
Leontyev Michael. Hello, however!

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Leontyev Michael. Hello, however!
Leontyev Michael. Hello, however!

Video: Valery Leontiev - Michelle (Clip) | Official Video 2024, July

Video: Valery Leontiev - Michelle (Clip) | Official Video 2024, July

Leontyev Mikhail on today's television is one of the most vivid and clearly following his principles journalists. Under his editing, the journal “However, ” is published; he is the permanent presenter of the eponymous program on Channel One. Through the prism of his perception, he seeks to convey to viewers and readers information about the most important and relevant political events and does this with only his inherent openness and sarcasm. Opponents call the journalist a "bearded ulcer."


Mikhail Leontiev. Biography

He was born on October 12, 1958 into a family of Moscow intellectuals. From childhood, Leontyev Mikhail was distinguished from his peers by his education and not the simplest character. In 1979, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after Plekhanov, where he studied majoring in labor economics. During his studies, he was fond of reading banned anti-Soviet literature, in particular the Posev magazine, where many dissidents of that time were published.

Immediately after graduation, Leontyev Mikhail started working at the Institute of Economic Problems, and worked as a tutor. However, he soon decided to dramatically change his life and unexpectedly for everyone radically changed his profession. In 1985, having higher education, Mikhail Leontyev graduated from vocational school, where he studied the skills of cabinetmaker.


Professional activity

Before Mikhail Leontyev came to journalism, he changed many professions and positions. He was a simple worker in a literary museum, gave private history lessons, guarded Boris Pasternak’s suburban cottage. In the late eighties, Mikhail was interested in such a science as sociology, then his first articles and publications on this topic appeared. It was here that his deep mind and analytical abilities came in handy.

Mikhail Leontyev came to journalism at the same time. The first milestone on this path is the political section of the Kommersant newspaper. A year later, in 1990, Mikhail headed the department of economics at Nezavisimaya Gazeta. In the early 90s, he made a great contribution to the creation of the publication "Today" and became the first deputy chief editor. But the ongoing reforms in the editorial policy of the newspaper later became the reason for the departure of a journalist who strongly disagreed with them.


Popularity came to Mikhail Leontyev after he ran for the State Duma in 1995. Then he lost the election. A great public outcry was caused by his statements about the entry of troops into Chechnya.

Mikhail Leontiev - TV presenter

In 1997, the journalist became the founder of Delo magazine. M. Khodorkovsky acted as a sponsor, but the publication was never published.

In the same year, M. Leontyev came to television, where he became the host of the program “Actually”, which was aired under his leadership at the TVC. Later, he was the host of the analytical program "Day Seven." Leontyev combined his profession with work in print media. His column “FAS!” Is known in company". In the same 1997, the journalist was nominated for TEFI, and in 1998 he won the Golden Pen Award.
