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Every second "builds her eyes" for a discount: what infuriates tattoo artists most of all

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Every second "builds her eyes" for a discount: what infuriates tattoo artists most of all
Every second "builds her eyes" for a discount: what infuriates tattoo artists most of all

More recently, tattoos on a female body in our society were considered something incredible and shameful, but today they can be seen on the skin of beauties of the highest status. Along with the fashion for women's tattoos, a lot of anecdotal situations have appeared related to the visit of tattoo parlors by the fair sex. If you are a girl and are going to get a tattoo, check out the most annoying masters of behavior examples. Do not repeat other people's mistakes, so as not to give your skin into the hands of a person who dislikes you.

1. No need to bring all your girlfriends

It's no secret that girls like to do everything together - travel in company, go to the toilet in pairs and so on. However, a tattoo parlor is not a place for parties, so the presence of even one friend with whom you will chat throughout the session can interfere with the work of the master.

2. Wearing tight-fitting clothes in place of the future tattoo is not worth it


Yes, women like to look beautiful and attractive everywhere, wearing tight-fitting or, conversely, too lush clothes. But to perceive a trip to a tattoo session should not be as a publication, but as a visit to a doctor. Choose loose, simple, and comfortable clothing that gives you easy access to the tattoo site and in which you won’t get tired of sitting for hours on end.

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3. Shouting "I changed my mind" when the master has already started his work is a bad idea


Yes, it’s sometimes difficult for women to make a decision when choosing the taste of yogurt in a store, and here is a tattoo! It seems that everyone goes to the salon with 100% certainty, but my friend says that every third girl replies that she has changed her mind and leaves his control question before starting work, and every fifth one tries to make adjustments to the already outlined drawing during the work.

4. It is important to follow the rules for caring for the tattoo


If you have ever done a tattoo, you know that each master gives clients a long and detailed list of rules for caring for her. Alas, many girls who consider themselves smarter than everyone else throw out a memo on the way home, never once glancing at it. After a couple of weeks or even earlier, they will definitely return, in tears showing the master a damaged drawing or, worse, terrible inflammation due to infection.


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5. No need to bargain or flirt with a master


Yes, girls know that tattoos are expensive, like any painstaking work with expensive materials. And yes, the same girls think that they don’t have to pay so much. Some are traded directly, while others try to flirt and buzz, asking for a discount, but the result is the same - it infuriates the masters. If you do not want a person to cancel your deposit, return the prepayment and point to the door, do not try to bring down the pre-agreed price.

6. Twitching while tattooing is the worst idea


If you are afraid of pain or tickling and are not sure that you can withstand tattooing in particularly delicate places, it is better to abandon this idea. Having jerked at an especially crucial moment of the session from unbearable pain, you not only anger the master, but also run the risk of getting a wound or an unrecoverable error in the picture.


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7. No phone calls during the session


If you don’t get a tattoo on your arm and the posture allows, no one forbids using the phone - texting, flipping through a news feed or playing something for a short time. But calls and voice messages are another matter. Any chatter can distract the artist, and you will have to regret the result later.

8. Do not come with dirty parts of the body


Tattoo on the feet today are one of the most popular for women - they look elegant, and even can easily hide under tights or shoes. But the problem that my friend mentioned in this connection is dirty feet. Applying makeup to the face, putting on expensive clothes and jewelry, some women manage to forget about basic hygiene. Not only is it uncultured - literally poking your dirty legs in the face of a person is also fraught with infection, because the tattoo is an open wound.