
The water cycle on earth as the engine of life

The water cycle on earth as the engine of life
The water cycle on earth as the engine of life

Video: The Water Cycle 2024, June

Video: The Water Cycle 2024, June

The action of gravity and solar radiation in the aggregate give the planet an ongoing process, which is called the "water cycle on Earth", which is a kind of engine of life. If it ever ceases, then all living things will perish. This moisture circulation is usually divided into three main types. The mainland circulation is characteristic only for a certain land area. A small cycle occurs when moisture evaporates from the ocean and returns to the water with rain. All processes occur in the hydrosphere and atmosphere, clouds and clouds are not blown away by the wind. And a large water cycle is due to evaporation and the formation of clouds. But unlike previous moisture circulation, in this case the clouds can blow away far from the place of initial evaporation.


It so happened that the water in the ocean is not suitable for drinking, since it contains a large amount of salt. If it went through the water cycle on Earth in its purest form, then all the continents would fill the deserts. However, nature decreed otherwise. Despite the high concentration of salt directly in the ocean, moisture returns to the planet's surface in sediments already in desalinated form. It happens as follows. Every second from the surface of water sources, whether it is a small lake or the oceans, moisture evaporates under the influence of solar heat. If we consider a small section of the reservoir, then one or more drops are taken into account, which are lifted into the upper air layers. However, given that there is less land on the planet, a huge body of water rises into the atmosphere every second. Part of it goes beyond the Earth. In the troposphere and stratosphere, water is converted into rain clouds, and the wind carries them around the globe of our planet. Then, precipitation falls on the continents in the form of snow, rain, hail and others. So, every day we observe the water cycle on Earth, this eternal process, the beginning of which is equivalent to the appearance of our planet.


However, not all moisture from the ocean surface is precipitated. Sometimes evaporation is so strong that drops of water do not leave the earth's surface, but remain on it in the form of fog. Then we observe a mixed cycle of water in nature. His scheme is as follows. Water begins to rise from the surface, but its drops are not the same. Smaller and lighter ones enter the atmosphere, while the heavier ones remain in the hydrosphere and safely return to the ocean. The first drops are converted into clouds or clouds, which travel the planet under the influence of wind. Such, as a rule, pour already directly on the continents. Precipitation contributes to the filling of reservoirs on land, and they also penetrate the earth's surface, where they form groundwater. From the continents, moisture returns to the ocean again: rivers carry it there.


It is impossible, not mentioning the water cycle on Earth, not to say about those drops that move in space. While our planet passes in its orbit, the side that is closer to the Sun loses a particle of its atmosphere, then when it turns around from the star, it restores it. Along with the atmospheric layer, water droplets in it are also lost. They are transformed into ice crystals and settle with dew on a cosmic dust. Being completely transparent and very small, they kept their existence secret for a long time. And only recently, scientists still managed to find them. Surely this water also plays a role, but not on a planetary, but on a universal scale. However, this side of the water cycle is not exactly known to us.