
US Migration: Statistics and Reasons

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US Migration: Statistics and Reasons
US Migration: Statistics and Reasons

Video: 100 Years of Immigration to The U.S., 1919 to 2019 2024, July

Video: 100 Years of Immigration to The U.S., 1919 to 2019 2024, July

Migration is a concept that can be heard very often on television and from various media. What does it mean? What are the features of migration to the United States and what causes people to move to this country? Consider the features of this process in more detail.

General concept of migration

If we talk about the general concept of this term, then migration represents the movement of various segments of the population. As a rule, it is carried out from one state to another.

In the modern world, statistics clearly demonstrate that the inhabitants of many countries tend to migrate to the United States. What is the reason for this? First of all, people understand that the USA is a great platform for a successful start in business. In addition, ordinary citizens of states with different levels of economic development have long noticed that it is very easy to get settled in this country. According to statistics, already literally in the first six months, a migrant finds for himself an occupation in his specialty, as a rule, with quite decent wages. As for the statistics on the unemployment rate, it is also impressive - only 5% of the country's inhabitants cannot find official work for themselves.


In practice, getting to the USA is not so easy. What features of migration to the USA exist? What are its types? What are the main directions and are there certain features of migration to the USA from Russia? Let's consider it further.

USA: migration issues

If we talk about migration problems in this region, we should first of all note the illegality of this process, which is observed in all regions of the state. How are they solved in practice?

The peculiarity of the US migration law is its certain difference from the Russian one. This is expressed in the absence of strict measures taken in relation to tourists who have expired in the state on a visa. In the event that this happens, the migration officer will simply expel the negligent traveler outside the United States and mark his data in a special register. For all persons staying in it, a strict ban on crossing the country's border for five years is established. As for Russian legislation, a foreigner will not be released under it without paying a fine (from 2000 rubles).

Due to such simple sanctions against those who are illegally in the country, the problem of illegal migration to the United States continues to grow substantially. Currently, the number of people who illegally stay in the state reaches more than 10 million people. Many of them become such precisely due to the presence of an expired visa, according to which they entered as tourists even during the validity period. Much attention from all American services is attracted by migration from Mexico to the United States. As statistics show, the largest number of illegal immigrants arrives precisely across the border with this state. Of course, a considerable number of them are moving by air from other states.


Another problem in the development of illegal migration in the USA is the high cost of the process of expelling people illegally staying in the country. In practice, many local authorities simply turn a blind eye to the emerging problem, since it inflicts a serious blow on the local budgets of many regions. But in some areas (to save a substantial amount of finances) a new program was developed called "Voluntary Departure". Its essence lies in the fact that a tourist who was caught illegally must voluntarily return to his native country. After that, he will have the opportunity to re-apply to the US mission in his country and apply for a visa.

Statistics show that such a proposal by the authorities is very successful, because according to the laws of the state, a person who has been expelled from the country as an illegal has no right to cross the border for five years, and in some cases even more. In the event that he still tries to cross the air, sea or land borders of the country without a visa, he faces criminal liability under American laws.

Official statistics show that the main reason for migration to the USA is the wealth and developed level of the country. According to sociologists, it is here that people from around the world strive to find the most acceptable conditions for their lives.

External migration

As you know, there are two main types of migration: external and internal. Practice shows that issues related to external and internal migration in the United States are equally relevant for the modern world. Let us consider in more detail each of these concepts.

External migration refers to all movements of people who permanently resided in other countries outside the borders of the United States. Practice shows that in the modern world, most migrants enter the territory of the state due to reunification with close relatives who are legally located in the United States. In addition, a large proportion of migrants are refugees who were forced to leave their native countries because of the political situation in them. Another reason from the most common is the labor migration of highly qualified specialists.

If we talk about statistics of external migration in the United States in numbers, the largest number of people crossing the territorial border of the state with the aim of permanent residence in the country belong to the population of Latin America (about 2/3 of the total). All other persons, as a rule, come from Asian countries (Eastern and Southeast), as well as from Europe.


Migration statistics in the USA show that a huge number of crimes within the state are committed by external immigrants. As a rule, these criminal acts are expressed by robberies and robberies.

Another significant problem of external migration in the United States is the issue of fertility. It consists in the fact that (even despite the possible circumstance of the illegality of the migrant), a child who is born to a migrant under the current legislation in force in the United States is considered a US citizen.

Special attention should also be paid to the fact that in recent years English has become less and less significant in the country. This is due to the fact that for the convenience of migrants' stay, state authorities oblige authorities to translate documents into the mother tongue of many immigrants (the overwhelming majority in a certain region). Sociologists predict that sooner or later English speech will completely lose its relevance in this country in connection with this problem.

