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Unusual monuments of Moscow: addresses, photos with descriptions, historical facts, reviews

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Unusual monuments of Moscow: addresses, photos with descriptions, historical facts, reviews
Unusual monuments of Moscow: addresses, photos with descriptions, historical facts, reviews

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Video: World's Richest Country & Unknown World under Moscow | Mystery Places | Free Documentary 2024, July

Unusual monuments of Moscow are sculptural compositions that surprise and amaze not only tourists, but also local residents. In this article we will talk about the most remarkable of them, where to find them and what they are dedicated to. Many dream of going on such an amazing tour.

Monument to Associate Professor


On the avenue of stars of the Mosfilm film studio is one of Moscow’s most unusual monuments. This is a sculpture of the character of the comedy "Gentlemen of Fortune" Associate Professor. If you remember the picture itself, then this, of course, is not a repeat offender San Sanych Bely, whom the whole country knows by his nickname, but the head of the capital's kindergarten, Evgeny Ivanovich Troshkin.

As you recall, at the request of the investigation, he was forced to play the role of the notorious Assistant Professor, to find out from accomplices where the valuable archaeological find stolen by them disappeared. The character of the wonderful Soviet comedian Yevgeny Leonov fell into such a mess of his own free will.


The monument dedicated to his work is located at Mosfilmovskaya Street, 8. If you go on an excursion to the unusual monuments of Moscow, be sure to include it in your route. Of course, Leonov played many roles in the movie, but it was this image that became the most popular, and the character's replicas turned into catch phrases.

An unusual Moscow monument dedicated to Leonov was erected not far from the Mosfilm studio, with which he collaborated almost all his life. It is noteworthy that the sculpture does not have a pedestal, so you can take a picture with it, being in close proximity. This is one of the most unusual monuments in Moscow.

Resting Pushkin


The sculpture of the most famous Russian writer can be found in almost every major Russian city, the capital in this regard is no exception. There is a famous monument to Pushkin here on Tversky Boulevard. But you certainly have not seen such a sculpture of a poet anywhere.

In the area of ​​Bolshaya Molchanovka Street 10, "Resting Pushkin" is installed. According to tourists, this is one of the most unusual monuments in Moscow, which is definitely worth a visit. It is located near New Arbat, not far from the workshop of the famous sculptor Rukavishnikov.

Most often, prominent people stand on monuments, sit or, in extreme cases, walk. This unusual monument to Moscow (the photo can be viewed in this article) amazes everyone with the fact that Pushkin lies on a couch in a relaxed position. He threw his legs back, and clasped his hands in the lock under his head. The creator of this outstanding sculpture is the same Rukavishnikov. Work done in bronze. On it, the poet rests, deeply immersed in his thoughts.

Baron Munchausen


Among the unusual monuments of Moscow, the addresses of which are in this article, there was a place for sculptures dedicated to the heroes of great works. In 2005, near the entrance to the Molodezhnaya metro station, a monument was erected to the historical and literary hero - Baron Munchausen - the work of the novice sculptor Orlov. This is one of the most interesting monuments in Moscow, you can find it at the address: Yartsevskaya street, 25a.

Surprisingly, for some time he was considered an autostructure and even intended to demolish. But the baron nevertheless took root, now he pleases all guests and residents of the capital with his unusual appearance. Everyone knows about the exploits of the baron, one of them is imprinted in bronze on one of the capital's streets and has become perhaps the most unusual attraction in Moscow. According to the plot, Munchausen is trying to get his horse out of the swamp, which landed there during the duck hunt.

It is believed that if you rub your nose to Munchausen, then his unprecedented resourcefulness and incredible luck will contribute to you.

Hoja Nasruddin


Among the unusual monuments of Moscow there is a sculpture dedicated to the folkloric oriental character Khoja Nasreddin - a famous philosopher and thinker, a hero of classic satirical and humorous miniatures.

It was opened relatively recently - in 2006 on April Fools' Day. The poet and philosopher of the East so often entertained entire generations of lovers of humor, that this unusual monument in Moscow, the photo and address of which is presented in the article, was in its place.

Almost everyone knows Nasruddin thanks to his resourcefulness, craftiness, cunning, wisdom and sincere good humor. This is a character who has always advocated justice, defended the poor before the rich. Surprisingly, several peoples at once consider him his national hero - residents of Central Asia, the Caucasus and the East.

The author of this sculpture, like many other unusual monuments of Moscow, is our compatriot Andrei Orlov. There is nothing superfluous in the composition he created. The bronze Khoja Nasreddin holds a book in one hand, and in the other - an occasion for his faithful companion - a donkey. Perhaps the most surprising is the fact that the composition itself stands out in the wrong proportions - the donkey is too large compared to the human figure. And besides, the animal looks as comical as possible, resembling the cartoon donkey from the cartoon "Shrek".

However, all these inaccuracies do not catch the eye and do not spoil the overall picture, giving this unusual monument, in Moscow (at 25a Yartsevskaya Street) a special charm.

If you go as close as possible to the sculptural composition, you will find that the saddle of a donkey is very polished. This is explained quite simply - there is a sign that is followed by tourists and local residents. It is believed that you need to take a picture on the back of the animal, then surely luck will turn to face you.

Cream cheese


If the works devoted to literary characters are found in many cities, then the work on which the cream cheese is captured is, indeed, a unique composition, an unusual monument in Moscow, the photo of which is in the article.

This monument is a recollection of the Soviet past, when processed cheese "Friendship" could be bought at every deli. It was created on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Karat factory, where the beloved product was produced.

