
Nikolai Noskov posted a photo of grown up granddaughters from the Christmas holiday

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Nikolai Noskov posted a photo of grown up granddaughters from the Christmas holiday
Nikolai Noskov posted a photo of grown up granddaughters from the Christmas holiday

Not so long ago, a joyful event took place in the world of show business. Famous and beloved by many, the performer spent Christmas with his family, as evidenced by the pictures posted by him on Instagram. Numerous fans did not fail to meet them with admiring reviews. Singer Nikolai Noskov after his illness became much better! However, as loyal fans noticed, the appearance of their idol still retains traces of the transferred illness.

In the photo presented by the singer to the audience, he is captured surrounded by his family - his wife Marina, daughter and granddaughter. The singer signed his publication with a Merry Christmas and wishes everyone joy and peace.


Serious illness

It is worth recalling that three years ago, the ex-leader of the Gorky Park group was in serious condition in a hospital. The cause was a blood clot in the cervical spine. Later, fans became aware that this bright artist had a stroke.



In the fall of 2018, having overcome a serious ailment, the artist again appeared in public. Using the help of Victor Drobysh, producer and friend, the singer continued his work on the album with the speaking title “Live”. In November 2019, he performed in the “Evening Urgant” program with the song “Snow”. And on December 9, 2019, his first big recital after his illness took place.