
Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva: biography, husband, photo

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Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva: biography, husband, photo
Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva: biography, husband, photo

Video: Дворец для Путина. История самой большой взятки 2024, June

Video: Дворец для Путина. История самой большой взятки 2024, June

For many years she has been the head of the Protocol of the President of the Russian Federation. Entaltseva Marina Valentinovna takes care of what the head of state cannot do without, but what he does not have to think about at all. In the literal sense of the word, it is the president’s lifesaver, and at the same time its “Wikipedia”. She draws up his schedule, regulates all meetings so that there are no delays, no incidents and oversights.


Who is Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva?

This is a beautiful and slender woman by profession a physicist. Perhaps this is what helps her to be always accurate, punctual, and correctly calculate the time. She has an extensive outlook, knowledge of everyone and everything. She is obliged to check everything, clarify everything, must not make a single mistake. Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva, being the head of the Presidential Protocol, first of all, should have common sense. She has an iron focus on protecting the interests of her boss. After she assumed this important position, elements such as blindness, tediousness, freezing, and even puffing out cheeks disappeared from the Protocol of the head of state. They were replaced by energy, pace, common sense, as well as a thorough check of everything. Actually, this is Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva, whose photo is posted in this article. Her friends really love her, but her enemies are afraid, but most importantly, she was able to gain the trust and respect of the main person of the state.


Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva: biography

She was born, of course, in St. Petersburg in 1961. If you remember, at that time the city on the Neva was called Leningrad. After graduating from school, Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva entered the physics department of Leningrad State University, and then got a job as a process engineer at NPO VNIITVCH (Leningrad). Here she worked until the collapse of the USSR.

Putin and Entaltseva

Since 1991, her career has been firmly connected with the future president of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, also a Petersburger. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, she was appointed assistant chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, which was led by Putin. She talks about her first meeting with Vladimir Vladimirovich in her book. Here is a small episode. She stood and waited for her new boss at his door, and it occurred to her to tint her lips, looking into the glass of the door. And suddenly she saw a boss who, although he noticed his assistant for this matter, but did not give a look. After she did not dare to go to his office, but when he called, she could not help but go. She worked in this position until 1996 and left with Putin after the defeat of Sobchak in the elections.


Fire story

Once, she, her husband and daughter were visiting Putin’s new house, and then a fire broke out. In a few minutes, flames swept all the rooms in the house. And then the prime minister rushed to the aid of everyone, not thinking about his safety. Marina shouted to her husband to save his daughter first. He took the girl in his arms and began to take her out of the burning house. Marina remained inside, the exit was completely in flames when Vladimir Vladimirovich came for her. He wrapped it in sheets and carried it in his arms through the fire. Some time later, she helped the family of her boss. Lyudmila Alexandrovna had an accident, and there was no one to watch the girls. Then Entaltseva took care of Putin’s daughters. In a word, she was in the house of the future president always her own for all family members. There is even such a funny story that once Marina and Lyudmila were sitting in the kitchen in the Putin’s house and drinking tea, and suddenly Vladimir Vladimirovich called. Lyudmila informed him that she was with Marina, and when he asked which Marina, she replied: “With yours.” Both ladies then laughed for a long time at this joke.



Marina Valentinovna assumed the post of Deputy Head of the Office of the Presidential Protocol in 2000, and after 4 years became the head of the Protocol Office of the President of the Russian Federation, and after 4 years - the Head of the Protocol.

Honor and income

Apparently, Entaltseva is not a poor person. In the same 2012, she entered the hundred of the most influential ladies of the Russian Federation. She took the eleventh line. After that, more and more began to talk about her in the press. Further, in her income statement, Marina Entaltseva indicated that she owns a Bentley luxury car, which costs more than 8 million rubles - about 3 annual salaries. Of course, many began to wonder who presented the gorgeous blonde to this gorgeous gift.

Interesting story

Entaltseva Marina Valentinovna and Miller Alexey Borisovich are dating! A rumor has spread throughout Moscow that the head of the Protocol of the President of the Russian Federation and one of the most successful top managers of the country are a couple. In 2009, they even began to whisper about their engagement. And immediately it became clear to many that only Miller could give Marina such an expensive gift as the Bentley. However, official information that the couple had registered their relationship was not received in the press.


Chairman of the Board of Gazprom

Surely his name is familiar to everyone, because he heads one of the most significant and largest companies in the country. And his name is interesting in that he is the man whom Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva chose as her man. Miller is a Russian German. He was officially married to a woman named Irina, who bore him a son. After he and the head of the Presidential Protocol began to meet, tensions were established between the spouses, but since Alexey does not like to show his private life, information about how far his relationship with Marina has gone and how he is doing with his legal wife, not anywhere. Nevertheless, Entaltseva and Miller often appear together at various events, and this says a lot. This means that they do not seek to hide their relationship and do not mind being perceived as a couple.

Personal life

Was Marina Valentinovna Entaltseva married? Her husband, of course, was. It was with him and with their daughter Svetlana that she stayed in Putin’s house on the very day the fire broke out, which she writes about in her book. And in general, they were friends with the family of his boss. When Lyudmila Putin was ill, then Marina took care of the girls. She was wholly devoted to her boss and followed him everywhere.
