert?" Although in such conditions, food is of secondary importance. It is recommended that you do not eat anything for the first 24 hours, and if there is not enough water, then it is better not to eat at all until it runs out.

Nevertheless, animals can be found even in the desert, but their habitat is still tied to sources of water and vegetation. This can be a rabbit, rat, meadow dogs and other rodents, of course, snakes and lizards. Near the water you can find frogs. According to reviews, the most edible part of the frog's body - the legs, which should be peeled and fried over a fire, can be dried.

In the lizard, the edible part is the meat on the back and legs. The snake can be consumed whole, after skinning and decapitation. According to people who have been in the desert, after fertilization, lizards and snakes inside can find round formations that are suitable for frying. Also in the body of reptiles, you can find eggs that are located in the leathery shell - they are also suitable for consumption.


How do plants survive in the desert? In principle, like animals, it grows mainly near a water source. Often, representatives of the flora in the desert look like dried up and completely unsuitable for use. In fact, each plant has a soft fleshy part, which is fully usable. Therefore, do not be afraid to try plants, they will help to survive.

In the sands you can find katran, wild sorrel, crow's feet, tulip, the roots of these plants are edible. With a lot of luck, you can find bean bushes or grasses, acacia, they have suitable fruits.

Cacti - how these unique plants survive in the desert, which can be found where, it seems, there is no moisture at all. How do they live? First of all, these plants have very deep roots, which can at least partially reach the moisture. In addition, almost all cacti have a rounded shape, by growing the base of the leaves, and not the leaves themselves, which turn into thorns. It is in the base of the leaves that valuable moisture accumulates. Some representatives of this species can even capture tiny droplets of moisture from the air with their young shoots. Spines also help to collect moisture and at the same time protect the plant from sunlight.
