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Basic military training: a program for high schools, a history of development and formation

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Basic military training: a program for high schools, a history of development and formation
Basic military training: a program for high schools, a history of development and formation

Video: JROTC Promotes Leadership & Academic Success 2024, June

Video: JROTC Promotes Leadership & Academic Success 2024, June

Initial military training is the foundation of a strong state and the formation of national consciousness of the young generation. The formation of basic concepts, training in tactics and technology, the ability to protect oneself if necessary are the basis of the program. A synonym for this term is pre-conscription training, which is the idea of ​​modern youth about military affairs.


Training organization

Previously, pre-conscription training was carried out on the job, classes were parallel to the main learning process. How the subject was introduced from the ninth grade. Both young men and women of pre-draft and draft age were trained.

Teachers were selected from officers or other military personnel, who, after seniority, went to the reserve. Officially, the title of military leader was assigned to them, and they trained the class or entire groups. On average, two classes were held per week. In the process, we used training weapons, which were small-caliber rifles or dummies of hand grenades, issued personal protective equipment in the form of respiratory masks and gas masks, as well as radiation and chemical reconnaissance equipment and training posters with mock-ups for training.

Modern primary military training at the school is based on the standard concept of training, but in addition to the main classes, electives and additional circles can be formed.


Program elements

The learning process can be divided into several stages. The initial stage included the definition of the armed forces and its tasks, the study of the composition, structure and division into different types of troops. Also in the classroom, a structuring of the system of military ranks and distinctive signs was given, the order of military service was studied.

The initial military training included the study of combat training and fire tactics. Classes were held on the theory of combat and the actions of military personnel during the battle, protection against weapons of mass destruction, and medical training was taught. Thanks to a superficial study of the provision of first aid, it was possible to help those injured and injured, the statutes were studied and elements of topographic training were given.

Some classes included engineering training and learning how to equip and mask military positions. Be sure, after graduation from the program, pupils or students were taken to the military training camp, where they could in practice test their knowledge and take a full course.

The combination of theoretical and practical elements helped to fully implement the program of primary military training and get a high-quality result.


Additional organizations

In the process of training, it was possible to receive additional training in a voluntary society to assist the army of aviation and navy, representatives of which were in each regional center or region. These included driving courses for trucks, tracked vehicles, and wireless telegraphers.

Those who were interested were also trained in skydiving, motorcycle driving and motorcycle sport, radio direction finding and modeling. DOSAAF was engaged not only in the military-patriotic education of youth, but also in the quality training of young people who wanted to enroll in military higher schools.


Modern learning

Initial military training at the school today is based more on the theoretical study and structuring of acquired knowledge. They get acquainted with the general tasks and goals that the armed forces set themselves, study the elements of the composition and structuring of the armed forces, as well as the order in which military service takes place. As for practical exercises, they are held after familiarization with the theoretical part in the form of active educational games and sports competitions.

Modern primary military training in the Russian Federation focuses on the development of physical endurance and an increase in strength indicators. Therefore, in the process of training, sports exercises and physical activity are included.


Country situation

To date, some countries have excluded initial military training from training programs, but there are a number of states where discipline is considered basic and compulsory. These include Kazakhstan, Belarus, where the formulation of pre-conscription training is used. This concept is synonymous with the core.

In Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, preparations began in 2012 and 2014. Also, the countries where the program of initial military training is practiced are Uzbekistan, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. As for Russia, here the teaching of NVP in schools was resumed only in some secondary schools.


Relevance of training

The basics of initial military training allow students to form not only patriotism, nationalism, but also a clear understanding of their role for the state. Thanks to this discipline, self-esteem, self-confidence, a sense of usefulness and a desire to prove oneself for the good of the Fatherland are formed.

In the process of a full study of the subject, students received knowledge not only from the field of military science, but also from topography, medicine, drill training and physical development. Initial military training institutions were a stage in the formation of a disciplined, patriotic person. After graduating from colleges and military schools, you can continue your military career.

Other states

A model in this regard can be Israel, where pre-conscription training begins necessarily from the age of 13, both boys and girls are called to it. Training is provided by youth battalions, compulsory two-week training camps.

The program is designed in such a way that more attention is paid to practical exercises and the ability of students to work out their knowledge. The training process is monitored by experts who issue certification certificates on the level of training and put assessments on the basis of which military specialties can be chosen.

Also in these systems there are aviation and naval sections, where students can learn not only planning, driving technologies, management, but also practice on the sites. As for the UK, here the basics of primary military training are not included in the general educational system, but are presented by voluntary organizations of schools and colleges that are aimed at the paramilitary type.

There are united cadet units, an air training corps, and a naval cadet corps. Girls and boys from 11 to 18 years old are accepted here, first they are credited for one year, and after the expiration of the term, training can be continued.

Unit management also monitors success. The process includes not only car maintenance, communication, overcoming natural barriers and horseback riding, but also the theoretical part, where various information is provided, which will be useful for training.