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The new discovery of scientists allowed to establish the exact place of origin of the stones of Stonehenge

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The new discovery of scientists allowed to establish the exact place of origin of the stones of Stonehenge
The new discovery of scientists allowed to establish the exact place of origin of the stones of Stonehenge

Video: A Stonehenge mystery has finally been solved 2024, July

Video: A Stonehenge mystery has finally been solved 2024, July

Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious ancient structures on Earth. It is still not known exactly why people built it from huge stones - either this is the tomb of the pagan queen, or the ancient astronomical laboratory for predicting future space disasters. I read one of the most incredible versions about his appointment with Ernst Muldashev. In his opinion, this megalithic monument, along with the stone idols of Easter Island and Egyptian pyramids, is part of a complex of structures designed to protect the Earth from negative psychic energy. Only one thing is clear - Stonehenge has many mysteries, and one of them scientists finally managed to solve.

How is Stonehenge built?


Five thousand years after the ancient inhabitants of the British Isles began the construction of Stonehenge, archaeologists have exactly figured out where some of the huge boulders came from and how they were mined. “Some of the stones were transported from a distance of 150 miles from here. And we know for sure that people did it, ”the researchers say.

A team of 12 geologists and archaeologists from the United Kingdom provided a study that traces the history of the origin of the stones of this prehistoric monument and describes their relationship with 2 quarries in West Wales.


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Scientists have discovered traces of the use of ancient tools - stone wedges. The activity of prehistoric stonecutters was traced back to 3000 BC. e., when the first phase of the construction of Stonehenge was completed.

This is just amazing. After all, the weight of some stones reaches 50 tons. How in ancient times could people transport them to such a distance without lifting cranes and vehicles? And most importantly - for what? After all, it cost them a lot of effort. And if everything is more or less clear with the Egyptian pyramids - the pharaohs had great human resources in the form of slaves, then in prehistoric Britain the population, I think, was not so great.

Where did the stones come from


“This study finally allows us to put an end to the question of whether these stones were moved by people or by the movement of glaciers, ” said Joshua Pollard, professor of archeology at the University of Southampton.

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He is a leading researcher in a group of archaeologists who, since 2010, have been analyzing samples from Stonehenge megaliths and comparing them with stones in Presel Hills in western Wales. “It's a tough job, ” says Pollard. “Such studies take a lot of time.”

To achieve accurate results, geologists crushed hundreds of rock samples into powder. After that, they conducted in-depth chemical tests using x-rays and analyzed the age of the minerals.

“Interest from a geological point of view is that we use a combination of standard microscopic methods and modern analytical methods, ” says geologist Richard Bevins.

Stonehenge finds have been surprisingly little studied.

Scientists have long known that megaliths were mined in an area called Preseli Hills. This row of hills in West Wales is literally dotted with prehistoric remains.

A study conducted by English scientists made it possible to refute earlier assumptions about the origin of boulders. The quarries on which they were mined are located on the northern slope of the hills. Therefore, it is more likely that their transportation was not carried out by water along river tributaries, but on the surface of the earth.

There is also a hypothesis that these stones were first used to build a local megalithic circle and only then were ferried to the vicinity of Salisbury.