
Leonid Reiman: biography, activity, career

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Leonid Reiman: biography, activity, career
Leonid Reiman: biography, activity, career

Video: A documentary film about Leonid Afremov. The palette knife master. 2024, July

Video: A documentary film about Leonid Afremov. The palette knife master. 2024, July

As you know, a large part of readers are interested in information on the subject of "compromising information about …". Reiman Leonid Dodojonovich in this regard is just a godsend. There is a lot of conflicting data in the media about this former minister who was involved in information technology and communications.

Curriculum Vitae

The activities and biography of Leonid Reiman are closely related to the Northern capital, where he was born on July 12, 1957.

In 1979, he received the degree of Telecommunications Engineer at the Bonch-Bruevich Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Telecommunications. Now this educational institution is called the State Institute of Communications.

Later there he defended his doctoral dissertation.

In 1979-1983, Reiman Leonid Dododzhonovich worked as an engineer and head in the linear-hardware workshop (Leningrad International Telephone Station).


In 1985, he was appointed chief engineer at the Leningrad City Telephone Network. In 1992, he grew to the level of deputy head of this state-owned enterprise and worked in this post for two years.

Careers in the nineties

In 1992, Leonid Reiman assisted foreign business in creating the first private communication network in our country - the PeterStar joint venture. As the founder, his wife, Julia Poltava, entered it.

When the Leningrad City Telephone Exchange was privatized, Reiman became director of international relations at Petersburg Telephone Network and joined the board of this open joint-stock company. The president of the company was V. Yashin.


In 1994, Reiman Leonid Dododzhonovich with a group of colleagues founded Telecominvest. In this OJSC, ninety-five percent of the shares were held by Petersburg Telephone Network (Yashin-Reiman) and St. Petersburg MMT N. Pevtsova, and five percent belonged to Odem OS, which was owned by Danish businessman Jeffrey Galmond.

Leonid Reiman became a member of the board of directors of the newly created structure. The chairman was V. Yashin, the post of first deputy general director was taken by the retired special services general M. Alekseev.

Telecominvest was registered with the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Administration, which was then headed by future Russian President Vladimir V. Putin.

In 1998, Reiman Leonid Dododzhonovich, whose biography was constantly intertwined with commercial activities, took the post of first deputy general director - commercial director of PTS OJSC. From this company, he was nominated to the Coordinating Council of heads of enterprises involved in communications and telecommunications in St. Petersburg and the region.


In the summer of 1999, Leonid Reiman simultaneously served on the boards of directors of ten commercial companies, such as MKB Stankinbank, PeterStar, Transtelecom, Neva Line, DeltaTelecom and others.

Ministerial posts

Since June 30, 1999 Leonid Reiman has been Secretary of State and First Deputy Head of the Russian State Committee for Telecommunication Equipment.

Since 08/27/1999 he took the post of chairman of this committee.

12/12/1999 in connection with the transformation of Gostelekom into the Russian Ministry, responsible for communications and information, he was appointed there as Minister.

From November 15, 1999, he joined the Board of the Russian Agency for Management Systems, and from January 27, 2000, he joined the College of State Representatives in Public Russian Television.

On May 18, 2000, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree appointing Reiman to the post of Minister of Communications and Information in the Cabinet of Ministers, led by Mikhail Kasyanov.

Since June 13, 2000, he was included in the government commission dealing with the military-industrial complex.


In June of that year, he was elected chairman of the board of directors of Svyazinvest.

Since November 2003, Reiman was appointed chairman of the Intersputnik Council (International Space Organization).

In March 2004, in connection with the abolition of the Russian Ministry of Communications, he was approved for the post of First Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Igor Levitin.

On May 20, 2004, a new structure was created by a presidential decree, called the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications, led by Reiman.

Participation in government commissions

On June 11, 2004, he joined the commission dealing with military-industrial issues, and in the same month he was introduced to the Maritime Collegium established under the Russian government.

The following month, he was appointed to the post of chairman of the Russian units in the Joint Russian-Israeli Commission for Trade and Economic Cooperation and in the Intergovernmental Russian-Norwegian Commission, which is in charge of economic, industrial and scientific-technical cooperation between these states.


In the same month, he became chairman of the State Commission of Radio Frequencies.

In September 2004, Reiman was included as deputy head of the Interdepartmental Working Group, which was preparing the introduction of updated passport and visa documentation in Russia.

Since May 2005, he headed the Russian part of the Hungarian-Russian government commission on economic cooperation.

Reiman Leonid Dodojonovich, corruption

On August 31, 2005, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation instituted proceedings on the Kompromat.Ru website on the basis of libel against L. Reiman.

The reason was an article published on this site by a certain Klim Andreev, where the author is trying to figure out the "origins of Reiman's welfare", calling him "an honorary underground Russian billionaire."

