
Mikhail Nazarov: biography, books, photos

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Mikhail Nazarov: biography, books, photos
Mikhail Nazarov: biography, books, photos

Video: The former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev full interview - BBC News 2024, July

Video: The former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev full interview - BBC News 2024, July

Nazarov Mikhail Viktorovich - a well-known publicist, writer, religious and public figure. He is a monarchist, founder of the Russian Idea Publishing House. Widely known as the author of "Letters 500/5000", which caused an international scandal. This article will present a short biography of the writer.



Mikhail Nazarov was born in 1948 in a family of engineers. His great-grandfather - a priest and grandfather - a white officer, were shot in 1920 by the Bolsheviks.

After graduating from college in 1967, the young man left for Dixon Island to work there as an electrician. Nazarov also worked at the polar station of Cape Chelyuskin. But then he decided to graduate.

In 1975, Mikhail graduated from Moscow State Institute. M. Toreza, defending a diploma of a translator. Then he went to work in Algeria. There Nazarova was waiting for the position of translator at the construction of a metallurgical plant.



In Algeria, representatives of the KGB came to Mikhail and offered cooperation. The future writer refused and disappeared with his wife. In 1975, he emigrated to Germany. Naturally, illegally. In the new country, he worked as executive secretary of the Posev magazine and became the founder of the Russian national association. Also Nazarov Mikhail was a member of the Union of German Journalists and the People's Labor Union.

While in Germany, he compiled several collections: “We need a great Russia, ” “Russia is returning to the Lord, ” “You cannot live without God, ” etc. Mikhail often sent such literature to the USSR. For this purpose, in 1985-1986, he even went on a couple of long business trips. Nazarov visited all the major port cities of North America.

In 1987, the hero of this article became an independent publicist. His works could be read in such publications as “Our Contemporary”, “Moscow”, “Russian Herald” and others.


Activities in Russia

In 1994, Mikhail Nazarov returned to the Russian Federation for permanent residence and received the post of Secretary of the Writers' Union. He also became a member of the board of the Union of Russian People, the Power movement and the Russian Christian organization. Huge industriousness allowed him to engage in several projects at once.

1996 is the date when Mikhail Nazarov established the Russkaya Idea publishing house. Books of political, historical and Orthodox content became his main specialization. We go further.

Letter 500

Many people know Mikhail Nazarov as the author of this message. Several media, political, religious and public figures dubbed this letter anti-Semitic. A similar opinion was shared by the Israeli and Russian Foreign Ministries.

In particular, Alexander Verkhovsky (head of the Sova human rights center) in his 2005 annual report “Anti-Semitism in the Russian Federation” also spoke unflatteringly about Nazarov. He wrote that Michael combined the classical myths of the Jewish conspiracy with the anti-Semitic interpretation of “Shulchan Aruch”. The result is a theory according to which all Jewish organizations are guided in relation to people of other nationalities only by "hateful" ideas and therefore are subject to prohibition.


"Letter 5000"

But according to the prosecutor's office, this message did not violate the legislation of the Russian Federation. There was no information in the text of the appeal prompting readers to act against any religion, race, nation or individuals. Subsequently, Mikhail Nazarov initiated another message, called the “Letter 5000” (the figure means the number of people subscribing). After the publication of the appeal, the media began to write slanderous articles about its author. This greatly outraged the Christians. After all, many Orthodox clerics signed the letter, including 50 priests.

Jewish leaders tried three times to institute criminal proceedings against M. V. Nazarov. They considered his "Letter 5000" a means of inciting ethnic hatred. But all the allegations were rejected by the prosecutor.

Representatives of many organizations called Nazarov "anti-Semite" and "Nazi." Mikhail Viktorovich did not tolerate insults and slander, having filed a lawsuit against them. But all claims were denied to the writer.



According to several sources, including scientists at Tell Aviv University, the hero of this article is an active supporter of anti-Semitic propaganda, and also denies the Holocaust and blood libel.

According to Nazarov, Russia has a Talmudic Jewish sect practicing ritual killings.

At the same time, Mikhail Viktorovich denies the reliability of the Protocols of the Zion of the wise. Nazarov knows of their false origin. Nevertheless, the writer believes that the Protocols reflect objective reality. Vadim Rossman (a specialist in anti-Semitism) has repeatedly cited Nazarov’s assertion about the existence of a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy.

According to Semyon Charny (historian), Mikhail Viktorovich in his article entitled “Pearl Harbor on Bolshaya Bronnaya” expressed a positive attitude towards Nazism. According to Nazarov, the stabbing in the Moscow synagogue was provoked by the Jews themselves. They did this to achieve the following:

  • Tighter repression against anti-Semites.

  • Legalization of the expansion of the army structures of "Jewish self-defense."

  • Distraction from the hateful code "Shulchan Aruch."

  • Preparing the soil for the fight against Orthodox teaching.

In other articles, the writer accused the Israelis of unleashing the First World War. He argued that the book “Shulchan Aruch” instructs Christians to be cruel, that the number of Jews among the Chekists exceeded 70%, and the Bolsheviks themselves identified their own power with Jewry.

According to Mikhail Viktorovich, the socio-economic structure of Russia should combine different types of property. Nazarov claims that the country needs to return the gas and oil fields sold for nothing. It is also necessary to introduce a state monopoly on all highly profitable industries: the extraction of precious stones, diamonds, gold; sale of tobacco products and alcohol; weapons, nuclear and space technology.