
Olga Rostropovich: a worthy representative of the famous dynasty

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Olga Rostropovich: a worthy representative of the famous dynasty
Olga Rostropovich: a worthy representative of the famous dynasty

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The surname Rostropovich of a Russian person interested in the world of music and art is associated with a generation of talented people. Olga was no exception. She proudly and proudly bears the title of successor to the great dynasty.

Olga Rostropovich's mother is the world famous opera singer Galina Vishnevskaya, her father is the musician Mstislav Rostropovich. Career daughter should have been prepared since childhood. But not everything was so simple in her fate.

Childhood and youth Olga Rostropovich, photo

Olga was born in Moscow in 1974. Music from childhood surrounded the girl. At 4, parents began to teach their daughter how to play the piano. Grandmother was entrusted with further development, since they themselves were on the road all the time, on tour. Sofya Nikolaevna came from the Cossacks, she perfectly mastered several musical instruments.


Every day, young Olga studied music for half an hour a day, gradually the load increased. I had to play music for an hour and a half. Thanks to this, already by school age Olga knew the works of many great composers. Grandmother took her granddaughter to a music school.

With the onset of adolescence, the girl began to learn how to play the cello. Father closely watched her progress. Later, Olga admitted that she did not like to engage with him. The slightest false sound, and criticism could not be avoided.

Emigration to America, the beginning of a creative biography of Olga Rostropovich

The Rostropovichs often moved from place to place, because of the active stage activity they had to change their city of residence. In 1978, all family members were deprived of Soviet citizenship. In this connection, parents and Olga had to stay in America, where they were at that time.


In one of the New York music schools, the girl continued her studies on the cello. She received a diploma from the Juilliard Higher School of Music, after which she began performing on a large stage together with Mstislav Rostropovich.

Activities are gaining momentum. Olga was soloist in the orchestra, as she excelled most musicians in her skill. Every year, new horizons opened up for her, and career opportunities appeared.

A family

Gradually, Olga Rostropovich managed to become a teacher at the very school that she graduated in the United States. There was virtually no time left for parallel activities. In addition, the woman acquired a family and children, so she longed to devote herself to them.

It was difficult for Mstislav Rostropovich to accept this fact. He cherished the dream that the daughter would become a full-fledged successor to the great dynasty. At some point, he was even offended by his daughter, for a long time did not communicate with her.


Olga was able to return to her native Moscow in 2007. By that time, Mstislav Rostropovich's condition worsened. He went to the hospital. Olga took care of her father.


After the death of the composer, Olga continued his work, she became the head of the fund, named after Rostropovich. The organization supports young talents, helps them in finding employment, in concert activities.