Internal migration

Speaking about the migration of the US population between regions of the state, it should be noted that its main reasons are more profitable employment, as well as the broadest opportunities in doing business. Practice shows that internal migration does not have particularly negative consequences, if you do not take into account the fact that the population of less developed regions of the country is gradually moving to those that are more densely populated and developed at a high level. The already poor regions continue to be poor. But in the internal migration of the United States, the flow of immigrants from California and New York predominates (according to statistics). This is one of the most developed regions. This situation is associated with excessive overpopulation of these cities.

The cost of housing also significantly affects internal migration in the state - very often people, including a large number of young families, move to areas where the average cost of housing is lower. According to statistics, people are often attracted to those regions in which the subsistence level is lower. In recent years, the southern states have become particularly attractive to internal migrants. According to experts, they have a wonderful climate, as well as more acceptable living conditions. In addition, in recent years, these states are developing well.


The dominant areas of internal migration in the United States include Florida and Texas. This phenomenon (according to many sociologists) is due to the fact that residents of densely populated states see in these regions excellent opportunities for further development and building a successful own business.

The main problem of internal migration in the United States continues to be crime. This is indeed a very serious problem. Participants of not only external, but also internal migration to the USA become criminals. As a rule, this applies to people from disadvantaged regions of the country.


One of the main reasons for migration to the USA is the urbanization of certain cities and even certain states. However, before you understand this issue, you should clearly determine the meaning of this concept.

Urbanization is a process that is directly related to the increasing role of individual cities or even entire regions of the country against the background of the rest. In this regard, as a rule, there is a significant influx of population in them, which allows regions to grow not only from the economic side, but also from the cultural one.

Sociologists from various countries of the world define the States as the most urbanized country. This is due to the fact that rich people, who are fed up with constant pastime in noisy cities, increasingly decide to travel to remote corners of the country, thereby creating internal migration to the United States. In addition, the urbanization of less populated and not very well developed regions is particularly affected by the fact that the cost of urban sites in such areas is rather low. This is especially evident when comparing prices with large megacities.

Bosvas and Chipits are officially recognized as the largest urbanized regions in the United States. These regions include cities such as Chicago, Boston, New York, San Diego, San Francisco and some other places that are known throughout the world.

Waves of migration to the United States, the results of which are urbanization (according to experts from various industries), do not affect the life of the population in these regions in the best way. This is expressed in the fact that in remarkably developed regions there are problems with the environment. In addition, this situation is due to the fact that in such cities there is a very serious concentration of environmental pollution.


As for the social problems that are caused by urbanization, they are usually associated with the fact that the standard of living is too different between representatives of the population. The peripheral territories in urban areas are in critical condition, and if we talk about society, the society living in them is quite contrasting.

In the process of internal migration of representatives of the American population, a peculiar growth of agglomerations occurs, as a result of which the urban lifestyle is widely spread. This is characterized by a sharp reduction in the level of agricultural production, and there is also an acute shortage of free space to expand production. In addition, in such settlements there is a significant increase in the number of vehicles, which also negatively affects the environmental situation in previously clean regions.

The first steps to migration

In the event that there is a desire to migrate to the United States, you should definitely understand for yourself certain points. You need to understand what exactly relocation is required for. As a rule, people who are already in the USA at the moment got there pursuing the most common life goals: getting an education, finding a job, organizing their own business and the like. Practice shows that the embassies of the country take people who plan to migrate to it very seriously, therefore their goals must be confirmed and clearly indicated.

In addition, any person who plans a more or less prolonged stay in America must know English - this will greatly facilitate his pastime. In addition, knowledge of the language, at least at an intermediate level, is necessary for migration to the country, because when submitting documents, a tourist must pass an examination for knowledge of spoken language.

Taking the first steps to migration to the United States, one should carefully study all kinds of programs that are relevant at present. You can always find out about them from official sources. Information is placed in a special section of the main website of the consulate.

Package of documents

When migrating to the United States from Russia, it should be understood that this procedure will definitely require a certain set of documents, including not only passports (domestic Russian and valid international passports), but also some others that confirm certain information about the applicant’s identity required for embassy staff.

So, in addition to the originals of two identity documents, the applicant is required to provide a certificate stating data on the marital status of the person. An example of this can serve as a certificate of divorce or marriage, and the like.

Special attention at state missions is given to the level of education of a migrant. As a confirmation of this, it will be required to present in the general package of documents all available diplomas of education received within Russia, as well as in other states. In the event that a person already has a certain length of service, then data on this should also be presented.


Particularly scrupulous are consular staff members regarding the level of material support a migrant has. Especially they pay attention to the presence of real estate (both in Russia and in the USA). In addition, any potential migrant is required to present a bank statement in the general package of documents in the name of the applicant. You can present statements on other financial assets.

In addition to everything, an English language proficiency certificate should be attached - this document is mandatory and must be executed in the established form.

So, we will consider some features of migration to the state under consideration.

