
Paulownia (tree): description, care, growing, watering and reviews

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Paulownia (tree): description, care, growing, watering and reviews
Paulownia (tree): description, care, growing, watering and reviews

Video: Paulownia Tree Problems 2024, July

Video: Paulownia Tree Problems 2024, July

What is paulownia? The plant has long been grown in China. Because of its beauty and quality wood, the tree is also called the "sapphire" or "tree of the Empress."

Paulownia or adam tree

Paulownia is a very fast-growing tree. It has light wood, which is used in the manufacture of furniture, shelving, pressed materials, plywood, musical instruments. In Japan, there is even a very ancient custom. When a girl is born in the family, a paulownia tree is necessarily planted, and when she is going to get married, a chest for a dowry is made of it.


Even the Japanese sincerely believe that such a tree needs to be planted next to the house, then the Phoenix will certainly fly in and will protect the family, bringing good luck.

Paulownia is an unusual tree. As we have already noticed, it has several names. The current name came from the patronymic of the daughter of Emperor Paul, her name was Anna. But since ancient times, the Chinese called the plant a dragon tree, because dragons symbolized power. Another name for it is the Adam tree, he was named so for his ability to regenerate. Here is such an interesting plant paulownia.

Paulownia is a tree. How many species are there?

In China, there are twelve different species. The dragon family is represented by four varieties. Seven species of paulownia are currently distributed throughout the planet. They grow in places where there is a suitable humid and warm climate. Although the trees can withstand strong, but short-term frosts. Paulownia is a unique tree. Even if it was frozen, in the spring it revives again. New young shoots grow from the roots, which in open ground have time to grow three meters in height before the next cold weather. Paulownia is a tree that is valued not only for wood, but also for its magnificent flowering. Such beauty is not often seen.


The plant blooms in late spring. As a decorative culture, paulownia has long been loved all over the world because it has beautiful foliage, abundant beautiful bloom, and also grows rapidly.

Plant description

Paulownia is a tree with three-lobed or heart-shaped leaves. The leaf blade itself is green. Greens are a great backdrop for pink, cream, or bright purple flowers that are gathered in vertical brushes.


Pavlonia will appeal to those who want to grow a fast-growing tree and at the same time do not bother too much with care. A tree can grow in a tub, even when you try to grow from seeds, you will certainly get a good result. The plant begins to bloom in the third to fifth year. The plant blooms annually for six weeks.

A tree loves the sun very much, the more it is, the better. Withstands temperatures up to -17 degrees. In winter, drops all leaves. The plant does not like too wet soil.

Pavlonia in Russia

Paulownia is a tree that grows in natural conditions in the mountain tropics of western and central China. At home, the plant reaches six to eight meters. And how does it behave in our latitudes of paulownia? A tree in Russia is no longer quite like a tree. Rather, it is a giant grass that grows annually.

The leaves of the plant are pubescent on all sides, which is why they acquire a gray-green hue. At home, the size of the leaves on the tree reaches 15-20 centimeters, and some can grow up to thirty centimeters. You will be surprised, but in central Russia, the leaves of the plant grow even larger than in tropical conditions.


Everything is explained quite simply. As we have already said, the root system of a tree is more resistant to frost than the ground part. The trunk of the plant freezes every year. But the roots do not suffer at all, moreover, their number increases every year, and therefore the nutritional ability of the tree grows. Hence the unrealistic size of the leaves.

Paulownia flowers are painted in blue and purple. Outwardly, they look a bit like a bell, like a digitalis. Flowers are collected in inflorescences located at the end of twigs. Paulownia is a beautiful park plant, which is unusually effective during flowering. The rest of the time it attracts with the beauty of its greenery. Unfortunately, in Russia there is little place where this wonderful plant can open up fully. For this reason, some gardeners are trying to grow it in their plots. The tree is able to bloom and produce seeds only on the shores of the Black and Caspian seas, in the south of Primorye and even in the Kaliningrad region.

As we have already said, in central Russia, a tree regularly freezes in the winter, renewing only from the roots, thanks to sleeping buds. Flower buds are formed on the shoots of the previous year, and therefore the tree simply does not reach flowering in our latitudes.

Growing paulownia in the garden

Let's talk about how to plant an Adam tree (paulownia). Features of cultivation are that the plant is very fond of sunlight. So, you need to plant it in completely open places, where there is absolutely no shading. In addition, the root competition of trees must be taken into account, and therefore it is better not to plant the plant with crops that have large strong roots.


The southwestern part of the garden is quite suitable. It would be nice if the landing site was protected from the effects of northern winds and snowfalls. Sandy loam soils are considered warmer, they give a smaller increase, but the wood is much better ripen. Clay soil is colder; it warms up less. More moisture accumulates in such soil, which makes the wood ripen later. Therefore, we can conclude that on clay soils, the tree freezes faster than on light.

The plant tolerates the transplant quite well. Under the condition of rainy weather, paulownia can be transplanted all the first half of the summer. The plant can be propagated using pieces of roots that can be chopped off from the old plant. Such a seedling survives fairly well, although it has a damaged root system. He has enough strength to survive. This planting option is possible if there is a tree from which you can take a piece of the root.

How is paulownia propagated?

If there is no source plant, then you will have to buy a ready-made seedling in the nursery. The price for a paulownia tree can be quite different. It all depends on how many plants you want to purchase. As a rule, sellers set a more reasonable price for a bulk purchase. A single plant will cost you more. Naturally, if you get a seedling for your site, then you do not need a batch of one hundred pieces.


Gardeners very often lament on this score. That the price is very different, and to buy a batch of a hundred pieces is simply pointless. One seedling can cost around 400 rubles.

How to plant a plant and how to fertilize?

Before planting, the soil needs to be at least slightly cultivated. A pit is prepared with a depth of 60-70 centimeters. But in diameter, it can reach up to a meter. A good option for soil can be a sod mix of earth, sand and humus. Although the plant has sufficiently large leaves, it is very drought tolerant. Nevertheless, remember that in hot weather a tree needs watering. Otherwise, for him, the lack of water will be just a huge test. Leaves instantly hang, becoming sluggish. In very strong heat, they can burn on the edges.


However, as soon as the tree receives moisture, it will instantly recover. This is the beauty of this culture. Although the plant will grow in poor soil, consider the fact that it grows faster in fertile soil. The tree still needs humus. The main part of the fertilizer must be applied in the spring when digging the trunk circle. In mid-May, for example, humus can be added. Of course, there is little experience in growing this crop in our latitudes, but experienced gardeners advise using humus. According to reviews, the result of fertilizer application is obvious and gives a quick effect.

Crown formation

The formation of a tree is to give it the right kind. It all depends on what type of plant you want to get. As a rule, prefer a single-barrel tree. Therefore, in early spring it is necessary to break out or cut off excess pagons so that they do not take away the vitality of the plant, then it will grow faster.

Tree pests

Yes, do not be surprised. The plant is alien, and our pests threaten it. In central Russia, slugs are the main enemy of the tree. According to gardeners, at night, during damp, they climb trees and eat leaves, making them ugly.