Over time, this monument began to be called "Crow and the Fox", as it reminded many of the heroes of the famous fable of Ivan Krylov. The heroes of the sculptural composition are sitting comfortably embracing each other, watching with emotion the 200-kg cheese "Friendship" made of bronze. Interestingly, a few years ago, someone even managed to steal this cheese. It was recreated literally to the smallest detail - it is in classic color packaging, on which there is even a barcode.

According to the creators, the sculpture symbolizes harmony, peace and friendship. The project of the future monument was chosen at a competition; in total, about one and a half hundred applications were submitted. The jury became many famous representatives of art and culture.

For many years, there has already been a tradition according to which newlyweds often come on this wedding day to this unusual sight of Mosk. region to leave a fox and a crow a full basket of curd cakes as a gift. It is believed that if you want your family life to develop successfully, you must definitely take at least one processed cheese with you.

The monument can be found at 14 Rustaveli Street, Building 11. In the reviews, travelers who visit Moscow admit that this is a unique sculptural composition, near which you definitely need to take a picture.

"Give Way to the Ducklings"


Finding out where to go to unusual places in Moscow, you should definitely pay attention to the sculptural group called "Give Way to Ducklings." It was installed back in 1991, since then it has been in the park, located opposite the Novodevichy Convent. This monument is a complete copy of the monument, installed in the American city of Boston.

This sculpture was handed over to the wife of Mikhail Gorbachev Raisa, the first lady of the USA, Barbara Bush, wife of George W. Bush. The sculpture group was passed with the wording "to all the children of the Soviet Union as a sign of friendship and love." Then few people thought that the USSR could disintegrate and sink into oblivion.

The monument has a difficult story. Almost immediately after installation, he was attacked by vandals who immediately abducted one of the ducklings. Then another attack took place, which inflicted even more damage on the sculptural composition - the duck-mother and her three cubs disappeared. After that, American sculptors took over the restoration of the monument. Since then they have not encroached on him anymore.

It is believed that the smallest duckling brings luck, for this it needs only to be stroked gently. The monument in Boston became popular after the advent of the famous fairy tale story, which was called "Give Way to the Ducklings." It has grown more than one generation. The tale is still loved by American children. This story tells the story of a duck mother and her babies who are trying to find a safe and secluded place in Boston Park. On their way they meet a large number of kind and helpful people.

Uncle Styopa


At the address: Slesarny Lane, Building 1, a monument to Uncle Step was erected in the Russian capital. It is located in front of the regional office of the State Road Safety Inspectorate. Here, the character of the classic tale of Sergei Mikhalkov was very well attached.

This is a huge guard of three meters in height, cast from bronze. It is noteworthy that he is not dressed in the classic uniform of a Soviet policeman, but in the form of a modern employee of the traffic police. According to the author of the sculpture, Rogozhnikov, this is a clear evidence of the continuity of generations. Uncle Styopa is depicted in the sculptural composition at the moment when he rescues a bird caught in a traffic light. Now she is sitting quietly in his hand, not even about to fly away.

The character of the famous Soviet literary work was not chosen by chance. After all, it is believed that the Soviet policeman is a symbol of honesty and justice. Therefore, it is not surprising that there were people who now support this idea.

There were those who did not like the monument. The work began to be actively criticized due to the fact that in the details it does not look like a cartoon. For example, they noticed that in the animated picture, drawn from a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov, the traffic light, which is fixed by Uncle Step, is located above the roadway. And on the sculptural composition, he is in the hands of the hero. Critics have suggested installing a lamppost to correct this annoying oversight. Fortunately, it was decided to abandon this idea, because Uncle Styopa, first of all, is a friend of children, and not a holder for a traffic light.

the Mobius strip


Of the unusual monuments of Moscow, photos with names and descriptions of which are in this material, it is worth noting the Mobius strip. It is located near the cinema "Horizon" at the address: Komsomolsky prospect, 21/10. Of course, monuments dedicated to this riddle of our time are in many cities. but this one is fundamentally different from the others.

As you probably know, the Moebius band is a one-sided surface at which several points can be reached without crossing the edges of the band. The author of this invention is the mathematician from Leipzig August Mebius, in whose honor this unique phenomenon was named.

There is a funny story about how the invention came about. The idea of ​​creating such an object came to the mind of a German scientist when he saw a maid entering the room. The thing was that she incorrectly put on a neck scarf.

The Mobius strip is an object that is mentioned in all kinds of fantastic works, inspiring scientists and inventors to various inventions in the future. To understand what the fundamental difference between the capital’s monument and the Mobius strip sculptures installed in other cities is, you need to look closely at it. If you look closely at this sculptural composition for a long time, you can clearly see the outlines of a naked woman in it.

The author of the monument is the sculptor Nalich, who created a large number of such works of art in Moscow. It is noteworthy that fame came to his son, Peter Nalich, who became a popular musician and singer on the Internet.

Student omens


The monument dedicated to all students is located on Myachkovsky Boulevard. It is believed that he brings good luck in his personal life and helps to successfully cope with the workload.

This sculptural composition is dedicated to the most uncomplicated student signs. For example, a five-copeck coin that needs to be put on the shoe before the exam. It was installed in June 2008, exactly during the session in the capital's universities.

This monument was created by students of the architectural faculty of one of the Moscow institutes. About five hundred architects participated in the competition for the implementation of the project of this monument. The composition was installed in Maryino in the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.

There you can twist two boots made of bronze, a large five-copeck coin, as well as a battered test book, in which there is a mark “5”. Students almost immediately fell in love with this place, they constantly come here before exams and responsible tests. Some even argue that the items that are found here help to get the "five", so trying to try your luck is definitely worth it.