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Folk wisdom: May signs for all occasions

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Folk wisdom: May signs for all occasions
Folk wisdom: May signs for all occasions

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The last month of spring, like all other seasons, gave the peasant the observant gaze a lot of clues. May signs relate mostly to agricultural work. But among them there are tips for the newlyweds, for example. If it’s interesting, let’s take a closer look at the signs that the ancestors left us for the month of May.


About the weather

You can find out what will be the next fall on May sixth. That's exactly what they did in the old days. If it is frosty, then autumn was expected to be warm. May signs tell vacationers whether to plan country trips or whether it is better to fly to distant lands. If on the eighth day (Mark) songbirds gathered in flocks and circled in heaven, then the summer heat is provided. You don’t have to think about overseas resorts. And it will be good at home. It is recommended to confirm the forecast also on the thirteenth. Only have to get up before dawn. Clearly the sun rises - wait for the heat. The clear dawn on Epiphanes (twenty-fifth) usually alarmed the elderly. They assured that in the summer it is necessary to guard against fires. By the way, omen is relevant for modern life, even urban.


About birds

And the youth went into the forest of the fifteenth. The signs of May-month were prescribed to listen to girls and couple of birds. If the first nightingale gives a trill, then summer time will be happy. And when you hear the cuckoo - do not hope for a romantic adventure. Bad weather for the summer was predicted by a thunderstorm on the twenty-fourth (Moky Wet). If the dawn turned a crimson color, and by noon the heavenly abyss opened the floodgates, know, for the next three months galoshes and an umbrella are needed. In summer there will be a lot of rain accompanied by thunderstorms.

About the crop

Bread farmers passed each other May signs for every day. They helped to grow a rich harvest, not to remain without food for the whole winter. We tracked the weather very carefully. Since the signs of May for every day were considered very true. By the way, there are many of them. Modern people do not particularly need them, as they relate to sowing time or work in the barnyard. But here are some of them. On the fourth day (Proclus) a peasant came out into the courtyard at dawn and observed: if it’s clear, you need to go to sow, when the fog runs in, then you should do other work. Grain still too early to go to bed. After Mark (the 8th day) there will be three rains - bread will be rich rich. When a rainbow appeared, it was considered a good sign. High and bright foreshadowed clear weather, low and dull - bad weather. However, this optical phenomenon foreshadowed a successful year for the farmer. And on May twenty-second they planted potatoes. If you do not miss this day, you can get not only complete bins, but also medicinal tubers. The future berry harvest was judged by the behavior of mosquitoes. The signs of May read as follows: if there are a lot of midges flocked to Lukerya (on the twenty-sixth), you need to know to cook onions. There will be berries and mushrooms.


May signs for lovers

This month, in pre-Christian Russia called pollen, was still considered a period of active agricultural work. Everything else faded into the background. Unfortunately, young men and languishing girls, flaming with passion, including their love. The last month of spring was considered unsuitable for marriage. They said that they would have to toil until old age, if the wedding was started during this period. By the way, many people believe in this today. It’s better to listen to nightingales and to monitor the signs of May regarding the harvest, and to appoint a wedding for a rich autumn. Then the table will break, so that the guests are not ashamed, and life will turn out. And in order not to be bored, they baked cakes on the second day, they arranged a celebration of the meeting of spring. On it you can talk in full.


May weather signs

Observational people knew in advance about what the month would be. We started to notice back in February. If it is windy and frosty, then early spring will begin. May, therefore, will stand out warm. Long icicles foreshadowed a good spring. And when the frost fell on the trees, it was believed that in May there would be a lot of honey. It is bad when it rained in February. Then the peasants prepared to "fight for the harvest." The moisture of the second winter month foreshadowed a rainy spring and difficult sowing. But the April rains prepared the wealth of the last spring month. Moisture nourished the soil. From this the land became more generous. Grasses rose high and lush. By the way, they were collected and used in traditional medicine. On the twelfth of May, as they used to say in the old days, you need to go into the field and turn your face to the winds. If you do this, you will not be too lazy and do not forget - ailments will be bypassed.
