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Wise sayings about the love of great people: examples and interesting facts

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Wise sayings about the love of great people: examples and interesting facts
Wise sayings about the love of great people: examples and interesting facts

Video: After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver 2024, July

Video: After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver 2024, July

Love is one of those feelings that is difficult to describe in words. How can you talk about what is most important for a person? It is difficult to express in words embracing excitement, awe, selflessness and vulnerability of the soul. But many great thinkers, actors, writers and other famous people left their wise sayings about love. You can familiarize yourself with them below.

About sweetheart

To love is to see a person as God intended him to be.

F.M. Dostoevsky


This wise statement about love tells that a person should value his partner, and not try to remake him. How often do you meet couples in whom lovers are unhappy with something? This can be seen all the time. The girl will scold her boyfriend for being lazy, earning little and not too gentle towards her. A man can complain that his beloved is too ambitious, does only what she wants, does not take into account the opinions of others. How long will such couples last? No. Love lives where people accept each other for who they are. Falling in love with a person, one must accept not only his merits, but also his shortcomings. Indeed, thanks to the full set of qualities he liked you. Ideal people do not exist, and if they existed, we must admit that living with them would be incredibly boring. Yes, eternal misunderstandings and grievances are not the kind of entertainment that lovers want to arrange for themselves, but it is thanks to the joint overcoming of difficulties that people become closer to each other.

About body and soul

You can love the soul without knowing the body, and then go crazy, touching the body of your beloved soul!

Paulo Coelho

Often wise sayings about love relate to the subject of kinship of souls and physical attraction. In the modern world, when the limits of decency fell too low, people perceive love as something temporary and variable. Therefore, many young people just have fun with their "soulmate" and leave at the first serious quarrel. Such a relationship cannot be called love. This attraction and nothing more. Every sane person should understand that love is spiritual intimacy. You can live only with those who share inclinations and interests. Relationships in which people only share the bed lead nowhere. Often lovers just have nothing to talk about. They can discuss common acquaintances and world events, but they cannot create a deep frank dialogue. So if it makes sense to spend the precious time allotted by life on unnecessary people who in no way can make happy?

About the choice

If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. If you loved the first, you would not fall in love with the second.

Johnny Depp


Man always has a choice. And making it can be very difficult. This famous and wise statement about love makes you think. Often a person develops a relationship with one person who is attractive to him, and then another appears on the horizon. In such a situation, it is difficult to determine which of these people is better. Johnny Depp is right. If a person admits the idea that the person with whom he meets is imperfect, then you should choose the second option, which looms with bright hope. Why? If you really were in love, then you would have no alternative. Your soulmate would seem the most attractive, smart and special. And if you don’t think so, it means that your love is not true. This applies not only to nascent relationships. The statement is also relevant for people who have been married for many years. If one of the partners found “love” on the side, and then decided that the family was most important for him, then you should not accept a traitor. If a person doubts the correctness of his choice, then he does not really love.

About requirements

Love should not ask and should not demand, love should have the power to assure itself. Then something does not attract her, but she attracts herself.


Looking at modern books on relationships, the soul gets colder. How can I apply the advice described there in life? The wise and short sayings about love, which the classics once said, are much more relevant than what contemporaries write. Love does not have to be demanding. But many girls think differently. It seems to them that the gentleman is not in love enough if he does not bring them daily armfuls of flowers and expensive gifts. The outward manifestation of love for such ladies is much more important than the feeling itself. Many men are overly picky. They want to see girls of model appearance next to them. It is important for them that the chosen one always dressed fashionably, supported an ideal figure, and at the same time was engaged in her education. Sometimes it even reaches the point of absurdity, as men do not want to live up to their invented ideal.

Love should not require anything. If two people relate to each other well, they will have enough of what they have. Kindle the flame of love can only be a good attitude, tender feelings and noble deeds, and not expensive gifts.

About jealousy

Jealousy has more love for oneself than for another.


