
Pletneva Anna: biography, creativity

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Pletneva Anna: biography, creativity
Pletneva Anna: biography, creativity

Video: Anastasia Pletneva dance 2024, July

Video: Anastasia Pletneva dance 2024, July

Pletneva Anna is a talented singer, attractive girl and mother of many children. Do you know which path to fame she has made? Are you interested in a photo of Anna Pletneva and her marital status? The article contains true information about the popular singer. Enjoy your reading!


Anna Pletneva: biography

The star of Russian show business was born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. Her parents are professional musicians. They hoped that the daughter would follow in their footsteps. Mom and Dad instilled in Anna a love of music. And when the girl was 5 years old, she was recorded in a vocal studio.

Our heroine studied well at school. She had many friends. Teachers always praised Anechka for diligence and diligence. At school age, Pletneva was seriously carried away by the work of Presnyakov Jr. She attended all his concerts. And the walls in the girl’s room were hung with posters depicting an idol. Once, a brother brought her a piece of paper signed by the singer. Anna literally jumped to the ceiling with happiness. For 5 years she kept this piece of paper under her pillow. The girl dreamed of one thing - to perform on stage with Presnyakov. And soon fate gave her such an opportunity.


Anna Pletneva attended a school with in-depth study of subjects such as choreography and music. In 1995, she graduated from the walls of this institution. Then Anya entered the HCA them. Maimonides. Her choice fell on the pop-jazz department. The girl successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in the course of M. Korobkova.


Lyceum Group

Anna Pletneva wanted to become a popular singer and get an army of fans. In 1997, luck smiled at her. She became a member of the Lyceum group. This happened after one of the soloists, Lena Perova, was fired.

In 1991, the group "Lyceum" first appeared before the general public. The team took part in the television program "Morning Star". Cute and energetic girls performed the song “One of us” (ABBA). Their first composition in Russian was called Saturday Night. She sounded on the program "Muzoboz" in 1992. A few months later, the debut album Lyceum, House Arrest, appeared on sale.

In 1994, the group was awarded the Silver Microphone Award at the Ostankino Hit Parade. But that is not all. At the Song-95 festival, girls from the Lyceum were awarded the Ovation Award for winning the Opening of the Year nomination.

We can say that Anna Pletneva appeared in the group when her popularity was gaining momentum. A girl of 8 years old was a participant in the Lyceum. Together with other soloists, she traveled to dozens of cities in Russia and the CIS. The team has a huge number of fans. The fees of girls "lyceum students" were calculated in six-figure amounts.

In 2004, Anna Pletneva was forced to break the contract with the producer and leave the group. And the blame for everything is a high-profile political scandal. At that time in Ukraine there was a struggle for power. The main rivals were two Viktor - Yushchenko and Yanukovych. The Lyceum group was asked to speak in support of one or another candidate. Anna Pletneva flatly refused to go to Ukraine and sing for the new government. The producer of the group did not stand on ceremony with the obstinate singer and fired her. However, this did not upset our heroine. She had long been thinking about leaving the team.


Vintage Group: Anna Pletneva

Breaking the contract with "Lyceum", the singer did not stop making music. She was invited to work in the Coffee in the Rain group. The girl agreed. But soon the team broke up.

In 2006, Anna Pletneva met with Alexei Romanov, the former lead singer of the band once popular “Amega”. The guy wrote some beautiful songs. Anya really liked them. Pletneva invited Romanov to create a group. He answered with agreement. So in the Russian show business a new group appeared - "Vintage". Anna and Alex shared responsibilities. Romanov wrote songs and was responsible for the soundtrack. Pletneva became a soloist. There was no third party - a professional dancer. Soon her sweet and attractive girl Miya took her place.


Project success

The Vintage group quickly won the love of millions of listeners. Photos of Anna Pletneva and other members of the team could be seen in the most popular print media. The soloists' external and vocal data were highly appreciated not only by fans, but also by music critics.

Between 2006 and 2010 the Vintage group recorded and performed such compositions as:

  • “Mama Mia” (2006);

  • “All the best” (2007);

  • The Bad Girl (2007);

  • “Eve” (2009);

  • Mickey (2010);

  • “Roman” (2010);

  • Mom America (February 2011);

  • “Dance for the last time” (2012);

  • The Sign of Aquarius (2013);

  • “When you are near” (2014);

  • “Breathe” (2015).

Personal life

Anna Pletneva has always been in demand among men. Already in her school years, she had no end to fans. However, fleeting novels did not interest our heroine. She strove for a serious relationship.

Anna first got married in 2003. Unfortunately, the name, surname and occupation of her spouse were not disclosed. It is only known that he has nothing to do with show business. In this marriage, the daughter of Barbara was born. At first, family life was calm and happy. But soon the spouses lost mutual understanding. Quarrels and violent showdowns have become commonplace. At some point, Anna decided to divorce her husband. He supported her in this matter. Parting with her husband was hard given Pletneva. Nervous, she lost 10 kg. Friends and relatives did not recognize Anya. From a blooming beauty, she turned into a skinny girl with a sickly look. The only thing that helped to get the singer out of depression was work.


New marriage

Divorce did not break our heroine, but rather, tempered her character. Anya put personal life in the background and came to grips with her career. Her group "Vintage" every day became more and more popular. The daughter was pleased with her successes in kindergarten.

Over time, personal life also improved. Anna began a relationship with her longtime acquaintance - Cyril Syrov. He is a successful businessman. Their union with Anya lasted for several years. The daughter of the singer (Barbara) well received the new dad. Soon, the couple had common children. First a daughter was born, then a son. Anna Pletneva and her husband want more children.