
Osipova Evgenia: biography and personal life of the actress

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Osipova Evgenia: biography and personal life of the actress
Osipova Evgenia: biography and personal life of the actress

Video: Eugenie Liu (Triad Princess Actress) Lifestyle | Family | Net Worth | Biography | Age | FK creation 2024, July

Video: Eugenie Liu (Triad Princess Actress) Lifestyle | Family | Net Worth | Biography | Age | FK creation 2024, July

Are there many famous and talented actors who themselves went to their careers, all alone, without parents and outside support, in a foreign city? It’s not enough, because young people, and especially girls, left alone, think only about how to survive, work on several jobs, start a family early. Sad but true. Today we will talk about Evgeny Osipova, an actress who made her way to her goal step by step.

Osipova Evgenia Andreevna: biography

The girl was born in Tula on May 24, 1986. Evgenia Osipova, a biography whose personal life should have been very different, grew up in a disadvantaged area of ​​the city, where it was scary not only in the evening, but in the daytime to let the child go out alone.

Eugene said that there were only drug addicts around, ready to kill a person for the sake of a small amount of money, which was later spent on the next dose.

The girl’s parents were not wealthy, so they could not afford to move to another part of the city. I never thought of becoming an actress Osipova Eugene. The biography of the girl has developed as it is, due to the death of her father.

Family misfortune


My wife was only eight years old when she lost her father. She says that she remembers this evening as if it happened only yesterday. Her father came home from work and went to the shower. He shouted from the bathroom for his wife to bring him a towel. This was the last request of Pope Eugenia, his last words.

As it turned out at the autopsy, a blood clot came off and blocked the artery, death was quick. At this moment, Zhenya's non-drinking father was only thirty years old.

He did not drink at all, went in for sports, as Evgenia Osipova recalls. Her biography with the death of her father began to line up in a different scenario.

Escape to Moscow, work at McDonald's


Studying in the tenth grade, Zhenya moved to Moscow. One, without mom. There she searched for a long time for a school to which she would be accepted in the middle of the year, without a power of attorney from her parents. She was refused everywhere. But in one, there was still a director who was imbued with the story of the girl and accepted her for training.

So she became a Muscovite without registration Osipova Eugene. The biography of the girl was not easy at the time when Eugene was in a hurry from school not to a disco, but to work at McDonald's. She was paid five hundred dollars a month, which was enough for a fee for a rented apartment and for food.

Eugene says that if dad was alive, she would never leave Tula, would not become an actress. He loved her very much and would not let him go so far away, into a strange city.

Training and work in the theater, cinema


Studying in high school, the girl wanted to become a model. The figure and appearance completely allowed to realize this dream, but then decided to become Evgeny Osipova's actress. Her biography as an actress began with the end of GITIS.

She performed her first roles in the theater "At the Nikitinsky Gate". These were works for the diploma: "Over the Catcher in the Rye", "Women's" and "They Will Not Catch Us."

In 2007, she came to the Satire Theater, where she worked for a year.

Then she begins to act in films. All will remember her in the lead role in the film "The Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka". This was one of the first roles. The girl did perfectly. The directors noticed her and began to invite a beautiful and talented actress to shoot in their films and TV shows.

Another of the most successful work is a role in the youth television series "Closed School". The girl starred there when she was far from twenty years old, but her pretty face was quite drawn to school age. Here is such Osipova Evgenia.

The biography of the girl includes participation in other films:

  • "Red".

  • "Tower".

  • "Flies."

  • "I'm a detective."

  • "Champion".

  • "Abyss".

And many other interesting movies.

The role of Zhenya is always a sweet girl, untouchable. But still in 2011, she accepted the offer of XXL magazine to star in his pages. The girl has good external data, so she has nothing to hide! On these pages is a completely different, bold and predatory Osipova Eugene. The biography of the girl further became richer and more interesting.

And what about the personal life of the actress? We will tell about this.