The article claims that, as the deputy head of the Petersburg Telephone Network, Reiman received a bribe of one million dollars from a foreign businessman Anthony Georgiou.

This foreigner allegedly has a receipt where he pledged to transfer $ 1, 400, 000 to Credit Suisse Bank to accounts owned by Reiman.

This allowed George to become the owner of a controlling stake in PeterStar, an alternative communications operator in St. Petersburg. The author claimed that the evidence of the existence of this receipt was mentioned in the materials of the court of the British Virgin Islands when the Megafon case was considered. A foreign entrepreneur participated in this hearing on the side of Alpha.

But the author of the article did not present significant evidence, which gives reason to call the publication just speculation.

Problems with Commerzbank

The biography of Leonid Reiman, after joining him in November 2005 to the Government Commission on Investment Projects, began quite often to be overshadowed by various scandalous situations related to corruption.

In particular, on December 5, 2005, he had to comment on the sensational information in the foreign edition of the Wall Street Journal that the German prosecutor’s office investigating frauds at Kommerzbank had suspicions that Reiman was involved in a deal to illegally transfer Russian state telecommunications to offshore zones companies.


The authors of the publication claimed that the Frankfurt prosecutor's office considers Reiman the main person involved in the criminal investigation related to the creation of schemes for the withdrawal of funds and assets from state-owned companies in Russia.

This publication was rated by the representative of the press service of the Russian Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications as "an unsuccessful commissioned campaign, " and the publication was asked to apologize in this regard.

It was also stated that the Commerzbank accused of criminal links with Reiman had previously been suspected of illegal actions related to Russian affairs, however, “a month ago investigation confirmed the legality and legality of the transactions of this financial structure.”

IPOC scandalous situation

At the very beginning of 2006, the London Secret Court held hearings on the lawsuit filed by IPOC. Attorney Jeffrey Galmond presented at these hearings a document on which there was a stamp of some accounting structure. The contents of this document indicated Reiman’s ability to become an IPOC beneficiary.

According to the Danish lawyer, accountants were not fully aware of the information, so their conclusion is erroneous. According to him, Reiman never entered and will not enter IPOC beneficiaries.


Galmond said that in 1996 he intended to establish partnerships with Reiman and prepared the necessary documents while Reiman was not yet in the government.

Based on these documents, Reiman had the opportunity to become a beneficiary of the Meridium trust company, which owns megaphone shares.

Hausenstein's testimony

At a hearing from Hausenstein, information was received that in 2001, Galmond spoke of Reimann as the economic beneficiary of the Meridium Trust.

Hausenstein recounted in court the essence of some of the documents that were seized by the Liechtenstein police at Bank von Ernst, as well as in the office of a law firm.

Galmond acknowledged that his Danish law firm sent a letter to Liechtenstein in one of the banking institutions in the summer of 2002, where Reimann is referred to as the IPOC's “ultimate beneficiary shareholder”, as well as the “economic beneficiary” of a number of firms controlled by Halmond.

According to the latter, this was the result of a mistake by his employees.

Galmond also contested data provided by one of the IPOC board members. They speak of an internal memorandum, where, according to Galmond, Reiman passes as the "economic beneficiary" of several trust companies, from which IPOC subsequently arose.

At the same time, Hausenstein emphasized that he does not have unambiguous reliable data indicating that Reiman is the owner of IPOC International Growth Fund Ltd and structures affiliated with this fund.

Reiman's reaction to the London Secret Court hearing

In January 2005, Reiman commented on the IPOC issue through the press service of the Ministry of Communications as follows: “In this situation, Jeffrey Galmond cannot be blamed, as he repeatedly confirmed the fact that I am not a beneficiary of IPOC and companies affiliated with this fund”.

Regarding employees, said Leonid Reiman, whose biography is stained with damage to the business reputation of his own company, an appropriate decision should be made by the company itself.

IPOC developments

In the spring of 2006, the Arbitration Tribunal under the auspices of the Zurich International Chamber of Commerce denied the lawsuit, in which the IPOC demanded recognition of its legal ownership in 77.7 percent of the megaphone stock held by Altimo.

The decision of the arbitral tribunal mentions the so-called "Witness No. 7".

The arbitration recognized the fact that in 2001 the share of the Central Telegraph was blurred in CT-Mobile from fifty-one percent to one.

At that time, CT-Mobile issued two additional issues repurchased by LV Finance. The Central Telegraph referred to a lack of funds and did not buy back the shares.

The ruling of the Arbitration Tribunal indicated that Witness No. 7 supervised the transactions, which ultimately led to erosion. He organized these transactions in such a way that part of the property was unlawfully appropriated, which is a criminal offense.

In further materials about Witness No. 7, it is mentioned as the beneficial owner of IPOC and at the same time the chairman of the board of directors of Svyazinvest.

Since 2000, Reiman has been in this position.