the culture

Dreams of the past, or How our life would change if social networks suddenly disappeared

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Dreams of the past, or How our life would change if social networks suddenly disappeared
Dreams of the past, or How our life would change if social networks suddenly disappeared

Video: MAN 2024, June

Video: MAN 2024, June

Social networks have a fairly large impact on the development of modern society. Under their influence, life around the world is really changing. Moreover, not everyone believes that such corrections lead to an increase in the level of satisfaction of humanity as a whole and individuals in particular.


Level of happiness

Given the fact that social networks are increasingly influencing the life of mankind, scientists are increasingly conducting various kinds of research related to them.

In 2015, an interesting experiment was conducted in Denmark. The study involved 1095 people who were active users of Facebook. Subsequently, they were divided into 2 groups. The first of them continued to lead a normal lifestyle. As for the second, its representatives were offered to abandon the use of Facebook for 7 days.


After the experiment, participants in group 2 were asked to tell what changes had happened to them during the week. The results of the study showed that those who abandoned social networks for only 7 days felt happier.

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Changes to the dating model

The emergence of social networks and specialized sites has significantly changed the nature of communication between people. Previously, I had to get to know a person while looking directly into his eyes. As a result of the opportunity to communicate from a distance, it has become much easier for many people to meet their soul mate. Moreover, the lack of real communication skills did not always play to the benefit of the emerging relationship. As a result, dating through social networks is much less likely to result in people staying together for a long period of time.


If you believe the statistics, in the United States alone, about 50 million people use dating sites. As a result, all these people would have to change the model of finding a suitable partner in the event of the disappearance of social networks.


Difficulties in asserting rights

One of the most serious achievements of social networks is the ability to loudly talk about your position. On the one hand, this is a big plus. In the case of real oppression, inaction or violation of laws, a person has a chance to tell a huge number of people about this. As a result, this helps the state control the actions of its officials.


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On the other hand, social networks are often used to organize riots and even coups. At the same time, the organizers of such events do not always fully introduce their likely associates into the course of affairs. As a result, they fight, and sometimes perish, for alien, usually selfish interests.


Another nature of learning

Initially, the Internet was created so that universities had the opportunity to quickly share their latest achievements and digitized literature. Indeed, thanks to the network, an ordinary person has a lot of options for self-study. Moreover, today the exchange of information is so developed, and there is so much subject literature on the Internet that you can easily take a course in certain subjects and even specialties directly on the Web.


At the same time, there are also its negative aspects. Social networks in particular, and access to Internet resources in general, successfully compete with the educational process for people's attention. As a result, they simply do not devote enough time to gaining new knowledge.
