
The man was "stuck in the 70s," but a week before the wedding he decided to surprise the bride: she was happy to see the reincarnation of her future husband

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The man was "stuck in the 70s," but a week before the wedding he decided to surprise the bride: she was happy to see the reincarnation of her future husband
The man was "stuck in the 70s," but a week before the wedding he decided to surprise the bride: she was happy to see the reincarnation of her future husband

Have you ever felt sorry looking through old photographs? “Why did I follow this stupid trend?”, Men think when they see a handbag under their armpit in the picture, and women have black eyebrows with a thread on their faces. Yeah, fashion is sometimes so evil!

Stuck in the 70s

The hero of this story, Dan Gallagher, has not changed his hairstyle for a long time. A few decades ago, his rocker pile of hair was really stylish. However, today the first reaction that he provokes when you see him is laughter. No wonder, because people desperately needed the help of experts!


Dan was lucky enough to get on the Rachel Ray show - a popular television entertainment program on American television. For him, a complete reincarnation was organized so that he went to his wedding with a new man! His future wife Maria came to the studio to support her beloved man.

Dan told those present that his haircut was not at all an attempt to preserve the past. The fact is that he did not like the shape of his skull, and he could never pick up a hairstyle that would suit him and match his preferences.


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Huge transformation

Fortunately, the hairdresser knew exactly what to do. Dan went through a truly incredible transformation: from an unattractive grandfather to a well-groomed handsome man.


Mary did not hide her surprise. The old image of her future husband simply upset her.