After reading this short and wise statement about love, many may disagree with him. This interesting fact requires a more detailed consideration. From ancient times, it is believed that jealousy is one of the manifestations of love. But what is it really? A jealous person is an insecure tyrant. Why? If a person is in love and trusts his soulmate, then he will not have the desire to be jealous. The jealous have no confidence. Everywhere he sees a lie and sincerely believes that everyone is deceiving. For this reason, he wants to control the behavior of the second half, her social circle, lifestyle and even clothing style. A wise statement about life and love advises people to take a closer look at themselves. Are you often jealous? Then look for the problem not in another person, but in yourself. Not sure about the fidelity of the second half? Distrust problems most often arise from a difficult childhood. Perhaps dad was cheating on mom, a person was betrayed by first love. All this leaves a serious imprint on the formation of personality. Try to understand that your new relationship will collapse if you do not change. If a person cannot solve his problems on his own, he needs to see a therapist.

About separation

Separation for love is like the wind for fire: it extinguishes a weak one, and inflates a large one.

Roger de Bussy-Rabuten

Wise statements about life and love are most often made by those people who were able to find true happiness. Understanding how love develops is very difficult. It is necessary to survive several unsuccessful novels in order to know the price of true happiness. A man who loves is more than anything else afraid of losing love. But in reality it happens that what you are afraid to lose always leaves. This happens with love. What is the best way to test the truth of feelings? Distance. Separation helps a person to better understand what he values. The person without whom you miss badly plays an important role in life. But a person who can easily be overlooked during a vacation or a business trip can hardly be considered the love of a lifetime. But distance can ruin even the strongest love, if the separation is too long. After all, time kills everything, warm feelings too. Memories fade, and real ones provide a chance to try something new. Therefore, one thing is a short separation, and quite another is a separation for years.

About treason

To say that it is impossible to love the same woman is just as meaningless as to believe that a famous musician needs different violins to play different melodies.

Honore de Balzac


Wise sayings of great people about love are permeated with sensuality and understanding. Probably only the great lucky ones do not know what treason is. Other people came across it to one degree or another. Sometimes a loved one can flirt with his girlfriend, and sometimes a lady of the heart can accidentally meet her first love. What will come of this? Sometimes short meetings do not lead to betrayal, but more often people still want new sensations or seek to recall past happiness. Sayings about life and wise words about love suggest that in order to know love there is no need to do this with different partners. A man in love will never look for an alternative to his soulmate. Why do this? For the sake of self-affirmation? For the sake of thrills? True love does not recognize this. Fidelity and trust are expensive gifts that can be presented only to a truly close person.

About ideals

Lovers accepting each other's ideals become more and more attractive to each other over the years.

Richard Bach

People should not only understand each other, but also share the hobbies of their soulmate. Wise sayings about life and love confirm this. If your soulmate will support your interests, help you in self-development and self-improvement, then you will be able to appreciate more so your dear person. But for some reason, not everyone understands this simple idea. Some wives are genuinely unhappy that their husbands are fond of fishing. They believe that men go to such events solely for a drink, and not to relax in nature. Not many wives agree to share an overnight stay in a tent with their lovers. But men are happy to take their faithful to such events. After negative statements regarding her husband’s hobbies, a woman may not understand why her beloved is skeptical of her passion for oriental dancing. Such misunderstandings lead to conflicts, which can then develop into a gap or divorce. You should carefully study the wise sayings about love and look for guidance in action in them.

About the advantages and disadvantages

In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unlover, even virtues are annoying.

