
Mystical Romania. Corvinov Castle and its legends

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Mystical Romania. Corvinov Castle and its legends
Mystical Romania. Corvinov Castle and its legends

Video: Haunted Corvin Castle | Dracula Legends | Transylvania Romania 2024, July

Video: Haunted Corvin Castle | Dracula Legends | Transylvania Romania 2024, July

In mysterious and mysterious Romania there are dozens of castles and palaces that are in a hurry to share their legends with tourists. We will talk about one of them in this article. This is the castle of Corvinians (Hunyadi).

Romania - a country of mysticism and castles

This state in Southeastern Europe has long established itself as mystical and mysterious. Numerous tourists come here just for the thrill, riddles and legends. But what could be more mystical and legendary than castles?


History “gave” Romania a generous necklace of castles, fortresses and palaces. They are scattered literally throughout the country, and each of these objects is interesting and special in its own way. Some Romanian castles are magnificent and elegant, others - gloomy and frightening. The latter, as a rule, are more popular with tourists.

Among the most famous and visited fortresses in Romania are Brann, Poenari, Peles and Corvinov Castle. Each of these objects is ready to please the traveler with its legends and incredible stories.

Hunedoara city and its castle

In the south-west of Romania, in the Cerna River Valley, there is a small but ancient city of Hunedoara. It was founded back in 1265.

Today it is an important metallurgical center of the country. About three million tons of steel are smelted here annually. Quarters of the old city have been preserved, where you can see several beautiful churches. But the main attraction of Hunedoara is on its southwestern outskirts. This is the castle of Korvinov, built in the Middle Ages by representatives of the noble Hungarian family Hunyadi.

The fortress grew in the middle of the 15th century on a hill through the efforts of Janos Hunyadi (Corvina). The castle continued to equip the castle with his son Matiyash, giving the Gothic structure the features of the early Renaissance.


In its history, Corvinov Castle in Romania had 22 owners. In the XVIII century, it became the property of the Habsburg dynasty and turned into a large warehouse for the storage of iron products. In the middle of the twentieth century, the fortress underwent a massive restoration, after which it was opened for tourists as a museum.

Korvinov Castle: opening hours, ticket price

The fortress can be visited daily, from 9 am to 5 pm. True, the entrance to the castle closes at 16:30. Entrance ticket for an adult costs 25 lei, for a child - 5 lei. To get permission to take photos or videos, you will have to pay extra (5 and 15 lei, respectively). In the castle you can also rent one of the rooms for any events. The price of such pleasure is 600 lei per hour.


Corvinov Castle very often turns into a movie set for various feature films and documentaries. On such days, it can be closed to ordinary tourists.

Castle walk

7000 square meters - this is the total area of ​​the Corvinov castle (Hunyadi) in Romania. There are 42 rooms, two terraces and two bridges. From afar, the castle looks beautiful, light and fabulous. However, its interiors are gloomy and formidable, they give the traveler an incomparable impression.


To get to the castle, you need to go along a long wooden bridge over a deep ravine. Passing through the New Tower, the tourist enters the courtyard, from which you can see the prison, the Matiyasha loggia, as well as the Golden Room. It’s worth going to the last to see the fascinating expositions of the Corvinus dynasty museum.

The castle is worth a visit to the Gothic Diet Hall, which leads to an elegant spiral staircase. No less interesting is the Hall of the Knights, the chapel with the most beautiful wall paintings, as well as the Bear Pit, in which the prisoners were previously put.

Castle legends

Korvinov Castle is a real treasury of eerie stories and legends that local guides will gladly share. Thus, according to one of them, Count Dracula spent seven years in captivity in this fortress (historians know this person as Vlad III Tepes). It was here, in the Pit of the Bear, that the Wallachian Bishop deposed from his throne sat. True, in real historical sources this legend does not find confirmation.

Tourists love to tell another, no less fascinating fable. So, according to legend, Jan Corwin (father of the Corvinas dynasty) was the illegitimate son of Sigismund of Luxembourg - the king of Hungary. The monarch gave the newborn baby a ring and sent it to the outskirts of the state. The boy grew up and once went on a long journey. The ring presented by the king was with him. At one of the halts, his splendor attracted the black crow. The bird flew up and stole the ring. Ian grabbed his bow and wanted to shoot the raven. But he suddenly turned back and returned the ring to the boy. So the raven became the family coat of arms of the Kovrin dynasty.