the culture

Bathing in the ice hole at Baptism: what is useful, features and recommendations

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Bathing in the ice hole at Baptism: what is useful, features and recommendations
Bathing in the ice hole at Baptism: what is useful, features and recommendations

Video: Just watch and Laugh???Woman are Getting in the very cold ice water for Ceremony 2024, June

Video: Just watch and Laugh???Woman are Getting in the very cold ice water for Ceremony 2024, June

The annual baptismal ice hole has long been a popular tradition among all people. It is believed that on this day, swimming brings tremendous health benefits, however, there are a number of warnings that must be considered before deciding on such a bold act.

Features of Baptism Bathing

On the eve of the church holiday, most people come to the idea that they need to plunge into the icy water in order to improve their health. They naively believe that swimming in the ice hole that day can cure them of all ailments, as if by the wave of a magic wand. However, this is not quite true. In reality, things are different. To be healthy, you should systematically adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat right, regularly see a doctor and listen to his recommendations.


In the event that a person maintains a normal level of physical activity for a long time and is mentally ready to swim in an ice hole, to complete the swim he should arm himself with the following items:

  • several towels to wipe dry after a swim, as well as a small rug that you could stand on while wiping and changing clothes;
  • warm mittens and socks made of natural wool;
  • thermos with tea.

In addition, do not forget about the most important ban. On a church holiday, you should not drink alcohol. Alcohol drinks greatly dull the instinct of self-preservation, and this can deplorably affect the whole concept of the holiday.

Recommendations and Tips

Before starting a direct swim in the hole, it is necessary for some time to pour cool water from the shower or from the bucket. Thus, the body will be prepared in advance for the procedure. An hour or two before the swim is followed by a mandatory meal, which should include a full breakfast or lunch, and not a snack in the form of fruits or vegetables.

Immediately before swimming in the hole in Epiphany, you need to warm up by doing a few physical exercises. It is worth taking a swim in places specially designated for this, where there would be people who, in case of any problems, could provide assistance and, if necessary, call an ambulance crew.


You need to go into the water gradually so as not to freeze. Also in the hole should not be for a long time. An ordinary person will have enough half a minute to plunge 3 times.

Wearing for swimming should be long shirts, which in appearance resemble baptismal ones (the recommendation applies to both men and women). This is due to the fact that in bathing suits exposed body parts can desecrate the church, and this is considered a violation of its traditions.

What is useful and harmful bathing?

According to a survey among competent people, the only usefulness of swimming in an ice hole is hardening the body. And the main danger is the likelihood of a heart attack due to vasospasms, convulsions and the rapid development of pneumonia.

In addition, there is a separate category of people who are strictly forbidden to swim in ice water in connection with existing ailments. These include:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • bronchopulmonary;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy, as well as a tendency to cramps;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • thyroid disease;
  • infectious diseases.

Medical specialists categorically prohibit swimming with children. This is due to the fact that babies have a fragile system of thermoregulation.

Baptismal ice-hole bathing

On the eve of a religious holiday among people who regularly plunge into an ice hole or just want to perform this rite, the question arises of the usefulness of bathing without clothes. According to most, with the help of naked bathing in the ice hole, you can cleanse yourself and improve your health. Such a hypothesis arises in connection with the existing traditions and customs that are followed during the baptism of young children.

However, in reality, bathing in the ice hole on a church holiday and the rite of infant baptism have no relationship between themselves. Those who have a strong desire to swim naked in the hole are not forbidden to commit such an act, however, no healing effects will follow after that (this should be done in unsightly places). It is much better to swim in public places by wearing a shirt or bathing suit (he is not particularly welcomed by the church).

Bathing women in the ice hole

In addition to the general rules that should be followed by both the weaker and stronger sex, when swimming, performed on a church holiday, there are a number of especially important restrictions for beautiful ladies.

Bathing in the hole for girls is contraindicated in gynecological diseases, during critical days, during pregnancy (winter swimming can cause a miscarriage or freezing of the fetus), as well as during lactation.


During the menstrual cycle, baptismal swims are undesirable for women, not only in connection with religious beliefs. They contribute to the weakening of the female sphere. It becomes especially vulnerable to stress factors, in addition, various bacteria can be in open water.