women's issues

Hazelnuts: what can or cannot be?

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Hazelnuts: what can or cannot be?
Hazelnuts: what can or cannot be?

Video: 5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Hazelnuts 2024, June

Video: 5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Hazelnuts 2024, June

Nuts have always been considered a storehouse of substances necessary for the body: vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They are useful for adults and children. Of course, they are useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers, who in such an important period of their lives carefully monitor their diet and enrich their body with vitamins to the maximum. This is important for the full development of the fetus and the baby.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Everyone knows that breastfeeding is the most wholesome food for a growing body. That is why most mothers do their best to breastfeed. At the same time, mothers should take care of their nutrition. Everything they consume is passed on to their baby with milk.

It is very important to add nuts to the diet with Guards (breastfeeding). The most beneficial for breast-feeding women are walnuts and pine nuts. Thanks to them, milk becomes more nutritious, the child gains weight well. In doing so, he receives vital substances through mother's milk.

What is useful walnut

Regular use of walnuts strengthens the heart muscle, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and liver. Folk methods include the use for the treatment and shell of this amazing natural product.


Very useful walnut with gv for children. It contributes to the development of brain activity and supplies the entire body with useful substances. Among them, magnesium, omega-3, vitamins A, E and B vitamins. Due to the presence of fiber, walnut improves metabolic processes and prevents obesity. An even greater advantage of eating walnuts for gw is their ability to improve digestion. As you know, pregnant and lactating women often complain of violations in the digestive tract.

A very important element that is found in nuts is calcium. He is responsible for the formation of bones, teeth and skeleton. For older people, the benefits of nuts are expressed in the presence of acids and magnesium in the composition, which have a good effect on the walls of blood vessels. For women, the main advantage in eating nuts is their ability to have a beneficial effect on the skin, on the condition of nails and hair.


With gw, you can eat nuts. This also applies to pregnancy. During the bearing of the baby, the level of hemoglobin in the blood often decreases in women, and the nut restores it well. Also, for the normal development of the fetus, folic acid is needed, which is responsible for the initial development of nerve fibers and the brain. In the future, a lack of vitamin B9 (folic acid) can adversely affect the growing body of the baby. Therefore, one should not neglect the recommendations of doctors.

Contraindications to the use of walnuts

Like many other foods that benefit the body, walnuts have some contraindications. For example:

  • Inflammatory processes of the pancreas.
  • The period of exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers.
  • Allergic reactions to any kind of nuts.
  • Too active blood coagulation process.

It is very important to comply with the measure when eating nuts with guards. Is it possible to eat them in large volumes to a nursing mother? The answer is negative. Allowed to consume no more than 3-4 cores per day.


How to choose walnuts

Not many can boast that they use nuts grown on their own site, since not everyone has it. Most consumers buy nuts at a market or store. Particularly alarming is a product that is already peeled. It is not known under what conditions it was cleaned and packaged. Tips for choosing them correctly:

  1. It is best to buy inshell nuts. At home, clean them and feed the whole family.
  2. If there is no way to buy whole nuts, you must choose those that have a uniform color and heavy weight. Most likely, such nuts are collected this year. If they are uneven in color and too light - last year’s fruits are before you.
  3. It is not recommended to buy chopped nuts.
  4. If you buy a product on the market, most likely it will be allowed to try. Do not give up such an opportunity. Quality kernels should not be salty or bitter.
  5. If you buy nuts at the supermarket, see the expiration date and packing date.

You can store walnuts in the shell for no more than 1 year. If you had to buy peeled nuts, then their shelf life is no longer than 2 months.


What nuts can be used for gua? It is believed that the safest are pine nuts, which we will talk about below. In second place are walnuts. You can also eat cashews and coconuts in small quantities. Use caution with almonds. If its nuclei are bitter, they should be discarded. Nursing women should not eat peanuts and hazelnuts, as they are strong allergens. In addition, dangerous mushrooms often parasitize in peanuts. Also, doctors do not recommend eating exotic nuts, with the exception of coconut.

Pine nuts

These are the fruits of cedar pine. The seeds of real cedars cannot be eaten. In terms of biology, they are not nuts. But in gastronomy and culinary they are called that way.


Is it possible to walnuts with Guards, we figured out. Now we will talk about such a healthy nut as cedar. It is rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Also, the fruits of cedar pine contain sugar and a number of useful substances. Among them are many B vitamins, vitamin K, E, as well as copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

The use of pine nuts

Small nuts of cedar pine are often used in cooking of the East and Europe. Pine nuts with gw are no less useful than walnuts. They contain arginine, which is very important for the full development of the child and, of course, to maintain the health of the nursing mother.

Traditional healers also recommend the use of pine nuts for ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis. They advise to save the shell in order to prepare a healing balm or tincture from it. Such a medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a mild analgesic effect.

These small nuts bring indispensable benefits to those who suffer from a lack of vitamins and excessive weight loss. Pine nuts improve metabolism, strengthen immunity and give strength to the body. In distant Siberia they are used to improve heart function, with iodine deficiency.


Is it possible to pine nuts with gv

Proper and wholesome nutrition is the key to good health of the growing baby and his mother. Pine nuts are very useful during breastfeeding, because they are rich in an amino acid called arginine. It improves the renewal of body cells and takes part in the formation of organs and systems in the growing body of a child.

Nuts during gw are very useful. But scientists have not proved that they are able to enhance milk production. However, they are sure that with the mother’s milk from nuts, the small body receives a lot of nutrients. Pine nuts contain a lot of vitamin E. It is the element that causes a lot of controversial opinions about the ability of nuts to enhance lactation.

How to use pine nuts when breastfeeding

Cedar fruits, like many of its other "brothers", can cause an allergic reaction in a baby's first month of life. Therefore, during this period of breastfeeding, it is better for a nursing mother not to consume them. An exception may be cases when the child is absolutely healthy, and none of his close relatives have ever suffered from an allergy to nuts. Otherwise, it is best to introduce pine nuts in the mother’s diet from the second month of breastfeeding.


An allergic reaction in a child who feeds exclusively on breast milk manifests itself 4-5 hours after a meal. Very rarely, this happens in a day or two. The main signs of an allergy in an infant are:

- rashes of red color on the cheeks, buttocks, pope or limbs;


- increased gas formation.

It is for these reasons that it is recommended to introduce pine nuts into the diet of mother from the second month. You need to start the introduction with 2-3 nucleoli per day. Then you need to observe the condition of the crumbs for two days. If the child behaves as usual, rashes do not appear on his body, his stomach does not bother him, he is active and cheerful, you can add two or three kernels of pine nuts every two days. It is necessary to bring the amount to 30-40 g of this product, but no more.

It is very important to take into account the fact that the digestive system of the newborn is very weak. She is not able to digest heavy foods. This is especially true for children with a genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases and allergies.

The nutrition of a nursing mother should be as diverse as possible, since not only her own health, but also the condition of the child depends on him. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the diet contains fruits, vegetables, dairy and sour-milk products, as well as nuts that need to be selected depending on the reaction of the baby's body and the benefits for the mother and child.