
Kerch, Yenikale: the history of the fortress, the date of construction, interesting excursions, unusual facts, events, descriptions, photos, tourist tips

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Kerch, Yenikale: the history of the fortress, the date of construction, interesting excursions, unusual facts, events, descriptions, photos, tourist tips
Kerch, Yenikale: the history of the fortress, the date of construction, interesting excursions, unusual facts, events, descriptions, photos, tourist tips

Enikale in Kerch is a fortress located on the Crimean peninsula. This structure played a big role in its time, and fierce battles were fought for its possession. About the fortress, its history and interesting facts will be described in detail in this article.

"Key" from the Crimea

Initially, the fortress in the narrowest spot of the Kerch Strait was erected around the 5th century BC. e., and the importance of this place was appreciated long before that. According to historical sources, in the XIII century BC. e. on this territory there was the Kingdom of Mirmidon, which owned the “entrance” to the Crimea. For the possession of such a “key” from the peninsula throughout history, numerous armed clashes arose.


In these places, Greeks, Tatars and Genoese settled. The latter, around the XIV-XV centuries, built a fortress on the basis of the ruins, presumably left by the Myrmidons.

However, by the end of the 15th century, the Genoese were driven out of these places by the Turks, who captured the fortress and the surrounding land. The fortress is completely rebuilt and turns into a truly impregnable building.

Fortification History

The history of Enikale (Kerch) originates at the very end of the 17th century. According to scientists, the fortress was built in the period from about 1699 to 1706. It was built by the Ottomans to control the Kerch Strait, and the name of the structure in Turkish means "new fortress". The construction of the fortifications was led by the Italian architect Goloppo, who converted to Islam, and several engineers from France acted as assistants.


Enikale in Kerch was very important for the Ottoman Empire in terms of strategy. The fact is that the fortress was built in the narrowest spot of the Kerch Strait. Equipping this defensive structure with powerful (for that time) cannons, the Turks could prevent Russian ships from sailing freely from the Sea of ​​Azov to the Black Sea and vice versa.


Enikale (Kerch) was located on an area of ​​more than 2.5 hectares. Some researchers claim that the fortress had the shape of a quadrangle, but this is not so. Today we can say for sure that it was erected in the shape of an irregular pentagon. It had a rather unusual location due to the steep local topography and was at different levels.


Five half-bastions were built in the corners of the fortress, which could withstand a prolonged siege, as well as powerful artillery fire. Some half-bastions were extended beyond the perimeter of the walls at a considerable distance, which allowed to increase the area of ​​destruction of the advancing enemy troops.

Fortification area

The special location of the half-bastions of the Enikale fortress (Kerch) made it possible to shell the territory that adjoined the walls along the flanks. Additionally, the moat strengthened the defense, it was dug up on three sides of the fortress, and the other two were reliably “guarded” by the coastal zone.


On the territory of the fortress were located:

  • Gunpowder warehouses.
  • Residential buildings.
  • Arsenal.
  • Barracks.
  • The bathhouse.
  • Water tank.
  • Mosque

The garrison of Yenikale (Kerch) consisted of approximately 850 Ottoman and 350 Crimean Tatar soldiers, but the fortress was designed for 2, 000 soldiers. Yenikale was also one of the residences of the Turkish Pasha.

However, the fortress had a significant drawback - lack of fresh water. In Yenikal there was only one well, which could not provide drinking water to all who were in its walls. In order to solve this serious problem, an underground ceramic water pipe was laid. He connected the fortress with a source, which was located several kilometers from it.

Fortress capture

In the summer of 1771, during the Russo-Turkish war, Russian troops entered the Crimea. And on June 21, the Yenikale fortress (Kerch) was taken by Russian soldiers under the command of Major General Borzov without a fight.

The garrison of the Turks and his commander Abaza Pasha left the fortress a few days before the appearance of the Russian army, despite the fact that on the eve of them very large reinforcements arrived on ships. It consisted of 12 cannon ships, 80 large boats, seven huge galleys, on which 12 thousand soldiers arrived.

However, intelligence reported the approach of the Russian fleet, and the Turks decided to retreat. Warships, arrived as reinforcements, turned and sailed back. The garrison of the fortress left Yenikale on merchant ships. Having occupied the fortress, the Russian troops received a large number of guns of various calibers, mortars, shotguns and other weapons as trophies.

Yenikale - Russian fortress

In 1774, according to the Kuchuk-Kainardzhsky treaty, the city of Kerch and the Yenikale fortress departed from the Russian Empire. People began to settle in these places, the development of trade and the entire region as a whole began. Now control of the Kerch Strait was in the hands of the Russian Empire.


By the XIX century, the fortress had lost its significance from a military point of view, and in 1835 a military hospital was opened on the territory of Yenikale in Kerch, which had been working for 45 years. After its closure, the fortress was finally abandoned.


Currently, the Enikale fortress in Kerch is one of the many city attractions. She was given the status of a historical and architectural monument, and she was also given under state protection.


In the second half of the 20th century, a complex of restoration works was carried out, since time did not spare the fortress, and today it is in a dilapidated state. Only certain structural elements have been satisfactorily preserved to our time. These are the gates of the fortress, partly the walls and one half-bastion, which is located on the coastal side. The photo of the Enikale fortress in Kerch shows how much the building suffered from natural causes.

Along the territory of the fortifications, one railway route was laid that connects the city with the Kerch ferry. During the movement of the train, a strong vibration is created, which gradually destroys the monument. The commissioning of the Crimean bridge will allow the railway flow to be transferred from Enikale, which will favorably affect the safety of the fortifications.