
Mineral resources of Russia and their significance

Mineral resources of Russia and their significance
Mineral resources of Russia and their significance

Video: How Rich is Russia: Wealthiest Country in the World in Terms of Resources Documentary 2024, July

Video: How Rich is Russia: Wealthiest Country in the World in Terms of Resources Documentary 2024, July

Mineral resources are necessary for the normal development of any country from an economic point of view. In Russia, this complex plays a major role in the budget development process. Mineral resources of Russia are the main source for financing industry, its modernization and development of the social sphere. The overall development of the country at present and in the future depends on the quantity and quality of the resources extracted.

Russia possesses all known mineral resources. But the impact of their production on the welfare of the people and the country's economy is different.

Mineral resources of Russia and their development is the basis of the economy. Each country has certain minerals, but the Russian Federation is the only one that has a complete list in its bowels.

Some types of minerals are mined in our country in large quantities. So, in the development of 15 species, the share of Russia is 5%. And some mineral resources are essential in the mining industry. For example, our country supplies about 40% of palladium, 18% nickel, three quarters of the total volume of diamonds and 18% of natural gas.

Mineral resources of Russia are divided according to their origin, application and the number of deposits. Coal, gas, oil, non-ferrous, rare and ferrous metals, diamonds, gold and much more are mined on its territory.

The problems of using natural resources have made the most relevant classification related to their quantity. Here distinguish between renewable and non-renewable reserves. The first group includes land, biological and aquatic minerals. Mineral resources of Russia are non-renewable. Inexhaustible resources (climatic) also exist.

The mineral resource base of the country is divided into the following categories.

Ore minerals are located mainly on the Kola Peninsula, in the region of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, the Angarsk basin, in Eastern Siberia, the Caucasus, the Urals, Transbaikalia, and Altai. These are iron and nickel ores, non-ferrous and rare metals.

Combustible minerals are more common in Western Siberia, the Caucasus, the Pechersk basin and Sakhalin. Here, priority is given to oil and natural gas.

Of particular importance in the mineral-natural complex of Russia is coal deposits (stone and brown). They are located mainly in the Donbass, Kuzbass and the Pechora basin. The most significant coal reserves are found in the Tunguska and Kansk-Achinsk basins.

Mineral resources of Russia are mined in various parts of the country. Yakutia is famous for its diamond deposits. Apatity is mined on the Kola Peninsula. Rock and salt are found in large quantities in the Urals and Volga region. Graphite is mined in Siberia and the Urals.

The presence of a large number of minerals in the country is the basis for the development of many sectors of the economy that are decisive. In addition, mineral resources in Russia are distinguished by species diversity, quantity and quality. This helps our country to occupy the leading positions in the world community.

Extraction of natural resources provides the necessary raw material base not only for domestic needs, but also allows you to export many types of resources.

In Russia, deposits are unevenly located. The European part is not as rich in resources as, for example, the eastern regions of the country. A certain imbalance is observed here.

Stocks of some resources are reduced. This primarily applies to oil and gas. Therefore, you should be more rational about their use.

There are also many unexplored areas of the country and the deposits that are there. Therefore, there is a likelihood of replenishment of reserves and the opening of new deposits.