Omar Khayyam


Sometimes it seems surprising how the wise sayings of Omar Khayyam about love gained such popularity. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the great poet was able to quite simply and clearly convey to the people simple, but not always lying on the surface of the idea. Indeed, if you think about it, a person often falls in love, not for some reason, but in spite of everything. Sometimes you look at a couple, it seems harmonious. And then you get to know these people and understand how different they are. They may have the same outlook on the world, but different values. And against all odds they will love and respect each other. Why is this happening? Many people claim that there is a relationship of souls, while the brain does not participate in the choice of the second half. This is not true. A person always evaluates an individual of the opposite sex and thinks about whether she suits his ideals or not. And if the person turned out to be unworthy of attention, then it will be impossible to fall in love with her. So love is a selfish thing. A man chooses a soul mate and then realizes that all the pluses of the chosen one are more expensive than his cons.

About love and happiness

Love is when the happiness of another is a necessary condition for your happiness.

Robert Heinlein

Wise sayings about the love and happiness of famous people suggest that love is self-sacrifice. When two people sincerely love each other, they can be truly happy at a time when their chosen one is also happy. But such closeness between people is not always found. But in the family you can see her often. Mother sincerely loves her child and for the good of her child she is ready for anything. If necessary, it will belittle its interests, if only the child were good. Of course, for such love it is simply impossible not to pay in return.

You always need to know the boundaries of the permissible, which is not worth going over. It is necessary to respect the personal space of a person and not try to show their love all the time. The happiness of the other is important, but lovers will not be able to contact normally if one of them puts the other on a pedestal and prays at him. Such crazy worship quickly annoys, annoys. You need to know the measure always and in everything.

About relationship

An ideal husband is a man who believes that he has an ideal wife.

Bernard Show


Sometimes you can find wise sayings about love and relationships in books. Such phrases need to be collected and re-read from time to time so as not to forget their message. Think about how often you find your soul mate perfect? People are more likely to reflect on the shortcomings of their spouses than on their merits. But why? Because a good person quickly gets used to it, but not everyone can come to terms with shortcomings. Wise sayings about the love of great people are a storehouse of knowledge. For example, Bernard Shaw tried to convey to his fans the idea that the ideal spouse is a person who does not notice the flaws in his wife, but always manages to notice the virtues. Perhaps this is the secret of a long and productive relationship. In quotes, aphorisms and wise sayings about love, you need to look for a guide to action. Try to compliment your chosen one one day and thank him every time he does something pleasant for you. Believe me, a person will try twice as hard if he receives at least verbal encouragement. It is always nice to understand that effort is noticed and appreciated.

About aspirations

You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you. Man becomes taller because he reaches up.

M. Gorky

A man loves what makes him smarter, stronger and more courageous. Therefore, people so value those who do not abandon them in difficult life situations, but help them and support them morally. It is on such people who are time-tested, you can always rely on. If you think about the essence of love, you can understand that people fall in love with what their soul considers sublime. Look at the marriages or relationships of your friends, is that so? A person who has a normal self-esteem wants to see a hero next to him who is worth following. Thanks to such love, wings grow, a man soars up. He wants to become better and more worthy so that his other half can be proud of their choice. And there are people with low self-esteem. They choose their chosen one of the same. A woman can marry an alcoholic and lie to herself that there are no worthy men in the world, so you should be content with what you have. In fact, a woman cannot and does not want to grow, so she chooses a man who will not force her to strive somewhere.

About self love

If you correctly love and trust in yourself, then you will love your neighbor and trust him.

Rabbi Joshua Libman


Any person should love himself and accept as he is. All people are not so perfect. Someone is suffering from excess fullness, someone - from low self-esteem. We need to deal with our shortcomings, and not despise them. “How can you love someone who has flaws, you first need to get rid of them, and only then you can love yourself, ” - this is how many of our contemporaries think. It is impossible to demand that others around you love you if you do not consider yourself worthy of your own love. How often do you arrange dates? Rarely is anyone able to spend more than half an hour alone with herself. Many consider this a luxury. But in reality it turns out that this is just a necessity. You must be good to yourself. Go for a walk, if you want it, stay home and read an interesting book instead of spending a meaningless evening with friends in the club. People fall in love with those who shine from within. And only one who is completely satisfied with his life can shine.