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Navka and Basharov: a complete novel

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Navka and Basharov: a complete novel
Navka and Basharov: a complete novel

Video: FIRST Reaction to Tatiana Navka & Marat Basharov - Final ''Quadrille'' 2024, June

Video: FIRST Reaction to Tatiana Navka & Marat Basharov - Final ''Quadrille'' 2024, June

In the show business any important events are constantly happening. As for the personal life of the stars, this is perhaps the most interesting topic. And now, in the news of show business, one of the news is brightly covered, which concerns the personal life of Marat Basharov and Tatyana Navka. One of the most romantic couples has recently broken up: now Navka and Basharov live apart. If not everyone, then so many liked this wonderful couple. The Internet is simply full of photographs, where a smiling Marat hugs Tatyana, whose eyes glow with happiness. It was a lovely, romantic couple. What prevented their happiness?


Reason for the breakup

Now, former lovers live separately from each other - this news shocked everyone. An interesting question comes up about why Navka and Basharov broke up. The scenarios of their separation are many. Some say that all the fault was a great love for each other, which, oddly enough, contributed to the dying of their feelings. Indeed, the loving Marat at the beginning of their relationship literally kissed Tatyana, as they say, “from head to toe”. And as psychologists say, you can’t be so passionate for your soul mate, as this can get bored over time, and then lead to the separation of the couple. Others say that Tatyana broke off relations with Basharov because of his frequent drunkenness. And someone says that Tatyana, being not a Muslim, was simply not approved by his family. Which of all these versions is true - no one knows, since Tatyana herself refuses to talk about the breakup. Someone is sure that Tatyana and Marat simply did not fit each other, since Basharov is a very sexy and hot man, but Tatyana’s qualities are not very clear.


Roman Tatyana and Marat

It should be recalled the program "Ice Age", which was attended by Basharov and Navka. Roman Tatyana and Marat began here. It was a beautiful love story. They lived together in the Moscow apartment of the skater. Basharov carried his beloved in his arms almost every day, kissed her, gave expensive gifts. But the couple’s happiness did not last so long. The rampant lifestyle of Basharov began to strain Tatyana. Often Navka and Basharov quarreled, loudly scandalized. This ended with putting Marat out the door with his suitcases. He went to the bar and sat there until the morning. There were, of course, reconciliations, again carefree evenings together, then again scandals and a bar. It seemed that this string of events would never end. But everything happened unexpectedly - Navka and Basharov broke up. Many friends and acquaintances guessed the possibility of this ending of this novel, and yet they were very surprised by this event.

ice Age


As already known, Tatyana and Marat participated in the program “Ice Age”. Navka and Basharov rode in pairs. Many said that this is the most amazing, most romantic couple of the project. How wonderful they did! They seemed to ride in the same breath, understanding each other only by their looks. It was not just a duet, it was the program’s favorites. A couple idolized not only the audience, but also the jury. By the way, Navka and Basharov won this enchanting show.

Wedding rumors

Very quickly, a rumor spread about the upcoming wedding of the stars, which was somewhat surprised by their friends, because the couple was extremely scandalous. It was rumored that both Marat and Tatyana filed divorces with their spouses. The wedding ceremony of the stormy couple was planned for the autumn season. The well-known actor and no less famous skater had to overcome many difficulties on the way to his happiness. After all, Tatyana was not of the Muslim faith, but for the Marat family it was a taboo. His family was categorically against the upcoming marriage and was ready to accept only a Muslim woman. Nevertheless, the long-awaited wedding did not take place, which former lovers do not regret at all.


The show "Ice and Fire"

After the breakup, Navka and Basharov met on a new television show - "Ice and Fire." Marat was invited to it as a host, and Tatyana - as a participant. Navka at that time was riding in tandem with Alexei Vorobyov, a very attractive man. The program participant did not hide feelings for her new partner. And on this score, some controversy arose. Some believed that so she just wants to annoy Basharov, take revenge on him. And others said that a real passion was boiling between them, and the birth of a new novel was not far off. In any case, it was clear that the presence of Marat greatly bothered Tatyana, as, however, the presence of Tatyana was not easy for Marat.
