the culture

National traditions of Ukraine

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National traditions of Ukraine
National traditions of Ukraine

Video: Ukraine Christmas Traditions 2024, June

Video: Ukraine Christmas Traditions 2024, June

National traditions, as well as customs, mother tongue, common territory, unite people into a single people. The traditions of Ukraine characterize the relationship of representatives of this people with each other and with other nations, people's attitude to nature and spiritual values.


general characteristics

The Ukrainian nationality has an interesting and rich history. Due to the fact that the geographical location contributed to the fact that many tribes and peoples passed through this territory who wanted to seize Ukrainian lands, they had to defend their homeland. There were hours when the Ukrainian people were enslaved. All these events contributed to the formation of a very vivid national trait among Ukrainians - freedom of love. All the folk art of Ukraine is permeated with a craving for freedom and longing for it in those days when it turned out to be enslaved.

The real creators of cultural traditions were Cossacks, peasants and artisans. The traditions of Ukraine are clearly manifested in art - dancing, songs, etc. Folklore has occupied an important place in Ukrainian culture for a long period of time. Along with folk traditions, he gave her a special flavor and charm.


Musical traditions of Ukraine

As already noted, instrumental folklore was very important in the musical culture of Ukraine. Even in ancient times, the only instruments in the ensemble were: a tambourine, violin and a nozzle. Subsequently, the range of tools expanded. Nowadays, folk instrumentation is distinguished by its diversity - there are string, and wind, and percussion instruments. Most of the instruments were born on the territory of the state. The rest was borrowed from other nationalities.

In Zaporizhzhya Sich wind and percussion instruments were more popular. One of the symbols of Cossack statehood was such an instrument as timpani.

In cities, they played banduras, violins, harp, etc. They sounded in songs and romances. In the villages dominated by Kobz, bandura or lyre. They were most suitable for instrumental accompaniment of prayers that sound on the streets near churches.

Ukrainian ritual songs

On New Year and Christmas holidays, Ukrainian ritual songs such as Christmas carols and generosions are heard. These songs have been around for centuries. Their origin goes back to pre-Christian times. In those hours, people worshiped many gods. During the winter solstice, it was customary for our ancestors to celebrate the Kolyada festival. With the adoption of the Christian faith, these traditions of Ukraine did not go away, they simply became overgrown with new rites, mixed with Christian beliefs. At Christmas, the so-called Christmas carols walked around the yards and praised Jesus Christ. With their songs, they wished the owners well-being, to which they received various treats in response. Delicious gifts received from the owners were called carols. The tradition of caroling on the night before Christmas has been preserved in our time. This is especially noticeable in Western Ukraine. After the first star appears in the sky, the Holy Supper begins. At this time, the children gather in groups and go to congratulate everyone on the birth of Jesus Christ.


Schedrivka is a ritual song that is sung on New Year's Eve. It contains the wish for a good harvest, prosperity for the family, as well as health for all its members. The main motives of the bounties, as well as carols, are mercy and Christian love for one's neighbor.

Wedding traditions of Ukraine

Weddings in Ukraine are usually celebrated on a large scale.


Before picking up his bride from her father’s house, the groom has to overcome a lot of obstacles, as well as pay a ransom for her to everyone who requires it. This may be the neighbors of the bride, her friend, etc. The groom must fulfill all the requirements of the guests presented to him on the way to his beloved. There is a belief that the more obstacles the groom overcomes on the way to his bride before the wedding, the less burdens awaits the newlyweds in their life together.

After the marriage has taken place and the newlyweds leave the registry office - they are showered with millet, coins and sweets, thus expressing their wishes for a long, rich and happy life in marriage. During the wedding feast, toasts are played, folk songs are performed, and a lot of fun contests are being played.

Baptismal traditions

The birth of a child is the most important event in the life of every family. However, celebrating this event on a large scale is not accepted. Since the child is still too defenseless, only the closest and most limited circle of people enters the house. But the baptism of a child is celebrated on a large scale. Many believe that it is impossible to show the child to strangers before his christening. But after the completion of this sacrament, you can already invite all your loved ones to celebrate the spiritual birth of a child. The national traditions of Ukraine suggest setting a generous table and marking this in a big way is considered to be the most important event in the life of every person.


Housewarming Traditions

There are also some interesting traditions associated with housewarming in Ukraine. Before young people move into a new house, it is customary to invite a priest into it. Consecrating the home, the minister of the church sets icons in the corners of the house. After this rite, the home is considered clean and bright. Receiving and giving away only positive emotions in the house, young spouses fill their home with an aura of light, love and kindness.

Some people, before settling in a new house, run a cat there before themselves. It is believed that the cat will drive away all evil spirits from the home. This rite is more like superstition, but those who honor the traditions of the people of Ukraine do not neglect this action.