the culture

Who is a dork and how to behave with him?

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Who is a dork and how to behave with him?
Who is a dork and how to behave with him?

Video: Jessica Yellin: I Left CNN to Pursue Independent Journalism | Full Talk 2024, July

Video: Jessica Yellin: I Left CNN to Pursue Independent Journalism | Full Talk 2024, July

It happens, you see an unusual word - you read it for the first time, so that it works out beautifully, singing and breathing. And then you find out the meaning - and how not to laugh here - it turns out that the meaning of the new word is completely inappropriate for the sound, the color that we gave it at first. Therefore, always, before using an unfamiliar word in speech, it is necessary to find out its meaning.

Who is a dork?

For example, the word "dork". Based on the beginning of the word, it can be understood that it somehow relates to males. However, who is such a dork is still not clear. Say the word in the French manner, slightly stretching the vowels and softening the sound "w", and the bumpkin is, for sure, a person of high descent, intelligent and refined.

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Or maybe the bumpkin is a courageous hero, ready to perform feats for the sake of his beloved, the gallant gentleman is always polite, courteous, attentive? In this case, any girl dreams of a bumpkin on a white horse. No matter how!

Are you surprised to learn that the meaning of the word "bumpkin" is exactly the opposite of what we have just described?


But what really?

So, it's time to reveal the cards. A bumpkin is a rude, ill-mannered man who not only does not know how to behave in society, but also does not consider it necessary to follow the elementary rules of decency. Such a rumor did not hear about culture, and if he did, he dismissed it as if from something unnecessary.

In another variant of use, milder, the word "dork" meaning has a slightly different meaning. This is the name of an uncouth village peasant who, as a rule, is engaged in hard physical work, for example, in the woods on timber.


Who is a dork by concepts?

For some of the readers it may seem that the word “dork” came to the language from criminal jargon. However, the connection of this word with argo is not confirmed by reliable sources of information (dictionaries of jargonisms, argo directories and other authoritative publications). In order to name an ordinary prisoner on a hair dryer, otherwise they call a thieves tongue, a similar word is used - "man."

Men among prisoners are called a simple convict who is not at the top of the prison hierarchy, but deserves respect and a good attitude. He lives according to the concepts, never violated the unwritten rules of the zone, regularly performed the work assigned to him by the prison "elite". A peasant does not need a special approach, so you can always turn to him for help, of course, then thank them accordingly.


Etymology of the word

Who is a dork, now seems to be clear. But where did this word come from, what is the history of its origin? In order to understand the etymology of a word, remember the words similar in structure: "blockhead", "gorlopan", "puzan", "schemer" and others. In all these words, as well as in the word "dork", the suffix -an stands out with the meaning of the designation of males. Another suffix that is singled out in the word “dork” is the expressive suffix -l- (it is found in such words as “thugs”, “bastards”, “crammed”). So it turns out that the word “dork” is formed from the root of a husband with the meaning “man, male person” by adding two suffixes to it. And no connection with the French!