Work migration

As mentioned above, labor migration to the United States is the most common reason for the relocation of not only Russian citizens, but also other countries to this state. Its exceptional activity is associated with a high level of income of the US population, as well as the presence of a wide range of social conditions. What features does labor migration in the USA have?

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that to make a trip for the purpose of employment, you must make sure that the level of education is suitable for professional activities in the States. Experts note that for the purpose of employment, migration is possible only if the applicant has a higher education, preferably in the specialty that is in high demand in the state. Among these, obstetricians and gynecologists, dentists, psychiatrists, teachers of various levels, art directors of cafes and restaurants, business managers, information system analysts, as well as programmers of various profiles are distinguished.

Some Russian citizens seek employment in the United States through prior education. Sociologists note that with a diploma issued in the United States, the chances of flying up the career ladder are very sharp. Practice shows that Russians can enter a university only on a paid basis, since the competition for budget places is quite serious.

Family reunification

Often, migration to America is carried out with the aim of reuniting family ties. Generally, people who request a visit to the United States for family reunification will receive an affirmative answer. This is due to the fact that US policy is very sensitive to family values. As documents confirming the purpose of the visit, the traveler must provide evidence that the person who legally resides in America is his relative.

It should be noted that US law provides for the issuance of residence permits in order to reunite family ties exclusively for close relatives. These may include sisters or brothers of those American citizens who have already reached the age of majority (21 years old), as well as children of married and unmarried US citizens. The same goes for spouses.

Tourist trip

It often happens that tourists who stayed in the United States with the aim of exploring local attractions and banal travel, remain in the country for permanent residence. How to do it?

Tourism experts recommend starting with an ordinary visa for a traveler, which is granted for 3 months. It is necessary to cross the US border along it. At the moment, it is not recommended to express one’s true intentions regarding further permanent stay in the state.

After this, the entire period of the permitted period, the future migrant can stay in the territory of the state. You can stay in the United States all the time that the visa allows. It should be noted that at this time it is necessary to behave most law-abiding. After the expiration of the allotted time, a tourist can apply for migration to the country. Of course, for this it is necessary to indicate fairly good reasons, in the presence of which, as a rule, the government approves the request.

Investment Migration

Migration from Russia to the USA for permanent residence can take place without any problems if the applicant is a private entrepreneur who plans to make any amount of investment. This is due to the fact that people in the USA are very fond of those people who contribute to the country's economy. It should be noted that today there are a considerable number of tempting programs under which entrepreneurs can obtain the right to permanent residence in the state in question.

To move to the United States on the basis of investments in the country's economy, you must necessarily submit to the consulate an additional package of financial documents. These include all those certificates that confirm the person’s presence of valuable tangible assets and the intention to invest in the economy of the new homeland. As such, an extract from a bank account drawn up in the name and surname of the applicant may be suitable. In addition, a questionnaire must be attached to the general package, the content of which must indicate the true purpose of the visit to America.

With this package of documents, a future investor who wishes to immigrate from Russia to the United States is required to contact the state embassy located in Moscow and talk about how he plans to start conducting his business in the country. Practice shows that it takes about 3-4 months to review submitted documents.

Migration of people with outstanding abilities

The USA is a state that strives to make its society, science and culture better. That is why, among the representatives of the population, the countries are always happy to see people with outstanding abilities, which include scientific geniuses, scientists, the best specialists in various fields, as well as simply talented people. For this group of people, migration is possible by opening a special visa. In order to receive it, in the general package of documents should be attached those that confirm the special abilities of the person.

Refugee migration

Refugee status is taught to those who flee from their home state due to the fact that military operations or other conflicts take place on its territory. In this case, they are forced to settle in another country, which is usually located in the neighborhood. The number of refugees also equates to those people who are persecuted in their country for certain actions or views. This group of persons also includes those who are planning to be arrested without any reason. Religious combatants can also leave their country and be recognized as refugees.


In all of the above cases, citizens of any state can ask for shelter in the United States if the country gives its consent. It should be noted that in order to obtain this status, it is necessary to prepare in advance a bulk package of papers that confirm all the grounds. In practice, this is not very simple, especially when it comes to people fleeing military conflicts.

Migration of individuals with real estate in the United States

The United States of America is a state that (along with many other countries) allows the sale of real estate on its territory to citizens of other regions of the world. It should be noted that the acquisition of real estate for personal or commercial use is possible only if in the future it is planned to acquire American citizenship. In addition, of course, the need for material assets in the amount of the cost of the desired housing. As for real estate prices in America, not everyone can afford it, since the price of an average apartment in a prosperous area of ​​the country can be about 750 thousand dollars.

However, the fact of acquiring real estate in the United States provides a person with the right to perpetual residence within the state. In addition, after five years in the country, a person has the right to apply for American citizenship.